End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I don’t play FFXIV so I can’t try it. You’re describing it like it isn’t faster, but that’s logically impossible.

Because you are thinking they are some op factor that carries people. It’s not like that at all.

I’m thinking NPCs are flawless, and someone just needs to do 1x dps to complete the same activity. No need to worry about party performance, just yourself. Actual players can die to mechanics because they don’t know or don’t care, but NPCs shouldn’t?


NPCs do die to stuff and you can fail if you don’t pay attention. And if you are a healer, you still need to heal them and everything. It’s like playing with people, it’s just not real people.

But if you aren’t a healer? Do you just try again? A mage for example can’t really save anyone.

You don’t have to heal if you aren’t a healer. If you are dps, you have to manage mechanics and make sure that you pay attention to what others are doing to do mechanics effectively. And it’s not a tank and spank sort of situation. They don’t do the type of damage where you can just zoom through everything. You have to put in effort.

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Proving grounds 2.0. It is way more complicated than just NPC tag along buddies for a dungeon. A normal dungeon? most people just blast.

There is no being carried, that’s for sure. And in normals and above, you can have someone group up with you that carries everyone. With NPCs that never has the possibility of happening.

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You just do 1x damage to blast through the dungeon cause most things are tank and spank. Any mechanics are simply a healer problem.

You can’t have adequate challenge without a drastic redesign with npc tag alongs.

It’s not, but it only continues to undermine group content and further alienate players from one another. The degeneration of the community over the past few years stems from the lessened need to group with people to complete content.

Depends on the dungeon and where you are at ilvl wise. Because the NPCs don’t scale down or up. They stay at that level with the dungeon.

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It doesn’t undermine anything when you can still do group content. If less people are opting to group up, it might be a community problem. But I don’t have a problem finding groups.


Who the heck plays an MMO, then demands it caters to their solo-needs?

That’s like playing a side-scroller game like Mario, then demanding the company give you a flushed out, 3D experience.

If you wanna solo big open worlds, I recommend the Elder Scrolls games like Skyrim, or wait till they drop Hammerfell - Not MMOs

But you will if you people can just hire a bunch of mercenary npcs to do content with rather than actual players.

Hasn’t happened in games that have it. Because it’s easier to do a dungeon with actual people than NPCs.

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If they do this, then maybe they realize that people are: dumb, panicky, selfish animals.

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I have always found it peculiar these outlandish, unsubstantiated claims you people seem to make about systems that coexist in other games without having a major impact on the overall social experience.

Like you guys say people will have problems finding groups if you can just hire a bunch of NPCs to run a dungeon with, something that is easily disproven by the existence of FFXIV’s trust system and low queue times.

The reality is that you have no idea what would happen if such a system was put into the game. We only have other games to extrapolate from, and other games indicate that it’s not an issue.



WOW! Isnt that what this game is all about? Running lower keys for gear,so you can move to higher keys? Run raids from normal, over gear it, then move to the next level? Then after mythic raids, you run players in your guild through lower raids to gear their alts in whats called carries, or speed runs because you seriously out gear the content??


It seems like we agree the problem is the players and that is what needs to change. But your prior post seemed to imply that changing the core gameplay could substitute for this and is easier. Easier for sure but I don’t think it’s a substitute. I think if you change core gameplay the toxic players that gatekeep and treat people poorly will continue to do so they just might adjust how they do it.