End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

That’s why I rock the jaina mount :joy:

Goes with my mage theme

So raiding isn’t challenging content? What is challenging content in your eyes?

Gear alone will not enable you to clear current mythic.

Right, and we can argue that truth for other areas of the game that they claim isn’t challenging content.

And most of what I have tried to argue for is content that takes skill to overcome, yet gear can aid in overcoming it. Like World First raiders are able to clear mythic in mostly heroic raid gear, if not lower, while those not world first need to farm mythic to get the gear they need to push on.

Maybe the set up I am looking for is:
Skill alone gets it done in whatever gear they have
Gear+skill gets it done, or has an easier time of it, as they gear up
Gear alone: possibly never gets it done

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So? Heroic/mythic raid have the same effect on most players.

Raiding is challenging content. Gear won’t brute force mechanics. That’s why aotc guilds are failing mythic fated bosses because they can’t brute force them.

It’s a waste of dev time to bring in such a big thing that most solo players won’t be able to do while forcing raiders to do it

There isn’t any organization in solo content so it would need to be even harder.

Ii’s why I like using mine because it was my first current mythic mount. Decent enough flying mount size that isn’t some horse knockoff.

Have the gear be higher when not grouped. Problem solved.

There’s also a lot of good group players that enjoy a solo challenge, so it’ll still have fans in the group crowd.

I dislike the scaling up systems. Gear is gear imo.

Still doesn’t address it being a waste of dev time.

Not saying there isn’t but it being another chore is what I don’t want.

You could say the same of other content though. Gear alone doesn’t make you automatically win, but it does allow you to ignore parts of a fight, or spend less time in a difficult part of a fight. Gear might not completely trivialize a raid encounter, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make it more trivial by comparison.

By that logic, mythic difficulty is a waste of dev time.

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Mythic is literally just a few added server side scripts for an extra ability in an otherwise existing raid. The big part of making a raid is all the art assets.

Added solo content, like Horific visions, requires massively more dev time. So when they do put it in : be sure to use it and signify you like it, or it’ll go away, like Island expeditions, or well… Horific Visions.

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That’s why geared to the teeth aotc guilds can’t do painsmith or fatescribe or sylvanus because they cant do the mechanics.

Gear won’t brute force anything outside of maybe normal and LFR.

Not at all. There are enough mythic raiders to warrant the dev time.

Solo players are a smaller minority than raiders and even if you disagree then the amount of solo players that actually want harder content are an even smaller



Quite a few players have, and have even defended the difficulty of such, yet that sometimes leads the ones defending it to be lumped in with the “elitists” yet when we we ask for more of that kind of content, with corresponding rewards, we get shot down because people think we “want free purples”.

OP of this thread literally said anything instanced is bad.

I’m pretty sure more people did torgast then raiding this expansion.
Raiding took a big dip this expansion. Meanwhile I can have done torgast on all my characters without touching raiding.

So this arguement makes no sense.

Torgast dropping gear wouldn’t change anything besides maybe not forcing people to do some group content if they didn’t want to do it.


Most people hated choreghast and is a terrible example. Even with the hit raiding toon it was still more popular than choreghast.

Any argument using choreghast to validate solo players is a terrible argument as it was a prime example of something people were forced to do.

Choreghast was so bad they made people stop farming it.

Yea almost like they should have made it for solo players and not to funnel players into farming legendary mats.

And tuning it from content outside of torgast.

The whole model made no sense.