End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I’m not here to discuss things in your imagination. I play this game with other people, I’m on social media. A lot of interactions can be done mobile. I still knew what was going on with the game. The only thing I could not do was play.

You missed the point completely. Solo players have zero progression with this last patch and that does not feel good.


Oh, I made it all up now.

Like I guess I’m making up the complaints about flying at the start of WoD that resulted in Pathfinder.

Or like I probably made up all the complaints about Azerite gear and neck levels prompting Blizzard to lower the requirements so you wouldn’t be stuck waiting on neck levels to get back your traits as you upgraded your gear.

Or like I’m probably making up all the brouhahaha about pulling the ripcord and Covenants.

How convenient you can just dismiss history like that. Some complaints are more sustained and held by more people than others. Horific Visions was one of those.

No you are not making up people complaining. What you are making up is that it was most of the casual population. When you don’t have those numbers. And claiming this all happened exactly when I was recovering, lol.

How weird.

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I would stop I don’t think he’s engaging in good faith.


Yeah you are likely right. He’s probably one to put on ignore.

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Yes yes. I’m just making it up. Just like no one actually complained about flying in WoD.

I mean, they removed the timer and gear from Torghast because of those very complaints, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

There are variations in this thread.

  1. Those that want to understand others and have discussions so that both parties can reach an understanding or a better solution for all.

  2. Those that seem to dislike solo players and broadly generalize about their lacking skill.

  3. Those that want to protect the current way of things (this seems to be the Heroic/Mythic raider crew and some M+ folks typical stance).

  4. Those we know as Trolls.

  5. Those that want a solo progression system that increases in difficulty to justify stronger gear rewards.

  6. Those that want greater gear rewards for long term commitment not based in greater difficulty or forced grouping.

  7. Those that just want high level gear regardless of activity because they pay the same sub as everyone else.

I’m sure there are a few more in here but it seems to mostly boil down to these. I am a mix of 1 and 5.


6, half of 3, and 4.

Some solo players move into group content as time goes on and they get more comfortable playing the game. Especially if they are enjoying the game.

Also solo players can bring their friends in who might want group content.

Either way more players are good for the game.


This is all true. But if you are trying to increase the pool to draw players from for group content is adding more solo content that attracts mostly solo players the best strategy?

Blizzard is failing at solo content because it outright refuses to provide solo content, or refuses to provide power-related rewards for it (e.g. Torghast).

Solo content in no way equates to “doing nothing” and never has. The bulk of WoW’s early expansions consisted of the leveling experience in the open world, which was 100% soloable in stark contrast with concurrent MMOs. WoW became the undisputed king of MMOs precisely because it afforded solo players a fulfilling gameplay experience.

Dragonflight will possibly offer less solo content than even WoD—which saw such a massive decline in subs that Blizzard stopped publishing specific numbers. Raids were great, but solo players left in droves rather than be satisfied with garrisons as their only endgame.

We are. And you should not be encouraging it if you want WoW to continue producing content.


rpg vs mmorpg vs orpg…

It’s just one positive of having more people in the game. I don’t think just purely trying to increase player numbers in group content is the answer. As that has lead to the game trying to push players into group content which leads to them leaving from no solo content.

Ultimately I just think WOW needs more players playing. That leads to more money for development. So everyone can enjoy more of what they like.


Hook them with the solo content, as they get used to the game and improve, reel them in with group content they can do with friends while keeping decent solo content they can do if their friends are not available.

I’d argue Blizzard is doing that but we still get constant threads crying about solo players being “forced” to do multiplayer content and vice versa.

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Because most, if not all, content overlaps or leaves their lane. Overlap is fine, don’t get me wrong, but why can’t raiders gain rep and materials in raid?

Think of it more like no one is forced to do content they don’t like, but there are few, if any, options to get what they need or want in the content they do like. This colors the experiences with content darker, and makes people less willing to stay in game if they don’t like the ways to get what they are after.

Just as an example, for Kotrhia, I would have made the currency for sockets and the like drop in raid, sure the ones that did Korthia as well as raid might get the currency faster/in larger amounts, but those that wanted to min/max and ignore Korthia could do so.

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Solo-minded players not graduating on to group content is fine. That’s why open world and/or soloable endgame progression is essential.

Group content players will not have to be forced to do any other content in DF, now that player power has been divorced from the open world and there is no soloable instanced content like Torghast. Yet devs still nuked open world gear rewards to oblivion for yet another consecutive expansion.

Group content players’ complaints were never legitimate, as group content has always awarded ample AP gains, conduit upgrades, and other sources of secondary power. It is the top 1% that couldn’t stop themselves from farming content endlessly that got these systems changed.

This is the point that elitist players ignore. They would rather the game serve their egos than be successful again. And so they make the preposterous claim that not catering to solo and casual players somehow results in a larger playerbase.


Well after getting word that high end crafting gear will require Mythic Raid acquired reagents to craft I decided I will be taking two gathering professions and just milk the raiders all Xpac rather than craft like I had been planning.

World content is a bust for gearing due to comical I-lvl rewards so that’s off the table which means I will do REP grinds for cosmetics and skip the rest.

Now what remains of my preferred play is PvP which is where I will focus my time in DF between Rated Solo Shuffle, Rando BG’s and World PvP (Ganking raiders doing their rep grind quests).

Final result… I will have less to do with 2 of my 3 play choices off the table which will lead to shorter time played and an earlier sub cancelation, my guess is about 3 months post DF launch.

Not a result: I have not decided to engage “Group play” I heal in PvP but have no interest in Raids or M+ I find it redundant and thus boring not to mention over the past 15 years I have been in more than enough guilds to know I don’t care for the drama that will inevitably occur.

To those that think the answer to solo play is to “get more comfortable and skilled at the game so you can group” That’s pretty condescending… I will see you on your Rep grind… Make sure to turn on WM :skull_and_crossbones:


I believe that open world players will be able to craft Normal raid iLvl gear by obtaining soulbound reagents through treasures, etc., but in my opinion crafting should be an option rather than required. (I want gear to come from my content, and gold to go to sub time or other luxuries.)

You could theoretically farm gold by selling ore and herbs, then put in work orders. Crafters will probably be willing to craft for even low commissions, because they gain skill points from fulfilling work orders. The system may be a mess, though, because either the crafter or the crafter can supply the mats—and the crafter may or may not use the missives or other optional reagents that you request.

If you need gear only to do PvP, the Conquest gear in DF will be very high iLvl (on par with Mythic raid iLvl) when in actual PvP content, so you should be fine after you have earned a full Conquest set from unrated PvP and/or Solo Shuffle. I just hope that the Conquest grind is not too insane.