End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

its not. It just requires taking the proper powers.

I have done them at layer 5 LOL.

Because this games end game is based on difficulty and group content.

I have done it. I just havent put enough effort into doing a title I dont care about on a toon I just changed to a main.

lol, ok, buddy. Project all you want… it’s very amusing.


Its not projecting when its true. Though I get a sense of LMS from you.

Not all classes have powers that allow them to solo multiple bosses at once.

Great. Then move on up to Layers 6, 7, and 8. I would love to see a video of you soloing Layer 8 on that Mage.

Yes. But M+ is more popular than raiding, and arena is more popular than rated BGs, for example. Do you think doing content is smaller groups should be punished with lower iLvl because less organization was required?

Your armory isn’t showing Flawless 16 or Jailer’s Gauntlet 8 achievements.

It’s fine for you to not do content and not even want the rewards, but why try so hard to insult people that might be struggling with that content by calling it “easy” just to make yourself look like a better player?

Considering you can only clear one floor at a time…and yes every class has powers that doesnt make them struggle.

What part of “I dont do content that I dont enjoy” do you not understand?

Mplus does have an ilvl reward penalty as does arena with conquest earned.

Torghast is still not group content

Reading is really hard for you isnt it?

Because peoples feelings dont change the factual truth.

Getting too much gear too quickly does result in high end players quitting earlier for everyone else I say free gear for all. They get higher ilvl faster and push content faster and burn out faster.

Everyone that has a character at 299+ ilvl.

At this point the only content that gives upgrades is Mythic Raid & Weekly Vault, the people that are still active in guild will log on do their 8 vaults and log off.

When there is 0 progression content left that you’re interested in the natural thing is to unsub and wait for more.

Reward caps at 20 so the majority of M+ players will stop at the point because they aren’t insane.

You’ve got about 0.1% of the players that push the highest keys and only 5.2% of the players have a +20 key done in all dungeons.

Say that you haven’t done Jailer’s Gauntlet Layer 8 solo on a wide range of specs, without saying that you haven’t done Jailer’s Gauntlet Layer 8 solo on a wide range of specs.

The part where you say something is easy that you haven’t experienced or accomplished yourself first.

PSA: You can do Torghast in a party, and enemies will scale in difficulty to match the number of members.

Admitting the truth is really hard for you, isn’t it?

The first correct thing you’ve said today. Your feeling of superiority doesn’t change the facts.

what is true? That you are a small, insecure person? Yes, we all know that. Your behavior is very telling.

Now, can we get back to adding solo content for non-raiders?


It is easy

Then its group content not solo content.

IWhat you are saying isnt truth LOL.

Your entitlement is showing

Says the guy resorting to personal attacks because they cant make a valid point.


when did you have a valid point? And literally all your posts are attacks on someone. Just a reportable troll.


Yes, no one has disagreed with that at all. People are asking for a solo path that rewards gear based on difficulty, just a path that does not require teammates and can be done whenever.

Mage tower did not provide gear, instead, required high end gear at the time it was released. It was clearly made to push people into raiding and M+ just to have a shot at getting the cosmetics. It was FOMO at its finest, and it sparked the current prevalence of carries.

Visions were “fine” for solo players, but they were certainly designed with raiders in mind with the whole cloak mechanic. Visions were an improvement, and most of the criticism was about the corruption system, not the visions themselves. They also only rewarded Normal gear, maybe a bit of Heroic… and they were definitely harder than normal raids.

Torghast could have been another improvement, instead, they chose regress… and just make it a chore for raiders instead of an alternate gearing path for solo players.

That’s your opinion. Plenty of solo players do unrewarding content just for the sake of content. If it rewarded gear… it would have even more participation.

I do group content too, but I’ve done almost all the ‘difficult’ solo content the game has to offer, since it’s so little anyway: Rank 8 Brawler’s guild, MoP endless wave challenge, Mage tower challenges in all classes, full mask visions, torghast corridor. Am I missing anything? Because in nearly 20 years, solo players have essentially had maybe 20 hours of challenging solo content.

Raiders may be annoyed, and think they need to also do the solo content just to get gear faster… well, what do you think solo players feel when they have to do group content to be able to get to the content they actually enjoy?


Every post I make.

I havent attacked anyone.

Visions actually awarded almost mythic gear. You would know that if you actually did them.

Solo players are the ones trying to play a group content based endgame as a solo player and dont have any room to complain.

good thing I have the achieve and mount to prove it… lol

Couldn’t have said it better myself!

Ideally, we would have solo progression through expansion features like Torghast that can offer various levels of challenge, but WoW developers seem to be afraid that good solo progression through instances would nuke raiding out of the water, so in Dragonflight 10.0 we are going to fall back on open world content as the only possibility.

Given what a huge investment it was to develop the four massive zones in Dragonflight, I am hoping that devs are willing to let solo and open world players have meaningful endgame progression there, and not just make it a theme park for hardcore players to collect cosmetics.

Someone in another post mentioned that they are doing M+ in order to have the gear levels required to do the most difficult Torghast achievements.

The fact that Torghast drops no gear makes so little sense from a game design perspective, that I wonder whether game devs were hoping to push Torghast fans into group content (to get the gear that they needed for the content that they did enjoy).

Were devs even hoping that solo players would have to pay real money for WoW tokens to fund Torghast boosts or fund raid / M+ boosts for the gear to do Torghast on their own?

There was a massive ban wave for people who shared accounts last December for the timewalking Mage Tower challenges, so it stands to reason that there might also have been some kind of demand for Torghast-related boosting. And if Torghast dropped the gear that it required, that boosting market would have been diminished.

Considering the huge development costs invested into Torghast, the no-gear rewards structure makes absolutely no sense unless you factor in the possibly that devs were trying to manipulate participation metrics for other content or stimulate WoW token sales.

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How about we add another section to the vault?

For up to 50(amount pending) world quests done per week you get to choose one piece out of 3 that scale their ilvl by patch week.

Means you start in week 1 with gear below LFR and in about 12 weeks you are able to get ilvl just below mythic raid out of the box.

Any issues?


Vault is rewarded for doing group content. Solo content is left out on purpose.

Way too easy for a max level item.


Too easy for anything above normal raid gear.

How is it too easy? Again the amount I mentioned is pending. It doesn’t start at max Ilvl anyway

Also you get one item per week.
And the max you get, depending on patch cycle, is maybe 3 items in the max Ilvl area.

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This non-sense topic needs to end lol

Just below mythic raid gear? You must be drunk… max out at normal raid gear. You should not be receiving almost mythic raid lvl gear for doing joke content, could you be anymore obvious with your begging for the handout?

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