End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I’m way behind on this thread and i’m not reading another 400 posts to catch up but the new crafting system is looking really promising for all players if they don’t lock regent upgrades behind mythic clears or whatever

Happy to see DF add more non gameplay altering things to exalted reputations too


People are gonna complain no matter what.

(I mean, I’d be ok with just unleashing it with no gates. Let people max out in 3 days if they want to play 72 hours straight. But of course people can’t be responsible enough to handle that so we’re stuck with artificial controls.)

This is an RPG. Setting a bar for substandard, average, or better is asinine. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. People who are skilled to a certain degree in the game want a quicker and easier path to gear and to deny everyone else who is not as skilled as they… In an RPG. Does it make you feel special personally that you are good at WoW and that others who are less skilled can’t gear as easily (or not at all) like you can. Does it boost your self esteem that others can’t do what you can in a trivial game such that they cannot attain the same level with any amount of time and effort no matter how hard they try?


Anyone who uses gatekeeping or claims there’s gatekeeping isn’t smart enough to claim anything.

So that’s you out I guess.


Who says I’m any good at wow? I’m just mature enough to be ok with what I can get at my skill level.

Maybe stop using buzzwords and try to actually make a valid point.

I did.

You go around the Blizzcon making claims that solo players are entitled and ruining WoW then they’ll throw you out.

That is if you can resist barring entrance to anyone who hasn’t cleared Heroic Sanctum at minimum.

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It’s not even relevant. It’s you making up some random scenario that doesn’t affect anything.

You’re so out of touch it’s flat out sad.

One day you will clam down from your entitled Karen rage and see I don’t look down on solo players.

Oh right.

You’d be trying to get people to sign a petition out front, that devs should only speak to players have cleared raids. You’ve got the achievements on your phone to prove it.

Ahh more making things up.

Your feelings must have really got dinged.

Just illustrating what someone who holds your stances would do and how crazy they’d look.

That person isn’t me not see you doing anything but making assumptions.

You’re the one lady screaming on the sidewalk because you aren’t getting your way.

Like you do?

Talk about double talk…

That’s not an assumption. There have been multiple threads asking for the above.

So you constructed a boogey man to vent your frustrations out on.

I’m not the one that’s frustrated. I play the game as designed. It’s easy to see the ones not getting their freebie gear like you are the ones frustrated which is why you troll all the time.

Then swallow your pride and let them have the gear.

I don’t think he’s got that kind of authority.

No buts he’s made it clear that he’ll stand in the way of it.