End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Not everyone is disabled, so no, it does not. There are people that like progression, there are those that don’t, wow balances it all or tries to.

Is that true though? The top mmo right now has NPCS you can group with, and leans away from needing to be social to enjoy the game. and also praised for being disable friendly.

The core concept of a game can be design around letting people enjoy the content at his own pace, that is it. Giving a carrot for players to chase, and many paths for them to chase it in all end up in same spot. Harder content gets said carrot faster and cooler looks.

It is a common sense design.

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Which top mmo? FFXIV? like how wow playerbase looks at it with mockery or they’d be playing it ( Just a few that cross over.)

I mean wow player base is the lowest tier of a community. So it does not matter what they think about the game. I play all mmos, and seen many communities. All have flaws, but wow player base is the same as league of legends. It ruins the game, and makes people not want to be social.

Final Fantasy rised to the top for a decent story, and being solo friendly. Even mocking wow with giving flying right at the start.

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Idk every game’s playerbase sucks for people that dwell within them. Like the only community that constantly shills its awesomeness is crypto.

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Then people have to change, you keep saying that the core gameplay does not have to change, yet did you ONCE offer to help someone that was disabled or point out resources they can use?

The core game might not need to change, and it likely does not, but it is likely seen to be easier to change that then player attitudes towards others. I just see some of this argument as “if x was better, y would not be asked for, yet y is asked for because x is the lowest of the low”


More than likely played with disabled people and didn’t notice. Not everyone expects the world to cater to them, so they do a much better job of blending in.

Everything has to be weighed against cost in dev time. Also game’s health / projected health. Some people hate LFD and how it “destroyed” community.

Well, it is one thing that unless someone speaks up, one might not know, like the one you were talking to did not say if they told their group if they were disabled or not.

Does that include people treating others as people? Might I suggest instead of focusing on the mechanics, you think on how you/we as players can improve the community so requests for changes ti mechanics disappear?

Well, in a way it did, by removing responsibility for one’s actions while in group. But that is more due to how people think they can act when others don’t know them,


Treat people as people, same as everyone else instead of granting people pity points. Some people can’t afford good hardware or play with stable internet connection, it’s my choice how much of that I want to tolerate.

Tons of circumstances impact in-game performance.

Well, currently, that appears to be 0

I think a good way of treating others would be CURE


It’s not zero. I’ve put up with people’s poor internet connections at times. Also guild is different from randoms. People often mistake reasonable accommodation as complete accommodation.

Hard disagree. MLB made no changes for Jim Abbott but that didn’t stop him playing 10 years and throwing a no hitter in 1993. Many people with disabilities don’t want others to change for them. They want you to treat them as your equal, not some sort of lesser being because of the disability that needs your pity and/or handicap.

This isn’t even how many single player games are designed. You want the best weapon in that single player game? You have to kill the hardest boss in the game. Not kill the easiest boss 400 times…

Most of the best Final Fantasy weapons from any game in the franchise are obtained by random encounters, exploration, or just by grinding.

Witcher 3’s gear are often locked behind exploration and puzzles.

That is not the case at all? Some rpgs you get the best weapon due to storyline choices you make. That was a strange take.

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I’m sorry…what?!

This is actually outlandish. The League community isn’t even in the same celestial plane as the WoW community when it comes to toxicity. WoW absolutely has some vile folks in it’s community no doubt, but League is down right radioactive.

And you act like our community has not been like that? We drove CMs to quit. We had protests just to crash servers. We had raiding guilds put spys in other guilds to leech players.

Just look at how classic players treat each other. Wow community is just as bad. Lets not ignore the history of what we have done.

True, but there is a reason why I said either the core game has to change or people have to change, in fact you touch on it in this very post.

Who is to say that some feel like they are not being treated as an equal, it is an online game after all, and with people not knowing who you are on the other side of the screen gives some the impression they can treat others like trash.

You and others call out not treating handicapped people as lesser beings that needs pity and/or handicap, but maybe the issue lies with those that treat handicapped people as lesser beings that deserve nothing but derision, cruelty, etc. In other words, maybe the issue is the ones that act like schoolyard bullies who pick on those they perceive as weaker then them.

I can’t comment on the first two simply because I’m not familiar with these things but this…

…is not toxic. Poaching is extremely normal in raiding. You’re looking to get the best players you can for your team, and if you find out that good players are on other, potentially worse teams, you have no reason to not reach out to them. This happens in the corporate world just as much.

It is pretty toxic for being that hyper competitive that you need to leech players from guilds, and prevent smaller guilds to be built up because bigger guilds steals players, the fact that it even comes to that and the level of people went that far over a game is toxic. and Yes corporate world can be toxic also.

The point is, the player base is not that great.