End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

He doesn’t have that authority either.

Yet here he is.

Waving his badge around.


His opinion is as valid as yours.

I don’t think he sees it that way.

Pride has nothing to do with it.

Maybe swallow your own pride and stop demanding things.

lol, how many times have you compared raid records now?

That has nothing to do with pride and everything to do with credibility on discussing raiding.

There’s no difference with you.

There is a difference. Not my fault if you can’t discern the difference.

Ever stop to ask yourself why after every interaction we have you’re the one that’s always mad?

Not with you, you’ve burned too many bridges on this forum.

Not mad at all.

You’ve just assumed I am because you have to believe that I am.

I think you’re getting frustrated now since I’m tearing holes in your narrative.

God of projecting goes to you sir.


I havent burned any bridges. The people worth talking too still talk to me.

Your post history and need to troll disprove that.

Its not a unfair assumption.

I think youre delusional because you havent torn holes in anything.

In fact multiple people have disagreed with you today lol

What would I be projecting?

I cant wait to laugh at this.

I think most people don’t talk to you since they don’t want to waste their time.


Google the definition.

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Good thing I dont care what you think. Never have and never will.

You made the claim and now cant actually back it up.

Pretty cringe

I think they’ve got you nailed.

I love cringe. Thank you for the compliment.


I have backed all my claims so no they havent.

That explains everything

Glad I could help :ok_hand:t2:

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