End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Coo’, I’ll disable a few dungeon portals for casual players who annoyed you next week, just send me the list.

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I dont think thats the point coming across. Thats what you are hearing. Not whats being said. Whats being said is coming to an MMORPG looking for solo content is like looking for a burger at a sushi restaurant. Its not the intent of the game. Some would argue the concept of an MMO is dead in this day and age. Thats doesnt change the fact that that concept is literally WoWs fundamentals. Due to this Blizzard has been slowly trying to find way to incorporate solo consent in a way that doesnt upset their base MMO playerbase. DF is adding more gearing paths for solo players than wow has probably ever had.

Its a Process. Sooner or later Im sure a burger will be added to the sushi restaurant menu but it has to be done in a way to where your normal customers dont feel like the restaurant is no longer a sushi restaurant

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Your lack of comprehension isn’t me making a mess.

Check my comment above I think it explains your point and helps him understand our point better

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There is no understanding Bloody. He’s just a troll that gets mad easily.

I’m sure that is the more diplomatic way to see it but Snozth here is assuming that the sushi bar is going to be replaced by mass production of burgers, souring his fish.

Reality is that the bar has to accommodate everyone or it’ll die due to a lack of diverse interest.

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Accommodating everyone doesn’t mean give solo players heroic or mythic raidnlevel gear.

I mean why not?

It shouldn’t impact the way you play anyway.

If your group is as strong as you claim it is.

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Exactly what would they even need the gear for!? I hears this argument all time time. Its like if you dont do group content what do you need the gear for!? Mobs for world quest scale. You can literally do all solo content in the game in 230 gear without feeling squishy. You can buy a full 233 set off the AH or a 229 set with anima. Its all you need s a 100% solo player

Because that’s not how this game is designed.

But it does. You just can’t seem to comprehend that.

Now you’re just pulling things out of nowhere. Never claimed my guild was strong.

Even if it was or wasn’t. It still affects raiders.

Players still need a sense of achievement otherwise they’re going to feel like their time is wasted.

Plus the scaling just really stinks. Sours the world content and the feeling of getting stronger is only felt in instanced group play…which is always go, go go.

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Gear is not a factor for a solo player though. If you need a reliable car to just get to work everyday you dont go buy a corvette. You cant make wow solo player friendly giving them comparable gear to raid gear with without destroying World of Warcraft’s fundamentals and all the regular players then quit.

Lastly if you are a solo player gear progression is not a focus of yours. So Blizzard has to add something to the game for solo players to progress on non gear related. This is the only way to do it without upsetting the core player base. In a way with the NEW crafting blizzard is doing just this in dragonflight. Look into it

You can’t tell solo players what their wants should be.

You also can’t tell them that WoW isn’t the game for them either.

After all Blizzard wouldn’t want to give an impression that a certain clientele was only welcomed. Might create a bad image. Confirm that there is indeed a bias present the development echelon.

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You are obviously here just to troll. You totally ignored the bulk of my statement and are using small snippets to create an argument. So I will restate it.

“If you are a solo player gear progression is not a focus of yours. So Blizzard has to add something to the game for solo players to progress on non gear related. This is the only way to do it without upsetting the core player base. In a way with the NEW crafting blizzard is doing just this in dragonflight. Look into it”

You’ve lost the plot if as the creator, you are in a position where you think you can dictate the taste of players or consumers.

No one is Davinci these days. You don’t set the trends. You either adapt or perish.

Yes you can. Currently it isnt. Like I said above which you ignored. “Coming to an MMORPG looking for solo content is like looking for a burger at a sushi restaurant” So yes I can say as a customer in the restaurant eating sushi to the person wanting a burger this is probably not where you want to eat

As a business I cater to my customers. Again the people there to eat sushi. Not the 1-2 people upset they cant get a burger. It is what it is.

If you can successfully start a business that somehow pleases EVERYONE you will be the first person in history to ever do it. Good luck with that.

Yes well it most certainly didn’t rain rank 14 gear. Dedication and perseverance should be highly rewarded in an MMO. It’s a working model. If you like the esports aspect of things, then make raiding have useless gear and you can compete on a stopwatch time. Basically the current state of pvp.

I’m really dedicated and persevered through boredom of standing very still in Stormwind square for 2 days.

Where are my epics ?

Yes, clearly you should have to stand in one space and press one button over and over again for them. Hrrrr

It’s about the same difficulty level as rank 14 so it’s a fair comparison.