End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Maybe not substitute as much as placing a band-aid on a broken bone set up. The issue is if you try to change players, you get responses like:
I can treat others how I want
you are not the boss of me
why should I change for them

The thing is the ones that do these responses also tend to be the ones against making the game more accessible or come out against QoL features for those of a less abled nature. It does not occur to them that such is being asked for because of them and their ilk.

The core issue is, and will always be, the players, but we can’t fix the core issue unless/until people WANT to change.

Because people’s so-called fixes removes something important to wow. “Forced” group content.

By that same token, maybe some treat others badly because they are “forced” to group with them.

But they aren’t. People are free to kick and free to leave.

Really? ESO online is a MMO, and it caters heavily to the solo player.

Love how the meaning of MMO is used so wrong by so many. MMO does not, and never will mean Massively Multiplayer Online Grouped Content Only! If it were the, the classification of the game, and the meaning of MMO would have to change, and it would have to apply to the new acronym of MMOGCO!

Stop misusing the meaning of MMO please.


MMO is an acronym for Massively Multiplayer Online.

I understand changings words and their meaning is synonymous for “i have no real argument”, but jeeze.

Try to at least come up with a bad argument rather than none.

You can’t make this up lol

They are if they want to get things done. They might be free to kick or free to leave, but eventually if the latter they will have to bite the bullet and group with others.

If the only way to get something done, like class campaign, is in group content then you have to choose if you want to complete that or not under the current system, most would LIKE TO COMPLETE SUCH.

I am surprised no one thought of this before: If it is for class/covenant story, players can use their class/covenant troops/members as NPCs as long as they have the quest. Once the quest is completed, they can’t use such again.

We’ve had this discussion so many times.

Just because it’s an MMO doesn’t mean people play it for the group content. One of the main appeals of an MMO for many people is the concept of sharing a world together.

No matter how many times people want to skew the concept of an MMO, it will never change the fact that WoW was originally pioneered as a game where you could play solo. That was one of it’s bigger selling points when it came out as it was stacked against games like Everquest and FFXI, where grouping was an absolute requirement.


making very easy group content “mandatory” is not a problem.
People can just… not complete it.

This is blatantly false on so many levels.

I’ve played this game since its inception; it was ALWAYS about the social/group aspect, and was even used as the proto-social media before even facebook was a thing. Even the most redundant tasks like questing were originally so difficult, they demanded groups to complete.

People are enjoying classic more than retail because of the demanded social element, which in turn, creates actual communities.

Stop ignoring definitions to hide what your whining is really about - you think the world revolves around you, and a group-based game should cater to your solo desires. You’re apparently too stubborn to go play a game that already does, like Skyrim, so stick around trying to get “the best of both worlds”.

Why do i need an argument? I was stating a fact.

A massively multiplayer online game (MMOG or more commonly MMO) is an online video game with a large numbers of players, often hundreds or thousands, on the same server. MMOs usually feature a huge, persistent open world, although there are games that differ.

Just stop. But you will not. You just love trying so hard to be the only right person on these forums.



Yes, and that means you are online with other players. It doesn’t say that you are playing together.


It was literally advertised on the back of the original box, chief. Nothing false about it.

Yes about the social aspect, no about the group aspect.

We have classic that fundamentally proves this statement incorrect.


You ever heard of these interesting things called 'Bad Faith Arguments"?

How about splitting hairs?

If not, just take my advice; don’t engage in them.

It’s not bad faith at all. There are other MMOs out there with solo content and a lot of it. Even on the box for WoW originally said play solo OR with others. It never said ONLY with others.


can play Diablo Immortal for the complete solo MMO and cash shop experience.

It should not be.

Or, get this, people can not be donkey’s rear ends to others and let them get what they need done.

I mean a lot of what you are against might not have even been brought up had the one with the handicap had been able to complete what they needed to, like if they need an item from a final boss, they should be allowed to get it, without being kicked, or, as long as they have credit for the kill, it item is AUTO LOOTED to them of sent in the mail.

it is not about the difficulty of the content, it is about needing others to let you get what you need done, done.


You can play any version of Diablo for a solo experience. You can play a lot of WoW for a solo experience, ESO, FFXIV, SWTOR, etc.


It should not be.

Why should it not be? Letting people experience group content so they can be ready for more.

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…are you trolling or doing this by accident? Wth are you even talking about LOL.

The grouping in WOTLK is 1000% more demanded than retail, countering your previous dribble of:

Yes … duh … it advertised you can make a character by yourself, level by yourself, and enjoy the world by yourself. It did NOT advertise you can do EVERYTHING by yourself, raid by yourself, get the best loot by yourself, etc

Do better.