End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Personally I just want to eventually get the same loot for the same amount of work. Don’t want to group up with social misfits to get the loot sooner.


Thing is, if it awards gear, some raiders will complain that they “have to do it”. So the question becomes “How can challenging solo content be optional, fun/engaging, challenging and remain optional for those that do other content?”.

There are complaints on the forums about everything.

I had surgery and a long recovery then.

Some are more constant and popular than others. Horific visions was one of those.

Explain to me what it hurts to have an endgame loop for solo content.


So was everything else about every other expac. It doesn’t mean that most people didn’t like it. Because the larger portion of the player population isn’t even on the forums.

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Do you just respond without reading ? Already addressed that.

Like you’re not going to claim the complaint about Covenant switching in 9.0 being locked is on the same level as the complaint about drop rates on Sandworm relic will you ?

End the war on solo gameplay!


No because I’m not talking about either of those things. I’m talking about Horrific Visions. And I’ve personally seen more people that liked them than didn’t. If you’ve seen more that don’t, both are anecdotal.

I read your message. You think because people don’t like something on the forums, that all people didn’t like it. Based on very limited information.


Yes, which was complained about massively more than Sandworm relics dropping.

By the casual crowd no less.

Because of the timer and limited attempts making it hard.

No you didn’t.

If there’s 200 threads of 500+ posts on the same subject, vs 1 thread with 10 posts, there’s kinda of a pattern there that’s noticeable. To give both complaints equal weight is daft.

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On the forums, based on your anecdotal experiences.

And there is an untold amount of people that play this game. Likely beyond those number of posts. And there’s no way to know how many of those posts are by the same person on alt accounts.

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That’s a nice dodge attempt.

But you’d hear the same things in /say in the Chamber of the Heart.

Prove it and prove it’s most of the population.


Let me get my time machine to go take screenshots.

You wouldn’t know anyway, you weren’t there because of surgery.

Sheesh, such passionate people be on the forums today.

Though to add my take on “ending the war on solo gameplay in World of Warcraft”.

Boils down to this, if I can get good gear from professions that allow me to do that which I want without issue, then great. If not, then life goes on. I mainly just do open world stuff, quest, crafting, and some queueable dungeons and maybe LFR at times anymore. Only content I find joy in.

Though with that said if what I like to do is not fun then I will just leave the game for a time and come back later perhaps, or maybe not.

Just my two coppers.


Just quietly take the L


Recovering from surgery wasn’t through the entire thing just near the end. And recovering from surgery doesn’t mean being away from the world. Just not actively able to play the game for that time.

Raiimir? Take the L?

You must be new here lmao


On the fact Horific visions were complained about ?

No, I’m not going to pretend something that did happen didn’t happen.

It’s a reason we got the crappy version of Torghast we did, because people complained that the Horific Vision system wasn’t engaging.

So after people that would typically complained had stopped running the content.

This is why I don’t like grouping with these social misfits.