End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Correct. For example: I’m leveling this Toon, now in Korthia. Many times a 62 Elite will spawn and I’ll have no players to help me take it down. I’ll post a pin on it hoping for other players. But none show up. So since I can’t take them down I have to skip it and move on. Playing Solo in Korthia should award enough gear to take any of them down, but nope. 242 gear is way too low. Korthia should be awarding at least 270 gear to Solo the entire zone.

The only way for my to get this Toon to 242 was to use the AH. Trying to get a high enough level to take down the 62’s. But, alas, it’s not going to happen.

Sure, I could go to ZM, but I can’t stand that crappy place. Leveled two Toons there. That’s the last time. ZM sucks.

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Korthia is old content at the end of an expansion. No one is doing it.

And no Korthia is never going to award higher gear than what it did during 9.1 when it was relevant :man_facepalming:t3:

Yes, I know.

So why are you under the impression Korthia should award higher than gear than it does?

I’m glad Blizz isn’t as close-minded as you are. They have been trying to make the game more accessible and have accessibility testers. There is room in this large game for both solo and group content. Stop acting like it’d take anything from you.

Btw, legally blind people can still play this game. Blindness isn’t always total blindness. Don’t be so ignorant.


Why does Blizzard need to turn WOW into an idle game because some people can’t physically play and rather just watch?

Youtube exists.

It’s asking for an even easier difficulty than normal, which is already faceroll.

It wouldn’t need to be an idle game to be more accessible. The fact you think that says everything. People just were telling you why they stick with solo. You fly off the handle about that telling them to leave. You’re being weird.


But it would. Some people can’t physically play due to whatever ailments, and the characters would need to do everything automatically themselves. There is ALWAYS someone that can’t meet the current bar. (And yes, there are MMOs with autoplay.)

They didn’t say they can’t play. They said they have to play in short spurts. Which solo content allows them to do.

Stuff like having color blindness settings, no shake settings, assisted dragon riding, other flying options… those all help people. And don’t make it an idle game.

No one suggested making it autoplay. That’s what you stomped your feet and suggested because you have no idea what accessibility would even include.

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I guess I just don’t see it that way. If a player is happy in their current guild, then they won’t leave, and if they aren’t and another guild comes along and offers them a place to raid, they will take it.

This specific person wanted NPC AIs cause a normal dungeon was too taxing for them. Take the next person that wants even more, eventually, you end up with autoplay. Or where would you draw the line? And why would you draw it there?

Other MMOs have NPCs assist in dungeons and it’s not idle. So what you are saying is not at all relevant to what they were saying.

Accessibility is not some slippery slope to hell.


But it’s not hell. It’s just one further step of accommodation.

Which isn’t a bad thing.


So we do arrive at autoplay.

No it doesn’t have autoplay.


Why not? Some people can’t comprehend a rotation or move their characters well (directionally challenged.) etc. Current mode is too hard for them, it needs to be even easier and faster.

Whatever low bar it’s set at, someone will end up below it. What about those people?

That’s a fallacy and not an actual argument. If you are gonna try to go against accessibility, at least try to be honest and sincere about it.


Maybe the dungeon is not too taxing in and of itself, but the gogogo, race to the finish, if you can’t keep up you are trash, attitude of the common random player is why they want NPC AIs.

This is what is known as a slippery slope fallacy, might it happen? sure, but will it happen? who knows.

I’m sincere that whatever new easy mode, someone will find it too hard or difficult to be enjoyable or too taxing physically.