End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I agree. There wasn’t the need. But it happened.
Probably because without an increase there wouldn’t be players that played the “new mode”-Experiment

Vanilla took a whole lot of grinding too.
It wasn’t exactly solo friendly as the best option to get levels was group grinding.

It provided hours of exploration because the world was huge and new. Also because everything was expensive, like riding. Flying shrunk the World imho.

Season 4 is still an experiment…
Affixes in Raid,
Old expansion dungeons in M+

well pvp stayed the same … but it needed an upgrade to keep up with the group PvE players

You can beat everything solo if you use every content at your disposal.
Solo games provide strict solo content and give out rewards based on that type of game just enough you can beat every challenge either by overpower or by skill.

As WoW isn’t a solo game you are not doing all the the available content at your disposal. therefore you can’t complain to not be able to do every challenge solo.

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Everyone got the same stuff. Solo players chose not to do it.

I mean technically, you’re not wrong. All the content is there…

Except of course, solo players play solo. So all the stuff that was released? Not doable solo: Fated Raids, RBGs, Arenas, Mythic+. Defeats the purpose of solo play.

So again, not wrong. Solo players choose not to do it. Because they can’t, due to it not being soloable.


The pattern is clear: All group activities were updated for Season 4, but all soloable activities were not.

How hard would it have been for devs to add higher layers to Torghast, for example, and have the wing bosses drop gear to provide a progression option? The assets are already there. It is such a waste….


This is what should have been done for solo players, would have lined up perfectly like Horrific Visions did at the end of BFA.

Heck, Blizz could have even used the mask system but changed it to “Runes of Domination” to add more difficulty.


Well it’s not Blizz’s fault they keep ignoring most of the content in a game that’s always been focused on group content at endgame.

It’s like eating at McDonald’s every day but only eating salads, then demanding they increase the variety of salads they serve.

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Due to this thread, Blizzard has decided to end the war on solo gameplay in WoW.

Congratulations, everyone.

We did it! We won!

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Let me ask you this - if a solo player, who will never group or interact with you and affect your gameplay in any manner, happens to end up in the same gear as you, would you be mad and if so why?


They refuse to acknowledge that catering to a wide audience brings in more players and in turn brings in more of the big spenders who are frivolous with finances.

In all likelyhood they are listening to those who use wow as a side hustle. The vast majority of the casual playerbase is ‘worthless’ to those types and waisting their time by simply existing . They want a smaller pond with all big fish. They wouldn’t care that there are far fewer big fish in total, only that they are easier to locate. Of course, all those fisherman believe they are the best fisherman ever. Even those with the personality and charisma of a Choade.


Idk why you keep thinking this game is designed around solo players.

If you can’t come to terms with that then finding another game that does is your best bet.

Me ask you this. Why do solo player’s feel so entitled to the best gear in the game without putting in the same effort everyone else does?

But it doesn’t. Solo players are the ones who only sub for a month or two every patch. Raiders are the one staying subscribed and paying the extra money.

Nope. Doesn’t matter to me. I’m not even in much better than solo gear right now. I just understand that Blizz is making the game they want to and I can do what I like and be happy with the rewards, even if they’re not the best.

Could Blizz have added a tier of cypher for S4? Sure. Instead we got the fated experiment. Normally we’d all just have gotten nothing until DF.

If Blizz had made S4 rewards only pet battle related, I wouldn’t complain either. I don’t like pet battles so I just don’t do them.

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I don’t see them asking for the best gear. I do however see them asking for content and progression paths as a solo player.

Granted that’s also not me saying some solo players haven’t asked for the best of the best, as I’m sure some have.


They have them. They go miles further than they did in the golden era of wow, but they end like everyone else’s.

I see them asking for heroic and mythic raid level gear from trivial content.

I think normal raid level gear is more than fair for the difficulty that solo content offers.

There have been multiple threads all expansion long. In 9.0 they said they wanted normal raid gear and they didn’t care how long of a grind it was.

Korthia came out and then it was complaints of how long the grind took.

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Well can’t argue there, I was unsubbed during Korthia so I have no idea what the Ilvls were. Completely skipped sanctum for LFR too because I was tired of the bi-weekly wing release they were doing.

Korthia rewarded end of raid boss ilvl from normal (I can’t remember what it was)

Going into 9.2 the gear rewards were nerfed from normal end boss loot to just normal boss loot which one can assume was because blizzard decided the ilvl was too high considering it completely negates normal raiding.

Well just did some quick searches, the Ilvl was 233 for max korthia and end of normal sanctum.

So you are correct.

That is a subset of players. The subset of players who only want to do raid and M+ is a very tiny subset of players. Most who want to raid and do M+ ALSO want solo content. The tiny subset of players who only raid and M+ need a large player base to recruit from, they need a large casual base to buy their junk on the auction. They need casual to semi-hardcore raiders to sell stuff on AH and boosts for gold. Word of mouth is the biggest deterrent. When the image of wow is that it is only for sweaty hardcore tryhards, that deters the vast majority of potential customers from buying titles and subbing. They give up on WoW and move over to other games.