End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Dude, it gives you quests and breadcrumbs galore to walk you through the process of using the first mask you obtain.

If you couldn’t figure it out without a written guide, you wouldn’t have survived 2 minutes before the Internet age as far as any rpg or adventure game goes.

It was too intuitive in a way.

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Honestly Snozh. I don’t know why you keep commenting on this thread if this is true. If it literally won’t impact your playstyle or stuff you do ingame.



Wrong again.

My laugh is somewhat typical.

I mean, if that’s what you’re here to do…

Do you need a pat on the back?

I think you’re going to need to ask your wife’s boyfriend what that means as it’s a sports term. Maybe ask when he’s giving you your weekly allowance?

Your behavior is pretty appalling…

Project much, mate?

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Idk man. Maybe if I was kitted in raid gear I would take that precaution. But usually killing elites and stuff in world content usually worth it. It’s not worth doing a 25 when doing a 15 gives you loot. That’s just extra stuff that players can do.

Like me trying to solo those elite mobs in Maldraxxus. You waste so much time to kill something and nothing drops.

At the time I was kitted in invasion gear. Couldn’t even solo some rares on some specs if they hit too hard.

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Being in raid gear makes quest text easier to read and instructions easier to follow ?

What ?

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Group content gear makes world content gear very easy to do. Like in every single expansion. Even wpvp in some expansions.

I am sure people that did group content had an easier time in visions.

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You of all people don’t get to dictate what the norm is.

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Why are you switching out to something completely unrelated to what we were discussing, ie, how masks were intuitive to use for Horific Visions ?

An easier time to read quest texts ?

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If you had more gear then me at the time. You would be less hesitant to try out a higher difficulty.

I wasn’t sure if 1 masking was something I can do since usually they tune around group content gear. Like stuff like Legion.

So yes for me it was unintuitive at the time.

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There’s no penalty for dying.

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The penatly for visions was losing your key and progress to your cloak. So yea. I avoided doing it because it took time to get the keys to enter.

I was happy to learn they drop better gear. But there was a penalty for failure, wasting a bunch of your time. And I was playing multiple characters at the time. That expansion I didn’t do much group content out side of some heroic assault pugs. And that was for transmog mostly.

For you it was an obious let’s try this out moment. For me it was this might waste your time and cloak progression and lose your visions key.

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The thing you had so many of you didn’t even know what to do with them ?

Like I said above, you’re not much of a gamer I guess.

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Um splitting my time across like 12 toons. Nope I did not have much of them. My shaman I like to farm reps with he probably had the most so I started doing it on him.

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Really, no one gets to dictate what the norm is, as what is the norm for one person or group could easily be not the norm for another.

And anyone that tries, just shows what a narrow minded waste of a person they are.

Because you clearly dont understand how giving welfare mythic raid level gear would affect me.

Why is it so important that people raid? Plenty of people only PvP, and some only do M+. If raiding is the end-all-be-all content in the game, why does every other form of content have to die for it?

Why are you playing a game called World of Warcraft while advocating against world content?

Having more world content doesn’t punish raiders.

lol your jumping to the extreme out of fear.

Nope, you clearly made an assumption and were wrong just like you have been wrong on everything else.

LOL even more terrible assumptions. Not everyone works fast food my guy.

Ironic considering I’m not the one making the above assumptions. Clearly you lack any actual point <3

I am not jumping to any extreme. I actually play the game and understand what will happen if welfare mythic gear was given out.

I am sorry you cant get your alts past ilvl 250 and think you have a concept of how endgame works.

That’s an unrealistic scenario.

You’re just exaggerating for the sake of your argument.

If Blizzard ever gave out gear it wouldn’t be Mythic Raid level. You’re just being paranoid.