End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I have. It stinks.

Not everyone needs your badge to have an opinion on the playing experience.


Not really. You are still at CN levels of gear.

Nope, but to have an opinion that matters they need to actually play the game.

For someone who is so adamant that the game is terrible and has shown no evidence of playing in recent months, you are still paying for it.

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“Hur hur I can pull rank on you”

No one cares dude.


There is no rank. Its called credibility.

About your opinion? Correct.

I play for reasons that aren’t raiding or curve pushing.

Just keep going in circles and trolling my man.

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Irony because you are the one thats trolling.

Pretty sure you’ve earned more infamy on this forum than I have.

As usual you would be wrong. The majority of people just ignore you.

Somewhat debatable given the history I’ve had on this forum.

Grasping at straws here.

Its not a debate. Whatever you need to help you sleep at night.

It is since you don’t represent these forums (thankfully) or come to anything close as an advocate for
well anything.


I think you are referring to S3, not S2.

A dedicated solo or open world player walked into S3 with a full set of 233 gear from Korthia.

But on launch, the Cypher system only went up to 252 (not a full season’s worth to 259), and did not cover weapons or trinkets.

So even though the Cypher system had its good points (more streamlined collection of Cyphers compared to RNG-dependent Korthia relics), it was not a full seasonal upgrade.

I’m sorry, who is derailing the thread now? Take your personal vendetta somewhere else.

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I think I’ll play a fun single player game.

combs over my Steam library of single playing games

Spots a MMORPG

Bfa was a better expansion for solo players imo.


some people just like the WoW world, art, combat, or are attached to their characters. Not everyone plays for the gear chase.


Who cares? Asking for a MMORPG to cater to single players is like asking a racing game to remove cars. This thread is pure brain rot.

no, that’s not the same thing. Asking to remove the cars in racing games is like asking to remove playable characters from WoW and just make it a world you navigate with a camera.

False equivalency.

And, clearly a lot of people care, judging by the 5k comments in this thread. Even Blizzard cares, as they extended the thread cap.