End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

That literally already happens.

Please link a quote where I demonized solo players.

Don’t worry I’ll wait.

There you go.

You’re insinuating that’s what all solo players want.

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It would, but it would also likely be corrupted still by the idea you could do both and get to the end faster.

This is some of the issue, you might not “need” to do these things, but others will still have you do them to maximize your character to their wishes. So how do we make it so that there would be no reason to do more then just what you can do in your content of choice for the grind?

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That’s not demonizing the decision to play solo. that’s demonizing being a karen, and observing that there is some, but not complete overlap

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That’s not demonizing solo players. That’s me pointing out the evidence listed based on the forums.

Not all solo players speak on a united front to tear down your ideal version of the game, nor do all raiders speak on a united front to keep the game as stagnant as you want it to be.

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Still doesn’t mean I was demonizing them.

I suggest googling what demonizing means and then feel free to retract you’re incorrect statement.

As long as you keep harping on the negatives for the sake of your arguements then you are.

LoL. I certainly do. Explain to me why you believe that only players who play a very restricted way, a railroaded path, are able to attain character power. Solo and world content could prove very challenging. Do you not value hard work and time spent? Do you not value grind or hard work? People who put in hours and hours infinitely on end cannot gear.


He’s saying that he have observed players who identify that way being a karen, and being a karen is bad. not much more than that.

Well I’m just happy to have provided a bigger picture for the forum, than what Szoth would have you believe.

Ok Karen. As usual you are wrong

Because that’s how the games designed. This game is designed around group content and the hardest content giving the best rewards.

There is currently zero solo content in this game that is hard or deserving heroic or mythic level gear rewards.

I’d still like to see you hold this kind of conversation with anyone at a Blizzcon.

They’d throw you out in minutes.

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Would never happen rofl.

Pretty sure it would since people would mention somebody being thrown out for being some kind of gatekeeping lunatic.


Nah, just gotta cap it. Like you can get 3 reputation tendies per week: 3 boss kills, 3m+, 3 days of callings or any combo.

Make it a quick grind every week. Like S1+ S2, you could knock out your campaign and souls quests in a couple hours if you were taking your time.

Infinite hours on easy stuff is not equal to doing difficult content.

Then people would complain about it being gated. only way to avoid that might be to set the cap at say a full raid clear for raiders, a full M+ set for key runners, etc but still allow it to be combined in any way.

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