End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

So hard content for a new category of elite solo players…

And rated solo shuffle arenas, to silence all the players who have been asking all these years for rated queues for RBG’s.

Are you aware that people who like bgs often have no interest in doing rated arenas of any sort?

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Area was what killed my interest in PvP.

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I think they really like arenas because they are easy to stream. Like, esports! Bgs/RBGs would be much harder to broadcast. Besides, apparently the people involved in PvP development at the moment know nothing about it, which is why we have been told that defending bases should be bannable.

Like I said above. “It the end of the day wow is an MMORPG. Not an RPG. MMOs are NOT designed to be solo games. If you want a 100% solo game xbox and playstation have a long list of them.” Just for an Analogy. You can try all day to turn a Jeep Wrangler into a sports car. But at some point you just have to realize its not what its built to do or its purpose so maybe its not the vehicle for you.

WoW has actually gotten more solo friendly over the years. In Vanilla/BC there was NOTHING you could do solo at all. DF is adding solo gearing paths for both PVE and PVP players. I wish the OP had done more research on this. There are more gearing paths for solo players in DF than ever before. Is it perfect? No. But at least they are trying to add in solo options. As for not liking Arenas? Solo shuffle is how you will get the best pvp gear that does NOT need to be upgraded. If you just want to do BGs you can. Get the BG gear and upgrade it

My understanding of OP’s research on this topic is to ignore all evidence that’s counter to the desired conclusion.


So you’re trying to turn it into something it never was, because right from the beginning, wow was marketed as the game anybody could play at any time, even if they did not have friends online.

Why do you feel the need to lie here? Absolutely no one has asked that the game be turned into a 100% solo game, though control freaks like you have been trying to turn it into a game where no one could ever do any content without an organized group.

That’s why WoW became so wildly successful, because people could play whenever they wanted to, unlike those games they left to come to WoW because they couldn’t play at all unless they had other people to help them.

Or you can try for a decade to try to force casuals/solo players into sucking up to you and trying to join the right kind of guild and the right clique within that guild in order to be permitted to access any content whatever.

It’s not working. Your attempt to force the majority of players to git gud and do nothing but organized group content has failed hard. The game is now a tiny fraction of what it was at the end of wrath.

And yet you keep turning the screws, trying to make the experience of those new players you claim to want to stay as miserable as possible, because you think that will inspire them to admire you and be like you, ie, someone who hates them and wishes they didn’t exist.

False. Solo/casual content has been removed, per your demands, because you didn’t want to do that content, and it felt so unfair that casuals who had a longer attention span than you were doing it and getting rewards you thought should be mailed to you for being gud.

Again, propaganda at work. Odd how the overwhelming majority of players in vanilla didn’t raid, and yet they found things to do. Raiders were rare, and as the game progressed, became even rarer.

Oh boy! Rated PvP, progression raiding, and mythic+! How is that different from Shadowlands? There will be even less gearing in Dragonflight for casuals. Honor gear will be so nerfed in PvE that it will be useless.

Hey, it doesn’t matter that you don’t want to join the cheaters, scripters and botters in Ion’s PvP utopia, so you can sell RMT carries like…you do? Everybody should do arenas, because you lord and master told you to say that!

Pay real money for carries! That’s the glorious future of wow you envision!

I mean if you don’t do group content…what was there to do in Season 4?

Pet battles?


They wanna do Torghast.

The exact same things as if they took the alternative course of action, which was to do nothing.

Then I think the OP has a valid argument since apathy is death.

There was never going to be any really new content for S4.

The 2 options were
1: have 2-3 people hop off DF for a bit and try something new
2: do nothing and let S3 run until pre-patch.

Yep. My thoughts too.

Huh? Not everyone has beta.

May not be willing to play it either.

2-3 devs, not players.

What is this great solo content that was removed. List it. Stop throwing accusations around with 0 context or examples of what you are referring to

If their resources are that stretched thin then why are they bothering in the first place?

Pretty slack for a tripple A company.

So you’d rather this be a full 9.2 patch, with DF pushed back until summer 2023? I’m confused as to which one of us is supposedly trying to kill the game.

I’d rather they come clean and tell us what’s happening behind the scenes.

Not a fan of these communication blackouts when they say they want to communicate more or be transparent. If it’s crunch time or the department is in shambles then we should know as consumers.

My god will you have a rude awakening once you get into working in the corporate world. I was in 64 and out of all the years I have been alive I can count on 1 hand how many companies I have ever seen do what you are asking. Welcome to the world of Capitalism. Not condoning this just saying it is what it is

They don’t fool me is all.

They can’t keep that Capitalist wheel spinning forever…

Unless we go into space which makes our trajectory as the human race take an…interesting turn.