End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I am a solo player. I never used to be, I used to enjoy having a full friends list and a seemingly endless list of things to do.

Now, I enjoy coming home and unwinding after a long night at work. I don’t the drama of a guild, and I tried pugging throughout Legion and BFA and it’s honestly just exhausting. The amount of time spent looking for groups, and waiting while groups replace members, and completing raids and M+ is ridiculous. I dislike LFR because more often than not I queue into a partially completed run, and end up having to requeue just to complete the wing; times 3-4 wings… it’s also exhausting.

With only a couple of hours a day to play, I don’t want to waste it waiting in queues. And I’m ok with that! I’ve tried other games but WoW is just really fun. No other game has come close to what I love about WoW.

I’d love to see more solo content. Simple things like WQ rewards scaling better with each tier. A solo instance like Torghast that drops or rewards gear, or currency towards purchasing gear, with a similar ilvl to LFR (higher than WQ but lower than normal is fine for most casual players); those that don’t need the gear can vendor/DE it. Solo instances again like Proving Grounds, or scenarios/island expos that reward currency towards buying gear (again, similar in ilvl to LFR), and lots of cosmetic stuff like mounts, pets and transmog.

I’m just speaking for myself here, but the term MMO simply means there’s lots of other people playing the game. It doesn’t mean groups are required, or that you have to play with others; we play alongside each other. That’s the “multiplayer” aspect. And Blizzard has created a world that encompasses so many levels of gameplay, there’s no need to bash others for how they enjoy playing the game. If Blizzard didn’t want there to be solo players, they wouldn’t have given alternate gearing options that don’t require a group. It just needs to be refined a bit.


Let me explain to you the REALITY of what would happen when it stops spinning. I promise you its not something you want to live through. When it stops spinning the country will have no skeletal structure left. It will collapse on it self.

You think what you experienced at the start of covid was bad? Imagine not only not finding toilet paper anywhere but Meat of any kind, eggs, milk or even seeds for plants to grow your own things. Most of the population would die in riots or of starvation. It would be total anarchy. People literally tossing you out of your home because they see it and want it. No cops of any kind to stop this because there are no tax dollars anymore due to the fact that all governments have collapsed. No firefighters to put out fires from the riots due to the same thing.

The move away from capitalism in a country that was literally built on it? If that capitalism wheel stops spinning at a time the world hasn’t planned for it? All the things above will come to pass. Like I said its not something anyone would want to live through. This is the reality of the situation.

We could move away from it but it would be a 20-50 year transition that would have to be planned out every step of the way. Politicians never care about anything past the 2-4 years they are in office. If it doesn’t effect them? hey dont care. So I dont ever see this taking place

Life bores me.

It’s why I secretly hope society collapses.

Sadly this would be the death of billions for reasons stated above just being some of them

Sadly this is inevitable.

We as a species are too busy screwing each other over.

They don’t have to return the favor at all, they’re friends.

Of course it is. Ever hear of food deserts ? Establishing a business to fulfill a market need helps people.

Please tell me where “you can play at anytime solo and get best rewards in the game” is listed in that.

The marketing doesn’t say you can get the best gear in the game by playing anytime. It just says you can play it at anytime.


Time and dedication is not a hand out – Which is all raiding is. A choreography memorization. It’s a successful MMO model. You can make raiding an esport and gear useless for that. Like the current state of pvp.

Yeah he commented stuff like this was removed. I cited him above asking for examples of what and when. Played since 05 and I have never seen it in the game

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He basically got got.

He’s unable to realize that “you can play anytime” doesn’t mean you can play anytime solo and get bis gear.

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Oh yeah, if you just zone into the raid for 3 hours once every few days, loot just starts spawning in a chest.

Best kept secret in the game, we don’t tell the solo players that.

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So what’s your excuse for not completing it then?

A voice of dissent that you want to shutdown.

Well done.

Nah just asking if it’s so easy why they haven’t done it.

You seem very angry. Did mom not bring the bucket down in time?

You jest but all of this is a memorization of choreography. It takes a lot less dedication to get gear from raiding then what it takes from the original honor system. That is real dedication. And definitely makes raiding look like hand out welfare gear.

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I’m not interested in playing the game on other people’s schedule.

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Yeah, that’s all it is. Watch a quick video, commit it to memory and just do it.

Really easy stuff, rains 304 and 311 gear. We don’t tell the solo players though, since if they knew, they’d also just randomly form groups with anyone and just go do it.

You’re not interested in having a conversation, only shutting them down in some helpless bid of maintaining control over game that you fear will change for the betterment of solo players.

I find it boring myself.

Which is why I never get into it.

I’d be a different person if I just enjoy watching my armors numbers go up or my armors paint job changing between 3-4 licks of paint.

Yeah, really boring stuff, sit there push buttons, don’t move. The Bossmods and Weak Auras do everything while you just spam 2 or 3 buttons.

Man, our first Ragnaros kill was so awesome.