End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Yea the post I just made was that even if they didn’t add competiitve gear, they could have just added just that drops in world content already.

Feels bad to do torgast, when farming stuff in the outer world will give you more progression in the game with stuff like gold and transmog. Which you can exchange for stuff like mounts, or crafted goods.

Torgast is a fun mode, just very lacking in rewards. I can get more out of running old lfr raids and selling transmog.

It was more to show how neglected it was in comparison to other modes that we have.

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I figured as such, but to :clown_face: like Snozy they can’t make the connection or have to bring everything back to heroic/mythic gear, which means they wind up tripping a trap due to not looking and thinking, and when called on it, they just double down.

Your post reminding me of items, like the Skullflame sheild from vanilla, that had a chance to drop in group content and out in the world, and I figured this was the kind of purple you were asking Torghast to drop.

You literally admitted you wanted content that could be overcome with gear and not actually wanting hard content.

The connection has been made. You got outed. There’s nothing to not understand :joy:

I’m sorry you can’t comprehend that normal gear is already given which means if you want more gear it means you want heroic/mythic gear.

Do you even PVP? If you don’t your opinion means nothing.

Time and dedication? What do you think you’re doing that requires any ability… time or dedication? World quests? Nothing a solo player does will equal the time, dedication and ability that any group content has to offer… so why should you get group content gear? Solo gear is there… don’t like it, I’ve said it a dozen times… don’t wanna do the content? Don’t get the gear. Begging for specific level group content gear while doing solo content is begging for a handout.

Oh, this line, Ever think that the kind of challenging content I want is the kind that people can work towards overcoming , like Horrific Visions, those with the skill and ability were able to get Mad World with a low er levle cloak and what ever other gear the ha, yet ones like me had to wait till we had full cloak, the best corruptions, and gear from the visions and raid/M+ to do, and even then we might have just barely made it by the skin of our teeth.

I’m sorry you can’t comprehend I already have heroic/mythic + gear, so maybe, what I am asking for, could be akin to filling in the slots I am missing that gear in, or getting better itemized pieces, from other content I do. Hell, for me, they could lock heroic/mythic gear from solo/world content behind needing to down x bosses of the corresponding raid difficulty or a certain M+ rating and I’d be happy.

I do and can confirm what he’s bragging about took zero skill.

That’s not challenging content. Challenging content can’t be overcome with gear.

And I’m sorry you can’t comprehend that there is zero solo content that’s difficult enough to award that.

I’d be very surprised to see how much solo play these solo players are doing. Like are they doing anything for veilstrider? Plenty of achievements under that feat of strength that don’t require grouping to play. But I’d wager most don’t even touch that aspect of the game.

Also to add on mad world was only a respectable metric at the latest by like the first week of March 2020. Earliest achievement dates last I saw on wowranks were like Feb 14. So that’s like 2-3 weeks of showing off which I see most people tend to do for their new ksm, mythic, rare mounts they earn. Afterwards they swap back to a removed mount.

Hence why some, like me, ask for such to be included, again, it can be locked behind the same requirements, I.E. the area with that content/those rewards requires a drop from the last boss of the current raid.

However, you have made it so that if one argues for better gear from current world content, you say they don’t need such, and should do more difficult content, yet if one asks for more difficult content, you clam they don’t want such.

So says you, but the challenging at first, easier as gear progresses, model has been used before, and in some cases, like tank or healer mage tower in Legion, gear can never fully over come it.

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Least you don’t see me asking for people to be IP banned.

There’s always going to be discourse no matter how much you try to tell people what their tastes should be.

Fair take, but it was a FoS if earned at all, as it was removed with the BFA pre-patch. I got mine in Augest, so again, likely when gear progression nerfed it, but it was still decently challenging for me, as I had to hope my corruption procced when I needed it to, that I did not wind up blowing my free rez or needing to pop a sanity restoration more then once every 2 wings, etc.


You really shouldn’t be flinging mud like that when you’re just as equally covered in it.

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More so if he does it against one that just wipes off the mud they are hit with, while he is still covered in it. I take my licks, but I am more interested in trying to find a set up all can agree with, lie say a world zone that requires a key from raid, or M+, to get into with higher rewards. This way, solo players have to do a “chore” to get what they need to do content they want, yet the moment they have that key, they don’t have to set foot in group content again.

And, no offense Bloody, but with some of your vitoril against “high end players”, I do feel like I get splashed with it, not saying you mean to, but as one that does multiple forms and ranges of content, I can’t help but feel attacked from both sides at times.

Change is scary but we’re never gana know if it’ll work if we don’t try something different.

Problem is Blizzard isn’t objectively looking to make systems that are technically fun or engaging, rather something that just barely engaging enough to drip feed reward and satisfaction over a long period of time.


Apparently not possible for the general population of GD :man_facepalming: hence the multiple threads about getting Mythic gear from dailies.

And the topics asking for more solo content, both of which get essentially the same treatment: either they want the gear without the work or they are willing to do the work but it has to be in content they like, but they don’t want “difficult” content

I say bring on the free loot,

If I could go into the open world and kill mobs and get a Mythic BiS sign me up. Sort of how classic is run at the moment, press 1 button in heroic dungeons and get rewarded pre-raid BiS.

If Blizzard ever caved and introduced a super easy open world free BiS loot pinata I’d be first in line. The game is already broken at that point if mythic gear is rewarded from dailies, I’d take advantage of it and make raiding easier.

No amount of gear can make up for the difference in skills so people can have whatever gear they want.


And if solo content were to award heroic/mythic gear it would be too difficult for the vast majority of solo players to complete.

On top of that you even admitted indirectly that you don’t want hard solo content you want solo content that everyone can complete which means it wouldn’t award the gear you want it too.

You’re not asking for difficult enough content.

And no I don’t think any solo content should reward heroic or mythic gear because that would turn into another chore I and other raiders would be forced to do.

It’s no where near challenging enough to award the gear you want it too.

You act as if you have an opinion worth reading.

You don’t even play the game so if anyone should not “fling anything” it’s you.