End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I disagree.

Your entuitled to your opinion. Doesnt mean its correct though.

Same rules apply to you.


I mean
 WoW is an MMORPG correct? RPGs are nothing more than a game of numbers. They even made this joke in the episode of south park where they level up doing nothing by killing boars for 2xp.

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MMORPG, the second “M” is for multiplayer. Skyrim has all kinds of content for single player :man_shrugging:t3:

wow has heaps of solo content also, i dont know why you all so concerned with it, some of us love to play solo others love to group its that simple

You can still level using incremental XP. You just can’t get higher than normal raid ilevel endgame gear that way, which is absolutely reasonable progression for such easy content.

Without ever running a dungeon or raid, I have an alt at 241 with double legendary and 4 piece tier. In wow’s golden era he’d be in blues.

That’s quite a strawman argument there.

The vast majority of solo players on these forums have directly stated that they are willing to accept less than BiS, and/or that they are willing to grind for longer (in terms of time played or real time passed) for their profession.


Its not.

Wrong. The vast majority of solo players have not said that. You have said that but no not everyone has.

According to Wowhead, only 2% of players have earned the “A Tour of Towers” achievement for completing all 7 timewalking Mage Tower challenges, and according to Data for Azeroth, that figure is only 1%.

Given that these types of sites target mainly players that actively appear on leaderboards or register for accounts, I wouldn’t be surprised if the actual number was 1-2% or less.

When the timewalking Mage Tower challenges were launched in a stealth-buffed state both harder than the original Legion ones and harder than the timewalking ones were tested on PTR, the general playerbase asked for better tuning, while hardcore raiders and M+ players clamored that the challenges should not be nerfed, and that the real issue was that they were limited to Legion timewalking.

So devs responded to the elitist dogwhistle as usual and made the challenges available at all times instead of nerfing and tuning them across the board. And after all this time, completion rates are still abysmally low, and many of those people had to try hundreds of times before succeeding.

Your response is probably going to be “it’s easy for me, git gud” but the reality is that Blizzard has a history of releasing solo challenges that require the skills and/or gear of Mythic raiders, so sometimes the call for nerfs really is justified.


I wonder what percentage of players have (and are good enough at) enough toons to cover all 7.

It’s a challenge mode, it’s supposed to be hard, and Blizz took gear out of the equation in the rerelease.

Hard yes, but if the feeling is one class can pretty much breeze through it and another has to pretty much play perfectly to overcome it, would that not be more a tuning issue where it needs to be made harder for one class and easier for another?

People will complain about difficulty, but outside of tuning, would such really ever be warranted? I felt they were overtuned at release, but after the first round of tuning fixes, I found the difficulty about right. What gets me is some think asking for even things to be tuned better means a call for nerfs.


Fair point.

You can attempt the challenge at level 50, but would probably want to do it at level 60 in case there are any ability upgrades in those last levels that would help, and there are going to be a lot of players who didn’t want to commit to having enough max-level toons to cover all challenges (considering how intense of a time investment it was to have alts in SL).

The achievement “A Towering Success” for just beating one challenge is listed at 14% on Wowhead and 7% on Data for Azeroth. This is not surprising considering that some people might just have done the easier challenge on a class or two to earn the armor set appearances, but even the easier challenges are more frustrating than the average player is willing to put themselves through.

But targeting the top 1-2% of players is not a good design policy when the challenges are based on content that was so positively received in its initial iteration, content whose difficulty could eventually be overcome by dedicated solo players in Veiled Argunite or Antorus LFR gear.

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Is it though? You’re assuming it is based off 3rd party completion metrics. (And you’ve pretty clearly shown a bias towards thinking Blizz has it out for casuals which is certainly a factor)

I read a lot of bring back the MT threads where people were asking for challenging solo content. Blizz actually gave them an evergreen version and now is the goalpost moving to “bring it back but let us outgear it?”

I don’t get the focus on mage tower. It’s not like they added multiple difficulty settings like they did in pve. It’s not like you force all the lfr players to go raid mythic raiding. >.>

They could have easily added some daily quests in torgast and updated the scaling for season 4. I would have liked a rescaled twisting corridors or something. They could easily have just made a solo set from one of the numerous sets they have in there database that hasn’t been put in game. Or reskinned old set that has some missing armor pieces.

Torgast doesn’t have much replayability. I have fond myself doing a bunch of old legion content for transmog and soloing old raids in season 4. Torgast ain’t rewarding. It’s a fun mode but like you get nothing for it but a repair bill.

Meanwhile I can do older content and get gold, torgast I would lose gold and time. At least some gear would make it worthwhile doing on alts for replayability.

I am sure people would stop raiding or doing mythic 15+s if they dropped no gear or vault loot.

I think the goal would be normal to heroic tomb gear equivalent, something that some players would not have been close to getting until Veiled Argunite or ANT LFR.

Sure they could have. But that’s still not an indication of a war on solo players when all 3 full seasons in SL had progression for soloists.

Shoot no amount of gear in tg would make it fun for me, but I think most folks were surprised that it didn’t keep up the visions style rewards.

citation needed

No, they demanded nerfs. “nerf the mage tower now or i unsub”

I had gotten all the mage tower stuff in Legion from all the classes. They definitely did tune them to be harder then it was back then.

Some classes had harder tuning then others due to how the borrowed power shifted some powers up. Since you can’t use borrowed power systems. Like some legendaries that provided survivability boosts back then.

The tuning made it harder then release mage tower as reported by multiple sources.

I have gotten some of the mage tower stuff. I will do more later when we get df talent system as they have basically put some borrowed power stuff back in those talent trees.

The challenges also have plenty of rng that makes it different each time you do a pull so that can be frustrating. Adding a luck element to mage tower isn’t very skillful just frustrating to having to reset an attempt.

Mage tower when current you weren’t playing with a gimped class (and it got easier as time went on.)

Mage tower now, lack of templates demotivates me. I’ve tried, and decided that if I were to succeed, it wouldn’t be worth the effort.

Probably give dragonflight mage tower a go.

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