End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Which is something you made up and not the conversation being had here so you must be trolling.


So that poster is the most physically challenged person in the world that plays wow?

Skeptical there.

Not saying that at all. The conversation with that player is about them wanting an NPC to help them through dungeons. So they can stick to their own pace. You took that to assume that itā€™d lead to autoplay based on some fictional situation you created in your head. Something not even being talked about here. And take it down the most extreme path on purpose to try to invalidate their request and accessibility itself.


But see thatā€™s what that poster wants. What if someone else comes along and wants it even easier than the current implementation? Why not accommodate them?

Normal mode is easy enough, that we donā€™t need a mirror of it, like there is for LFR and raids.

Then they are free to make the request and Blizz is free to decide what to do about it. But there is nothing in this thread suggesting making the game autoplay. So at least stick to the subject and not fallacies.


They are free to make a request, and Iā€™m free to disagree. So we donā€™t end up with another ā€œno flying is good, rite?ā€ So sayeth hardcore anti-flyers because it ruins the immersions.

Pathfinder is a pox on the game. With dragon riding, think thatā€™s going by the wayside.

You arenā€™t disagreeing with anything actually suggested. Just whining that the NPC option would lead down some slippery slope of some autoplay mobile game.

Yeah with that now I know you are trolling.


I disagree with a difficulty thatā€™s even easier than normal, and itā€™s solo to boot.

You donā€™t have to play it if it would be thing. Itā€™d be an option.


Just like how people are free to not use LFD for example. People will be ā€œforcedā€ to use it because the old way will die out.

Itā€™s not even remotely similar. Itā€™s more similar to people trying to run Plaguefall currently solo for the mount and people running in groups. Itā€™s an option.


The mount is an achievement. Group play is the norm.

If equal rewards, replace party members with NPCS cause party members suck, then just do the dungeon even faster. As for creating a loot tier below even normal, thatā€™s kinda a joke.

It would displace people that currently do normals.

Doing dungeons with NPCs is not faster.

And in games that have it, it has not replaced doing dungeons with groups. Your worry is unfounded.


Why would it not be faster for NPCs to do stuff for you? Your dps is the only thing that matters. No need to worry about the groupā€™s performance.

Because the NPCs work much like regular players. They donā€™t do anything faster and they are not OP. You still have to worry about what theyā€™ll do, and be mindful of which ones have picked up which mechanic. You should actually try a mode like it before criticizing it.

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Thatā€™sā€¦not how that works at all. Tell me one single player game like that.

So NPCs that intentionally stand in fire and die? Sounds like ultra frustrating.

If you are in a lot of groups like that, I wonder why you even like group content.


Group content when new has very bad players. After a point, bad players come again because everyone good moved past it.

Either NPCs fail just like real players or theyā€™re a non-factor, and you just pewpew till everything is dead.

Itā€™s not a pewpew, everything is dead sort of scenario. Again you should play it first before being up in arms about it.