End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Oh the horror.

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The majority of solo players hated it too. Especially early on when it was an actually challenge before they nerfed it into the ground.

There’s a reason no one takes your posts seriously.

There’s also a reason why these topics keep cropping up.

But you refuse to acknowledge it.


Yes because you and a few select other trolls keep reposting the same nonsense.

Yes we talked this before. We are repeating things at this point.
Torgast was bad because it didn’t drop gear and had you depend on farming a rep and farming gear outside of it.

You just keep calling people stupid; and shooting down anything in the game modes you don’t play or like.


And yet, on an alliance alt (void elf mage I raised up to get covenant rewards), I was able to get groups for lower layers of it for souls, as others were doing it for lego mats or other reasons.

When they removed the requirement of it, they opened the door for those to do it, because they want to do it or like to do it, to do it in their own way.

Just leads credence to the idea that Blizzard needs multiple ways to get things from day one, instead of forcing players into certain forms of content. If people want to do torghast, let them, if people want to ear their legos from raid, let them, just give options to people and complaints about x content should reduce if not vanish.



There is a craving for something more than Raiding.

Problem is Blizzard keep getting it wrong and folk like you reckon they shouldn’t be bothering. You’d waste this game through stagnation of no other new content.


That about sums up all his arguments.

I am right so therefore you are wrong.


The narcissistic abuse is strong is with his posts and its a bit annoying. Honestly. And most of the points on this issue is just him complaining.

So idk if I want to keep responding. It clogs up this thread. I just hope some devs out there are listening.


I don’t think devs keep up on these forums (unless community managers bring something specific to their attention), but devs simply have to be aware of all the negative feedback from solo players feeling ousted from endgame progression ever since SL launched unless it is all being filtered from them.

The problem is that current WoW design is centered around the misguided policy of creating more and more friction for solo players that want power progression, but less and less friction for hardcore players that refuse to do anything outside their preferred content.

In 9.2.7, hardcore players get everything they need from their choice of content (other than having to do the Zereth Mortis campaign and rep grind once per account), but devs have decided that solo and open world players can only work towards cosmetic rewards unless they step into hostile content.

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We can only see what they do with the game design in Dragonflight.

It seems they added a bunch of nice world content. I just haven’t seen the endgame much at all. To avoid story spoilers and stuff like that.

But what I seen from them making the reps more like covenants is nice for cosmetics. The game is lacking power progression wise. The crafting may be a way for crafters to get some max ilvl gear but we will see how it fairs with casual play.

And I haven’t heard of a solo system instance sort of thing.

In legion we had withered army training and mage tower. BFA visions of N’zoth and some warfronts zones for rares to farm that gave decent loot with titanforging.

Shadowlands it started to fall off ilvl wise.

So I hope we see improvements in the next expansion. Which is a few months away.


Nope, but forcing all players into pre-organized instanced content to experience any modicum of power progression is bad.

Nope, they decided to scrap Torghast entirely rather than simply allow it to drop the gear that it requires. This was a win for hardcore players but a loss for solo players.

Keeping crafted gear relevant is a great concept, but I don’t want to end up in situation where the max possible iLvl of every slot for solo players is only obtainable through crafting.

Crafted gear should be a great catch-up system for new toons that you are willing to spend the gold on, but having to farm up gold and mats (or buy WoW tokens) should not in and of itself be the only solo progression option.


that’s rich coming from the designated troll in the mage forum that no one agrees with. Literally no one gives you a single like, not even out of pity.


Imagine bringing Class forum beef into an unrelated GD thread.

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it’s not unrelated when it’s consistent behavior. Trolling everywhere

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When you come into a thread and derail it for your little class forum feud, that is 100% trolling, but from you. Not gonna reply further on this, you’re clearly in the wrong here.

I guess 226 to 252 doesn’t count as power progression? In that case, there was no power progression at all in S2.

One of the only ways solo players can get gear now is gold. It seems blizzard wants to monetize gear progression in some ways. They made the chat channel for carry groups already. I suspect they may purposely keep conditions or make conditions bad for soloers to make them maybe buy a token and get carried through content.

Since all the group content has some pay to win element tied to carries in some form. They want to make a way to monetize solo play and group play possibly with perhaps the new crafting system. Or at least that is a theory I have heard with some youtubers.

We will have to wait and see how the expansion turns out though. I am excited for getting to solo bfa raids. I hope we don’t have to wait too long to do that like in the final patches of the expansion.

The level squish made it harder to solo stuff like legion raids last expansion and they didn’t really focus on fixing those issues for solo players until a decent way into the expansion when players started to leave.

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What’s funny is, they haven’t even gotten to the super hard bosses in mythic raiding. A lot of people do the first 1-3. But, they’re a God bro.

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Doesn’t mean they enjoyed doing it. They just did it to get the rewards.

And I’m pretty sure it’s numbers are awful.


You should try playing the game before commenting on a “craving” for a game you don’t play.

I am not the troll of the mage forum because you dont PvE and cant figure out how to use RoP let alone the proper leggo.

^^^ This.

Dudes mad because I like RoP and dont want it removed which means im obviously trolling /facepalm