End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

What is wrong with maybe 3 items at higher Ilvl?

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Because world quests are braindead trivial and should in no way award anything higher than normal gear.

Doesnā€™t matter what it starts at. Anything above normal is way too easy.

Or itā€™s a terrible idea and never going to happen.

Gear is rewarded based on difficulty. The only way a solo player would get something at a mythic level would be a mage tower type thing but harder.

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With this Vault system solo players are still subjected to Vault RNG ā€¦

Also Iā€™m not talking about handing out M+ or raid gear, instead Iā€™m thinking about the WQ rewards but scaled up.

They have to work for it in the end. Just increase the WQ amount to unlock all 3 boxes.
But at least it would be something to work towards.

And most important the group player would be not effected, as they get more item lvl just by doing their chosen content

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Ok and?

You want the mythic level ilvl. World quests are not difficult enough. To award a higher than normal raid loot.

Work has nothing to do with it. Trivial content should never award beer mythic level items. Even if you have to do a lot of them.

Doesnā€™t matter.

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Week 1 would reward below LFR gearā€¦
Only Week 13+ will reward below mythic ilvl.

Who will be hurt by that system?

Iā€™m not talking about giving out max ilvl from the startā€¦

And in the end it might not be many pieces anyway depending on patch cycle.

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You are missing the point dudeā€¦ you arenā€™t doing content difficult enough to warrant receiving near mythic raid gear. You arenā€™t doing the workā€¦ it also would make heroic raiding pointless.

I donā€™t care what it starts at. Itā€™s not difficult enough to go above normal raid ilvl.

It goes against the games design.

We know. Your system is still a bad idea and should never happen.

It should be zero pieces.

The game design that says that you get your meaningful upgrades from the vault?
No it doesnā€™t it just adds another layer.

Doing 60+ WQ each week sounds like work to me. Again that number is just a placeholder.

Also how does it make heroic raiding pointless IF the rewards from my suggestion would earliest in week 10+ reach heroic ilvl? At that point raider already are finished with their progression and if not every additional gear is a help.

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The game design that stats that gear is rewarded based on difficulty youā€™re asking for the best gear in the game to be rewarded for doing the easiest content in the game.

This game is also based on group content which is why there isnā€™t a solo path to the vault to begin with.

Itā€™s not work. Itā€™s not difficult content. Itā€™s time consuming and thatā€™s it.

Your suggestion is terrible.

It would indeed be nice if there were a Great Vault row for some kind of open world content, either world quests or emissaries/callings, to keep a wider variety of players engaged in endgame.

Indeed, hardcore players would not be ā€œharmedā€ by such a system because they would be getting higher iLvl options in their rows, and you can only choose one reward anyway. (Hardcore players would not have the grounds to complain that they are being forced to do open world content for downgrades, or that their rewards are is somehow invalidated.)

The design of any live game is not set in stone. WoW has been losing players over time, and needs to evolve in ways that appeal to a larger audience.

The WoW teamā€™s newfound policy of intentionally creating friction for solo players needs to end.


I donā€™t ask for the best gear?

Some Say M+ isnā€™t difficult contentā€¦ should we also scrap the rewards from there?
In the end it is all time consuming.

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Youā€™re asking for mythic level gear to be rewarded from world quests in the vault.

Why would you scrap rewards from group content? Which is what this games endgame is based around.

can you even read?
I said below Mythic ilvl gearā€¦
Never did I said it should be the best gear.

but you said not difficult content shouldnā€™t reward items? or at least not the best items?
That sounds like M+ shouldnā€™t reward high ilvl too?

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Anything above NORMAL is too high.

Mythic plus is difficult the higher you go

So no stop reaching.

Ok, Time to put this argument in the most basic terms:
Solo content runners: Allow us to improve our gear via content we do
Anti-solo: you just want hand outs, you donā€™t do content hard enough to warrant better gear then what is available
Solo: fine, then give us content that we can progress in and earn the gear
Anti-Solo: why? you wonā€™t do it anyway, you donā€™t want a challenge.

Some/most/a portion/etc of solo players might not want that challenge, but to say all of them donā€™t, more so if it is just implied by ā€œsolo players donā€™t want a challengeā€ is akin to saying ā€œraiders complained about having to do x contentā€/

Anyone that makes generalizations about others then cries when generalizations are made against them loses any argument worth having, as they more or less take a ā€œI can do these things but you canā€™t, so you canā€™t win against meā€.


Devs clearly want the endgame to be based around pre-organized group content.

They are even making changes to Wrath such as removing the RDF so that you can only do dungeons in manually formed groups.

However, endgame is whatever people do at max level. Ion himself has referred to ā€œthe silent majorityā€ and ā€œplenty of people just running around in Zereth Mortisā€. Go watch all the dev interviews if you donā€™t believe me.

Time to face reality instead of the narrative that WoW devs are trying to force through our skulls. Shadowlands gated power progression behind pre-organized groups and it failed miserably because thatā€™s not what the typical modern gamer wants.

Itā€™s really hard to make generalizations about solo players in particular because they are such a large demographic and there really is a spectrum of skill levels, interests, and time available to devote to the game.

Some solo players will do queued content, while others will not.

Some solo players enjoy difficult challenges for cosmetics such as the new timewalking Mage Tower, while others do not.

Some solo players liked Torghast, while others did not.

Some solo players are happy just collecting cosmetics and achievements, while others are not.

Some solo players enjoy world quests, while other do not.

Some solo players enjoy PvP, while others do not.

However, one thing we can say with accuracy is that all solo players who care about power progression at max level are finding the game in a bad state ever since SL launched.


If there is any friction, you and people like you created it with your self inflicted wounds.

Work? LOL, itā€™s nowhere near the level and commitment required for group content, so why do you believe you deserve to get the gear that theyā€™re put a higher level of commitment into? How about you earn what you earn and if you donā€™t wanna do group level content, accept what you are and get over yourselfā€¦ you donā€™t and will NEVER deserve group level content for doing solo only stuff.

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Oh, so you are insinuating that some masochistic solo players snuck into Blizzard HQ and starting putting in lower iLvl numbers for soloable content rewards, and outright deleted gear rewards for Torghast and other soloable content?

The latest trend for WoW devs is to create more friction for solo and casual players in attempt to foster the social aspects of the early expacs. Going from the Legion/BfA era to SL was a night and day difference. There is a clear 180-degree shift in policy if you could look at the game systems objectively, instead of having knee-jerk emotional reactions based on your personal bias and prejudice.

Where does this rule come from and why does WoW have to follow it?

Why do you get to decide who deserves what?

Are you willing to see WoW die someday because it refuses to accommodate the masses?

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Lol, you are quite bad at thisā€¦ yā€™all started playing a game, knowing good and well what the game entailedā€¦ refuse to do what the games wants you to do and doing only simple solo stuff and then feel you have the right to complain when this is 100% on you and your decisions? That just sounds like insanity to me, ā€œgive me items for which I have not earned!ā€

Again you created this friction yourself by choosing a game made for group content and refusing to do group content. You lack even the most basic amount of logicā€¦

You earn what you put effort intoā€¦ and solo content requires little to no effort, itā€™s like applying for a management position and then getting mad when they tell you that you lack experience, when you have none of it.

Honestly? You arenā€™t the masses, you are just another minority of the game whiningā€¦ and yes, Iā€™d rather see the game die than cater to people like yourselfā€¦ who demand everything change to their will because they donā€™t want to do the games content.