End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

You do realize that achievements are tracked and that about 60% of the player base has raid boss achievements.

So incorrect.

I’m a casual and raid mythic. You clearly seem to not have a clue what you are talking about.

I was posting on my rogue at the time but there were a lot of posts by people who wanted higher ilvl than the covenant sets but didn’t care how long the grind was. But as soon as that happened they complained.

Are we getting more solo content yet? We should be able to find the best items in the game solo.

I don’t know agree with this 100%. Well, admittedly, I don’t know if you are actually casual and raid mythic. You’d likely just say that for ‘street cred’ .

I don’t really care if you agree or not. Casual doesn’t mean bad at the game. Plenty of people perform good at the game playing their mode casually.

Neither does solo or anything else. The issue is, where there are good and bad players of all stripes, some really bad ones use the labels of things like solo or casual and muddy the waters by coming across as if they are the one to speak for that entire segment of the player base.

I agree. I just have never seen a good solo player.

And the vocal ones on the forums usually 90% of the time are just bad.

Maybe you have never seen them because you do so much group content and don’t really care for solo content, I.E. content that might be where good solo players are found. Though even I admit, the best solo content is also at least fair group content, like Visions and Torghast.

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If players are solo there’s no way to see them :joy:

I’m talking about the people on the forums.

You mean the ones that ask for more challenging solo content, but you shoot down claiming “they don’t want a challenge”?

Maybe the issue is the ones asking for the harder solo content, be it visions, torghast or an elite world area, are the “good” solo players and those that complain abotu any challenge are the “bad” ones.


We’re saying that there will be threads about nerfing any hard solo content simply because that’s what almost always happens.

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Those don’t exist on the forums.

The only thing I see here are people asking for better rewards from trivial content.

They don’t exist. You yourself who were the only one I considered to be wanting hard solo content have been caught admitting you dont want hard solo content and want content people can overgear.

I would say there’s no “almost”

It always gets qqed about.

Wildstar le duex. Hardcore M+ and raiders are a small percentage as it is. Hardcore raiders who ONLY raid and M+ are a very tiny subset or percentage of the population. Those players rely upon the WoW economy to exist, which is a pretty steep pyramid. Without a big casual population as a base, no gold flows upwards. They find that they are priced out of the game and can no longer afford to play hardcore due to time constraints and the whole system collapses in on itself.

Perhaps I’m not making myself clear enough. The larger the base of players the more can be afforded doing hardcore, high level content. Conversely, the lower the population and smaller the base, the fewer that can afford to play hardcore.

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Please try reading responses before you embarrass yourself next time.

I do want hard solo content for myself, but I also want content that people can potentially outgear so they can have a form of progression. I just see both sides is all. I was also citing older “hard” solo content, like 5 mask visions were hard at first, but by the time I got it, it was more common as people were able to gear up in it.

I got the legion mage tower tank challenge done, gear helped but I still had to have RNG in my favor to overcome it.

So, yeah, I want challenging content, but I want it to be a challenge people feel like they can over come, even if it takes a bit more gear, and, just between you and me, if one is so bad they can’t do it in even the best gear available from any content, they either did not try or are that paper tiger.

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This is so inaccurate it’s comical.

By definition the content is not hard if you can overgear it :man_facepalming:t3:

You clearly haven’t taken any sort of post graduate math, done any statistical modeling, nor understand how basic systems work. You sir, are an idiot. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sure thing. Anytime you need to attack someone bexause you can’t refute an argument is proof you can’t refute an argument.

Says the guy commenting on subjects that he has zero understanding about.

Should have known when you tried to say anyone who raids mythic isn’t a casual :joy: