End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Depends on how you overgear it.
If the hard part of the fight is a DPS check, then yes.
If the hard part is not getting 1shot, then no.
M KT has the potential to get harder as your gear goes up.

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I wouldn’t say being able to be carried by gear at some point would classify something as hard solo content.

I alluded to no such claim, you brought that up yourself. That is indeed a subset of a diverse population of gamers who play wow. I don’t know why you jump to such wild (star) assumptions other then it suits your specific, and quite idiosyncratic playstyle. Perhaps you feel offended that you felt “left out”. What made WoW a big success is catering to many playstyles. You want WoW to go down the path of Wildstar and certain failure to suit your own personal and egoistic electic fancies.


If you are one shotting everything, I can see his point, but for me gear is just a way to:

A) reduce the chance of being 1-shot by mechanics not intended to be 1 shots
B) increase damage done to mobs so you deal with them less
C) ease the penalty of non-fatal mistakes

The sweet spot i=for ones like me is if you can play well enough by following mechanics, but slip up from time to time, or lack the damage to progress when you should be, you can get gear to handle those times but you should never be able to smash the content and ignore mechanics while the content is current.


True, I am mostly thinking in the context of an encounter.
No amount of gear can save you getting knocked off a platform ala KJ or ner’zul.
Gear doesn’t make fatescribe that much easier until you can skip P3 mechanics.
Even when you could out gear the twins in legion, if the running guy got in melee range you were still dead almost instantly.

Sure thing.


Source please because achievement trackers and raider io disagree with you.

Talk about an assumption and a reach. WoW has never catered to solo players until recently. Even then solo players are still so entitled they demand heroic and raid ilvl gear from trivial content.

I was talking about Antinons scenario of Lefion a mage tower being able to be overgeared.

Agreed which is why my last alliance guild tried to overpower painsmith and failed for two hours I looked for another guild.

You still going?

Demonizing players for their playstyle choice isn’t going to make the game any better.


Correcting a factual inaccuracy is not demonizing.

Which was something technically impossible during Legion, the most you could do was get gear that made it easier as the expansion progressed. This was the standard I would be applying to any challenging solo content.

Though maybe I have a different idea of what it means to over gear, as for me that is when you have a near zero chance of dying, either because you take so little damage or because you one shot everything as you do the content.

Isolating players for their playstyle is, which Szoth is doing every time he mentions solo players.

They don’t usually have a choice. Solo content tends to be required for the grinds that everyone has to do.

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Players who don’t have time to play 24/7 in a group setting, who would like to gear up in small groups and solo when their mates aren’t logged in are
trivial and entitled
 Asking for alternative methods to gear up to do heroic and mythic are

Gotcha. You desire wow to not offer diverse ways of gearing to heroic or mythic levels because you want people to play a certain restricted way that only is advantageous to a very small subset of players and being you are so vocal, yourself personally
 If they don’t play exactly like you do or exactly how you think everyone should play that they are entitled and do not deserve anything.


I’m sure korthia/the maw had great playtime metrics from S2/S1.

You still unable to read?

Never demonized anyone for playing solo. Please try again. It’s entertaining everytime you fail.

Which is one one idea I have seen tossed around is everything is made to be self sustaining within itself, I.E. rep? you can earn that, and at an expediated rate, in raids.

I am one of those that would be happy if world content was required for the grinds everyone has to do, but beyond that players can pick and chose what content they want to do:

  1. raiders can raid
  2. Key runners can run keys
  3. PvPers can Pvp
  4. solo players have things like visions and Torghast or visions to progress in

It’d be fun to see the difference if Blizz gave us a patch where raid/m+/PvP gave all the grind stuff without needing to do any open world content.

Yes. Asking for heroic or mythic level raid gear for doing braindead content like world quest is trivial and entitlement.

You don’t need heroic and mythic gear to do heroic and mythic. Heoric and mythic gear are the rewards for doing that content.

I’m sorry you don’t understand this game rewards gear based on group content and difficulty.

Your obsession to mention that very specific playstyle every time to strengthen your flimsy arguements says otherwise.

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Have we had one of those since warlords?