End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

You keep posting this lie and it’s been disproven at every turn.

In every single patch in this expansion, you’ve been able to outgear normal raid without ever stepping foot in any sort of group content.

This is stupid, bad game design. Blizzard has done players a disservice by not telling them that these catch up mechanics are not designed to in any way parallel progress gains made by playing the game correctly.

You had to raid to make those weapons. It doesn’t matter in the slightest that they removed it.

If this is the case, i will be passing on DF. Will be dropping all crafting professions if i need to be funneled into grouped content just to make a possible upgrade. If the first 2 levels of the crafted pieces are not some sort of an upgrade, then why even bother? Sell them for gold? Naaaaa, that falls out of the sky already.

I was hoping i wouldnt have to change games, because i had faith that DF would get it right for us world/solo players, but guess not. I would rather switch games, even if i enjoy it less than WoW, because i refuse to keep supporting a game that does not support me any longer. 18 years of this game is enough.

Hope like heck that MS gets control of this failing IP, and fixes the game so every player can have some sense of progression again.

If they do, then i will be back, and have a ton of gold to mess with when/if i return.


Every player has access to progression. If you ignore it, then you won’t progress.

Did grouped content for 14 years! Age and disabilities keep me from it. Not going to kill myself 8 hours a day for a piddly upgrade somewhere between LFR and normal! Way to much time and effort for such a tiny reward.

Go ahead Blizz, shoot yourself in the foot, no amount of Dragon Riding will keep my type of player around. Hope the investors tell this useless company to turn their crud around, or they walk also! After they see that DF will not be breaking any sales records, because players have wised up, it will serve this dev team right for not including a big chunk of their player base! Yes i said big chunk, everyone i know solo plays, and i am sure i am not the only one with a friends list with 25 or more of my type of players.

Peace out. I said my piece, and im out of this thread.



I’m going to play this game way more than eight hours a day, but I want BiS for farming trivial content because of excuses.

Later gator. See you in DF rocking your world quest rewards while everyone else is enjoying meaningful progression by playing an MMO the way it’s meant to be played.

If you wanted it before 2.4 yes, but Stormherald was the final form of a 3 stage process.
In patch 2.4, they got rid of Nether Vortexes along with Primal Nethers being BoP and solo players could buy it from the AH.

Solo players could still make Thunder.


doesn’t change the fact that those resources were initially only obtainable by group activities

Initially yes. I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to the arguments being made in the thread (or at least OP’s anyway) is that over time of the expansion there still needs to be a progression path for solo players.

Take this recent season for example. What did they add for solo players? Nothing. They upped some Ilvl drops for weapons and trinkets? No new questlines, no new zones, nothing.


No the main point of the discussion is that they want a progression path in each Season.
The main complain is that Season 4 doesn’t have any upgrades besides fated worldbosses.

Because it is not a full season…
If any its a 0.5 season.

Then how come every other game play style got an Ilvl increase, except for solo play?


only dungeons and M+ got a permanent ilvl increase.
Raids only on rotation.

because Open world was not changed?
no new area. no new mobs …
Solo players got fated World Bosses on rotation and that is it.
There was no need to increase the Ilvl for open world

And that’s the problem most solo players are having. Everyone else is getting stronger, while solo players don’t. Everyone else has a new season of raid, mythic +, RBGs and Arenas, solo players got nothing. This is what needs to change.


Not at all.
Solo games do have down time eventually if you managed to beat everything at your disposal.
Solo games do not need you to open the game every day.
you are free to no play Solo games for weeks until by chance a new dlc or update is patched in.

if you want to play an MMO like a solo game feel free to do so.
but it comes with downsides.
Because the game wasn’t designed to be a solo game

I do LFR and heroics at launch (aka, queueable content).

Doesn’t mean I can’t advocate for more solo content and progression. I wouldn’t even care if it was possible for solo players to get mythic raid level gear. The only ones who do seem to care, are those who do said content and want to tower over others who don’t do the same things they do.


I made a suggestion to add another path in the Vault.
That will scale by patch week.
Starting at below lfr gear each week
Until in about 12 or so weeks(namely 3 months) it reaches below Mythic gear.
Conditions to unlock the path are still unclear but maybe a mix of World quests, callings or what else we get for open world activities in DF.
Primalist Invasions for example too.
That would add some incentive to do open world content but no one other than open world peeps would be interested until later on


See now that’s a good suggestion. I like it.


but that would also mean that if there is a half season like in S4 currently the ilvl from the vault might increase but open world rewards stay the same.

Hey, even if only the vault Ilvl goes up its better than nothing. Stagnant progression is no bueno for anyone.


The numbers prove that solo players are being offered progression options with lower and lower iLvls each patch (in comparison to the max iLvl of the current patch), if you would actually look at the numbers objectively instead of clutching your elitist pearls in disdain at solo or casual players being awarded gear with a purple-trimmed icon.

No, solo gear has always been hard-capped slightly below Normal iLvl raid gear.

For example, raid gear in 9.0 was 200/207, but gear obtainable by solo players was hard-capped at 197 (covenant sets and unrated PvP) and 194 (LFR and world quests).

Raid gear in 9.2 was 252/259 with tier set bonuses, but Zereth Mortis gear was a mix of 246 (tier set pieces and trinkets) and 252 gear (Cypher gear).

The numbers really don’t lie.

Open world gear is not “catch-up gear” if that’s the end of a player’s progression for any given patch.

If soloers are playing the game incorrectly by gearing up through the open world, then devs need to put gearing progression in Torghast or some other gameplay-dependent feature that scales to solo players.

But why did devs not scale up any parts of the open world?

The Fated raids and new M+ dungeons were not new assets, either, they were just old assets scaled up with affixes. They could have done the same thing to any zone in the open world.

There was no need to increase the iLvl for dungeons, raids, and PvP either. Any Fated raids or M+ dungeons could have been tuned numerically for Season 3 gear, with just special affixes to make them more interesting.

You can’t beat everything at your disposal if you don’t get gear upgrades. Many players want to solo rares and old raids, and could have used a 26 iLvl boost.

Vanilla WoW was designed so that you could reach max level by questing or killing mobs as a solo player. If you had played other MMORPGs at the time, you would see that WoW was specifically designed to be more solo friendly, and it provided hundreds of hours of solo progression and exploration.

Season 4 bumped up iLvls for raids, dungeons, and PvP by a full 26 item levels. The devs didn’t design it as a half season at all, just as a season that intentionally excluded solo players.