End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Every time I have joined a guild in order to progress to end-game content I have regretted it.


Wanting to not even partake in extremely low difficulty multiplayer content in an MMO is not a valid complaint.

Yet wanting to yet feeling unable to IS, and to me her complaint is more along those lines.

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It is because of the community. Part of what makes a MMO is community, and people are more willing to try group content, if the community has a rep for being kind and helpful.

I donā€™t even understand why Blizzard has this stance against Soloers myself. WOW became HUGE because of that. Before wow, we had to do camp checks, and had to wait hours for a group just to get exp.

Blizzard forgot its roots on why it became huge.

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What we often see in the forum is posters like this, defending changes that have removed accessibility and blaming players who no longer have access to the content they used to do by saying that they are the ones who want the game changed.

No. The game has been made less accessible. Putting down players who want to continue to play as they always did by saying that anyone who cannot deal with these changes should quit the game is gaslighting. I mean, seriously. A level 10 forum alt pushing an ableist agenda hard? Hmm, I wonder which Blizzard employeeā€™s forum alt she isā€¦


The game has only increased in accessibility from pretty much every expac.

Make, friends.

I have, and it is slim pickings. Wow community is not the best place to do that.

And the people who I made friends with. Enjoy solo content more than group.


That might be true from a system or mechanical PoV, but one could argue that players have made the game less accessible in spite of the things Blizzard put in place.

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Really? You are tearing apart a disabled person and telling them to quit the game because it has never been accessible and never should be, and now youā€™re trying to claim itā€™s more accessible?

You canā€™t have it both ways. You canā€™t try to drive away players who used to be able to play, lie and say the game was never accessible and they are asking for it to be changed, and then claim the game is more accessible than ever.

Hint: The fact that you feel empowered to order disabled people to quit your game proves that you want it to be made even more inaccessible.


No, itā€™s people UNWILLING to group or even socialize.

Bad faith arguments at best. We went from raid or die to very much not that.

and what could cause such in some but

If this is how some act, who would WILLINGLY put themselves through such?


I mean the point is. Wow being solo friendly is what made it a success. That is just a fact. Even classic compare to other mmos during that time.

I mean we have so many choices now with MMOS, and future ones coming out. It is not a big deal for me that wow wants to make this mistake of forcing people to socialize, and depend on others to get enjoyment out of the game. If they really want to make that mistake, I will gladly watch the wreck. Either way I will get my full money worth out of the game, either watching it do well, or crash and burn.

I donā€™t need wow to get enjoyment out of mmos. It would be nice to have it, but i donā€™t need it.


Bad groups are overblown. If someoneā€™s constantly having problems, the problem is them.

But see, there are many more solo-friendly mmos yet WOW remains dominant.

Wow became dominant because of its solo friendly ways, and when they turned away from it. Lost that crown.

I canā€™t wait to see the future myself. Like I said, I will get my enjoyment either watching it crash and burn, or succeed.


WOW is ā€œrelativeā€ solo friendly.

Sure, that might be, but know what it sounds like in this case? ā€œit is their fault they are disabled, why should I have to adapt for them?ā€. This is one case where the problem could be the one complaining, but it is also one they might not have much control over.


ā€œit is their fault they are disabled, why should I have to adapt for them?ā€.

Itā€™s unrealistic for core game design to change just due to one personā€™s disability.

Hey, either the core game design has to change, or people have to change, and which do you think will appear easier to most?

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