End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Only diablo Immortal is an “mmo” cause random people show up in my game, and I didn’t invite them there

And D4 is gonna be that way too.

so just play D4? lol. Diablo 4 isn’t a “real” mmo.

I do play Diablo, and WoW. Too bad for you.

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If you like having gear that gets nerf’d before the next expansion launches then by all means go ahead. If you have to be in the middle of the action and see the entire story unfold in Raids then be my guest.

If you like to solo play then you can always buy gear on the AH if your iLvl is too low or craft it yourself. If you want to see the entire story without doing Mythic+ and Raids go watch the cutscenes on YouTube.

I would LOOOOVE to see Solo Players be able to hire mercenaries to join them in PvE (similar to Class Halls in Legion) and up their iLvl and transmog their appearance.



I don’t play diablo anymore. Mandatory grouping wow (upcoming dragonflight) will captivate my interest.

WoW doesn’t have mandatory grouping. You can option to group.


Okay, then we don’t need this solo accessibility option then. Cool.

That NPC option was for people that wanted to do dungeons. The game does not put a gun to someone’s head and make them do dungeons.

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People can choose to do the group content and prepare themselves for more. The kind of set up I was thinking of would be:

No loot except for the quest items needed and maybe gold to cover repairs
quest credit for whatever quests they have

In other words, the group content that is tied to quests have a “questor” option that can be used, this would be pretty much zero rewards except story progression, likely the NPC party, etc.

The fatal flaw of DF. Even SL will beat it by a mile in sales, and player retention.

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Eh, every new expac is always “the worst.” Wow is always “dying.” Heard it all before.

Lol what? WotLK is often heralded as the most solo friendly expansion in the game with the introduction of RDF and other accessibility functions. If you have to group in WotLK then you’re not very good at the game. When I was a dumb middle schooler with no knowledge about how death knights functioned, let alone the game itself, I still managed to level him up to 80 with little-to-no issues and very little grouping except wherein actual group quests occurred. Even then, I didn’t need to do those.

Okay, but we are not talking about this. We are talking about this comment:

For the longest time, WoW was a game that catered to solo players. So your statement is incorrect.

Also, this comparison:

Is actually hilarious to me because 3D Mario games actually do exist, so unless you’re stuck in the 80s and are speaking through a time fracture, your comparison speaks more to the fact that you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Funny how the most solo-unfriendly expansions like TBC and WOTLK had the most subs, but lose them when the game become a solo snooze fest that offers no challenge.

This proposed system sounds like so few people will use it, that it might not be worth programming. Blizzard built in quest scenarios are very different from retooled dungeons with npc tag alongs.

DF absolutely will. It will go the way of Wildstar if they cut out the colo players even more than they already have in beta!

I’ve leveled all the way through DF on beta and it never forced me to do a dungeon. It seems pretty similar to past expacs in that regard.

Played TBC and Wrath the whole time and was never bord. I only raided Kara and SSC in TBC, and did heroic dungeons and raided normal raids in Wrath. But when i was not doing those things, there was a metric crap ton of solo content to also do.

I really wish they would allow Solo non dungeon/raiders get REALLY good gear as a solo player. Its kinda defeating to see someone do 5-7 times more damage than you do at all times. Heck PVP is almost 300iLeveL, so I could stand there and do little and get that if I felt like it but I dont want that.

Do you live under a rock, or do I gotta update you, and then remind you as to WHY it happened? Let me know.

… and that is happening (and has been for years) in retail on an almost comedic level. People are making alts from 1-60 in 1-2 days. Chromie Time is such a nerfed joke, you have no way of dying to mobs unless you’re genuinely afk.

How are you actually whining about this when your solo-friendly example from Wrath is now magnitudes exacerbated for solo players today? The game has literally never been easier, which is a prevailing theory as to why it can’t retain players, and is losing out to Classic.

It never catered, it only provided the basics. Solo content was never a priority of the devs, which is a sentiment they clearly carry to this day (and seems to be getting even rigid in DF)

You’re not very good at this …

Massively open worlds that are for the solo player ACTUALLY DO EXIST - LIKE SKYRIM!
