End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Exactly. No matter how much solo content Blizzard adds, everyone would reach that end point anyway and then not have anything to do. For every new expansion, Blizzard probably spends 80% of all their effort into “solo content” and the remainder in designing dungeons and raids. I mean this could be tilted more towards solo stuff but I think it’s not really going to make the game better.

EDIT: I think all this is a function of how much money Blizzard is willing to spend on building more WoW content. They have shown us what they are willing to do, but changing priorities on how to spend that money is probably not going to make the game better overall.

Thing is, they can always add another layer, another lock, etc to solo content, or they could make evergreen solo content, like player housing, that the only end is when you feel like you have enough.

Maybe you should stop making assumptions. I’m at work right now :man_shrugging:t3:

Thing is, Torghast was supposed to be the successor to Horrific visions, yet by the time it was released, we essentially had the version of visions that stopped once you had your cloak if not maxed out, then at a point you were happy with having.

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Yea. Adding gear to torgast would have been nice. Even allowing greens to drop and blues and epics to drop from adds would make it a solo farming endgame to make some gold.

Right now its a nice mode, but all you get for doing it is some legendary currency, and a repair bill. Very unfun.


Personally would’ve loved if it was another pillar, you’re encouraged to shoot for flawless runs the higher you go.

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Yea. I would have like gear to drop from them. Better gear the higher you go.

They could have easily added more layers in season 4.
Sadly they just focused on group content.

Adamant vaults is nice, but feels unrewarding.

Torgast is only worth doing when the emissary is up. Even then like a 20-40 minute run for like 2k gold is still lackluster. They could have easily added dailies /world quests for torgast too. I would have liked getting gold for doing it. Or some cool transmog sets.

Torgast only dropped shoulder pieces and some weapons, not even a full mog.

They could have let us get the legendary transmog at least and that would have been nice.

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Imagine thinking Thorghast is difficult enough to drop not only gold and heroic/mythic gear blues greens and purples as well :joy:

Torghast is awful. It’s boring with no payout. It was their attempt at replicating FF’s Palace of the Dead but man did it fall short.

How ignorant are you. You can get epics and greens from killing anything in the world content. Or dungeons or raids.


Seems par for the course with Blizzard

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Not at all.

Reading sure is hard.

Did I say that in that post? You seem to have reading issues.

Agreeing with this thread - more hardcore Mage Tower-esque solo challenges and Horrific Visions pre-upgrade nerfs style content, and released more consistently.

Solo content for all

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You have asked for it in multiple posts.

Like he couldn’t have decided to drop that desire and ask for something lower? Yeah, he might have asked for it in other posts, but in the one you replied to he did not, let like a :clown_face: you acted like he was asking for what he put in the post in addition to what he asked for before, when he could have been asking for it instead of what he asked for previously.


He could have but it’s highly doubtful.

Either way you already outed yourself as just wanting gear :clown_face::joy:

Nope, that is just you putting your own spin on it like always, if you are going to make such claims against anyone, find proof of it, via quote.

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Its a MMO Mutliplayer. You want solo play there’s tons of games out there. I think WoW needs to make things MORE social.

Solo Play has a Huge player base. People Solo for Different reasons. Most though do not want to deal with the Toxic players they encounter. There is no Fix for that you just have to Deal with it. I been in groups where own teammates would rather argue , and even hate on their own teammates rather than to play the game and engage the other team , that is in BG’s , raids? lol one player messes up the Whole team either rages on them or just boots first or after the Rage.

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