End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I did warn you :sob:

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You did. I took the bait anyway. Hes started another thread about Dracthyr that is 100% obvious bait

Yeah he legit only pays to troll on the forums as the two toons I found are barely touched.

It’s pretty said once you think about it.

People like this need a permanent account and IP ban from the forums

More esports cancerous thought process. The perseverance it takes for rank 14 is huge. Anyone can just go and raid and get gear immediately. Easy mode.

Has nothing to do with esports.

Rank 14 wasn’t skill based it was time based.

Most people literally just bot to rank 14. It has less prestige than hero of alliance/horde

I’m never done.

Some of the ppl that are so sweaty in this thread - thank you for the lols.

Getting sweaty with their first world problems about ppl wanting to have more things to do for solo content and maybe some gear.

All I can think is, “they that which have no life.”

I’m sure a lot of adults that are busy irl would love to just sit around complaining and playing video games all day like some of y’all vs working.

Go to your forum profile > Preferences > Notifications > Users and you should see a list of ignored characters and the option to +Add manually. Then you type in their character name. Sometimes you need character and realm name, like “Antiman-Bloodhoof”.

It’s not just an hardcore or nothing situation though. There’s a lot of casual guilds doing normal/heroic where you do what you want too (barring being someone like a raid tank where you know you’re commiting to the role).

If people would get past this idea that being in a guild has to be some kind of hardcore, controlled experience, they might actually try and enjoy the group content beyond the nightmare of pug life.

Playing solo offers me the freedom to try out the 36 soecs whenever I want. I would feel more tied to one character in a guild so I could pass loot on to guild members more.

I find playing offers more freedom for stuff like that.

Shadowlands also had restricted you with to try with investing in your legendary and soulbinds/covenants.

Solo play I was able to enjoy stuff like night fae windwalker, or night fae paladin.

That’s very different from the guild requiring or even expecting you to do that though, which is what comes across from your post that I quoted.

The casual guilds aren’t usually going to worry about stuff like soulbinds and covenants in my experience. It’s not like any combo would have been so bad you couldn’t get AoTC in Nathria. But yeah the legendary thing was annoying if you want to switch a lot, though that’s not really a group play issue as it impacted solo experimenters the same.


My points being group play and the shadowlands borrowed power make you feel locked into playing few specs and builds.

Even now if I lvl like a 2nd or third rogue I have to buy them legendaries and stuff to make them feel complete.

Which is why I am sort of excited for dragonflight. It will be easier to swap and play alt specs. I like completly ignored elemental spec this expansion.

Every guild I joined has died or koved to another server. So at this point I just join whatever guild for the perks on alts. Maybe help out s guildie occasionally. But stick to my soloplay.

Or pugging into mythics.

I never said anything about questing or world content in the post you replied to, just solo content, which could easily be Torghast, Mage Tower, etc.

Anyway, to expand on the gate for solo content gear, and this can include world content though I still feel it would be best if it was at least semi-instanced (I.E. Ordon sanctuary, which required the MoP lego cloak to access) it could be along these lines:
Pactch: gear ilvls are equivalent to heroic dungeons
Raid opens: ilvlv bumped up to M0 levels
FIrst wing of LFR: ilvls bumped up to LFR levels (if the M0 boost did not already place it higher, if so skip this)
All wings of LFR open: ilvl bumped up to normal raid
HoF fiilled: ilvl bumped up to normal raid end boss loot or heroic raid base

That said however, because content=loot in most minds, one can’t even really argue for another area to explore, like isle of giants, or a scenario, like vault of the thunder king, to be added for solo players to do. I mean the whole point of the vault was to steal as much as you could or get as far as you could in a time limit and that sometimes meant not fighting mobs but using tools to simulate CC and avoid combat whenever you could, how would gear help there?

So it has RPG in the genre, but is not an RPG? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, the ones asking for solo players to be ignored are puushing the MMO part and the solo players are more interested in the RPG part?

I doubt that even the solo players want a 100% solo game, but maybe a bit more balance between the MMO part and the RPG part.

The 2 can mix, like in the following:
Hero, a Black dragon is terrorizing our village, gather your allies and slay the beast,

But it can also be done for solo players like in this scenario:
Hero, a group of bandits has kidnapped my daughter, their hide out is heavily fortified against assault, but a single person can sneak in and rescue my daughter, think you can be that one?


This. Yes. This is what we want. It’s just this simple.

Then I have to ask, what balance would you settle for, perfect balance would of course be 50/50, but considering that they can make the MMO part fit with the RPG part (gathering allies to overcome a challenge) contributing to the RPG part does not have to mean adding to things for solo players.

I find this thread really confusing. What exactly is missing from the game (current expansion as an example)? If I choose to take a break from group play, I find an almost infinite amount of things to do solo.

Giving solo players more to do. Once you finish the story quest and any side quests you’re interested in there’s nothing left but raiding or PvP.

Professions being limited to two per character and many recipes locked behind rep grinds ruins that. There’s no housing to mess with. Their borked scaling made transmog hunting more of a pain. They don’t have anything like the Brotherhood guild in ESO, or the insane crafting system in FFXIV. There’s just, nothing.

The thing is, you can choose to take a break frm group content and find a lot to do solo, but what if solo content is all that you are interested in doing. Solo content has an end, like everything from ZM, amd any past solo content was done when it was current.

What might be missing could just be a long the lines of "ok, you have aided us more then any other, we no longer need your help here but our compatriots in x, where y is striking hard, could use your help.


“ok, I am done with questing, time to settle down and work on what might be my base/getaway till the next group appears and needs my help”.

If WoW had that, once you did that story you’d be back to square one again. Group players don’t have anything more either. It’s the same dungeons and raids over and over until the end of the season.

And M+

Been playing Torghast lately, think it’s a grave error for them leave this in Shadowlands and not go forward with this mode because honestly it is pretty fun.

Maybe Blizzard should stop focusing on the 3 pillars so much.