End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Ah man this might actually put the nail in the coffin for me in WoW. Like I can understand if it dropped in organized group content, and then bought/sold on the auction house but being forced to do it is eeeeeeeeeehhh…


The way it will work is raider can get the items and put in a work order for gear using those items.

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Ok that’s fine for the raider, but why can’t we craft our own gear? Like I’ve said before in other threads about crafting is one of the things I loved about early wow was the specializations, like elemental/tribal leatherworking.

You could make yourself super cool items, like in TBC you could be a master hammersmith and make the famed Stunherald (Stormherald).

Why get rid of that?


I believe that solo players will be able to craft Normal iLvl gear for themselves or have it crafted by others (with soulbound reagents from open world activities), just not the higher iLvls.

Yea the problem there is still accuracy.

The game itself outside of Wrath Classic is a mess… SL has been an all around colossal failure.

Yes, I do think that more than 10% of active players raid if you include one-off clears and boosts, but it is very possible that only 10% raid regularly.

Wrath Classic is going to flop, too, without RDF.

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Normal as in normal raid Ilvl? Well that’s not TOO bad, depending on how crazy the required soulbound reagents are.

Also gotta hope the open world scaling isn’t atrocious.

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I want RDF, but I have too much love for this expansion… I do not believe it will fail. It will be far more popular than TBC and Vanilla :face_vomiting:

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Yes, according to dev interviews.

I do believe that the soulbound reagents will be timegated in some way, so that we can’t just farm up the gold or mats to craft a whole set right away.

I hope so, too.

I don’t think it’s on Beta yet, but apparently there are going to be small areas of each of the four DF zones filled with elites, and I imagine that might be where we get the soulbound reagents (through some kind of quest or objective).

Wait, do we actually agree on something for once?!

Wrath was a solid expansion and a true improvement upon its predecessors, in terms of game, system, and class design. However, not having RDF is going to rub a lot of players the wrong way.

I don’t think so, but that’s a whole other thread topic.

What they are doing with heroics is interesting though. Only time will tell if it pans out.

Hey, we may disagree about the whole “solo experience” bit… but yea we agree, WOTLK is the GOAT and RDF was such a great addition.

A lot of people who are used to today’s game and want to try it out might be skeptical and I understand so… but I really grew up in WOTLK, even though I played through some TBC and… some :face_vomiting: Vanilla.

Unofficial statistic, but in the dev interview earlier today, MrGM was saying that he thought about 95% of players wanted RDF.

RDF is pretty much good for all types of players. Even if you already have a team, you can use it for the sheer convenience of removing the travel time.

To me it’s just more changes to solve problems that they are creating by making changes to the original version.

Yea I remember when it was first announced… you have the old vanilla people happy about it, but the yea the majority were freaking out. It’s such a terrible decision to not have it… my theory is they tend to listen to the older crowd that is very, “no change” because WOTLK didn’t have RDF at first… but the patch they’re using it was there, I’m pretty sure.

But no completely agree, putrid idea.


People will adjust.
Rdf isn’t necessary.
Instead it’s kinda better than the group finder in retail.
Because everyone can post them self and their group.
Means instead of you having to siff through groups you can just post yourself in the group finder and a group lead can pick you if they want to.
No social interaction needed.

Like as a tank you post yourself and get insta invite.

I whole heartedly agree. If this next expac is not solo friendly, I will not re-subscribe again (I’m a 6 month subscriber).


As I understand it, for normal ilvl they will drop from normal raids and keys (~5-10).

Again, you are trying to twist things to fit into your agenda. We had way more world quests in BfA and in Legion. Lots of people did them as their end content. There was none of this “It’s actually a full questline, but we’re not going to tell you in advance how many steps there are or what the quest objectives are.”

Normal and heroic dungeons were not trivialized as they are now. Mythic dungeons in Legion did not have affixes in low keys, almost as though they were designed to have a learning curve. In fact, in Legion there were incentives for good players to run keys with lower skilled players.

I know you’re happy all this was removed. God forbid you might do a little persistence effort for things like rare drops you think you deserve but don’t want to work for.

I see you are at honor level 52. Looks like that was too much work, eh?


Nice assumption. Or my focus has been Raids and Keys until recently? If you see from my pvp Achievements I was 1 achievement away from Arena Master. Which was High 5 2300. Im still kicking myself over not pushing 5s when I should have. When I was a Hard core PvPer It was before honor levels. Im 58 my guy. Im not what I use to be reflex wise when it comes to gaming. However judging me off chosing to focus on a differant part of the game doesn’t make you look good. It just makes you look like a jerk.

I also TRY to NEVER do random BGs aka solo Qs because its such BLEEP show on both sides. So I am not just sitting there farming Honor levels in randoms. If Blizzard would actually make Solo Qs more fun for players by removing Gear as a factor in (Random Solo Qs Only) winding up in a BG with 6 new 60s wouldn’t feel so brutal and make you want to leave the game right away. Or they could go back to the WOD template system. But it is what it is.

I simple asked what stuff you enjoyed that was removed. You gave 0 examples. Its no differant that someone saying “retail sucks” but never stating reasons why. Next time you want to spin a yard about things you are upset about? Try to give a few actual examples. Actual useful constructive criticism.

tyrannical / fortified “isn’t” an affix. The affixes come in just the same.

The soulbound reagents for Heroic and Mythic crafted gear seem to come from a quest, which might be available only once per week.

I’m not 100% sure about the soulbound reagents for Normal gear that you can obtain from raids and keys (and apparently the open world too), but I am sort of assuming that they will limited to some sort of quest, objective, or lockout.

SL nerfed or removed all of the decent options for solo progression.

Horrific Visions in BfA dropped near-Mythic iLvl gear, but Torghast in SL drops no gear.

World quests in Legion/BfA were all scaled to iLvl appropriate for each season, but most world quests in SL are still stuck at Season 1 or 2 iLvls.

Emissaries in Legion/BfA offered Normal+ raid gear progression, but callings in SL are mainly for gold and rep.

Benthic pearls in BfA offered near-Heroic iLvl gear, but no open world gear in SL Season 3 offers anything above lower Normal.

Valor in MoP from daily quests, Heroic dungeons, and LFR allowed for the equivalent of today’s Heroic iLvl gear, but the Valor system in SL excludes solo players and queued content players.

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