End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Tower Overwhelming.

Close, but I would be talking more about one like that for the Legion Mage Tower, call it Tower domination or Tower toppler or something.

Tower Overwhelming is literally the current most challenging solo content in the game.

Barring that, a spellbook mount.

Ok, so it works for SL and maybe for more onward, what I was asking for would have been things from past expansions that were the most challenging solo content then, you know, something we can use to tell what periods someone played during. Like if they played during the last patch of BFA and don’t have mad world, yeah, they likely are not the kind of solo player we would be looking for, but if they did not play during that time, yet did during Legion and had a FoS for that version of the mage tower, they might have more argument.

There’s no point. Solo players that do challenging content just don’t really exist.

Solo players on forums just want free gibs.

Horrific visions was nice. You could get a piece of each layer difficulty. It was a nice solo progression system.

I would argue the mask system was not very intuitive. I only found out about it looking at wowhead.

It gave nice loot on a weekly lockout. Right now you can just spam mythic plus for the gear. And get a weekly chest on top of that.

Mask runs were just lootable once a week. Basically like giving chest loot for solo players which was nice. But they took out any solo loot system like that in shadowlands sadly. I like horrific visions. But shadowlands solo gameplay just involved world content which felt bad. Since they designed torgast for basically group content players. (To farm legendaries and not for solo players really). Which is why it was poorly received. It was designed for group players to do chores in instead of maybe like solo players that would maybe like to do it.

Wow seems to have stopped supporting that and gone for the profession loot. Which gold making is one of the best things solo players can do in this game. We will see how the new crafting system works out with ilvl.

Right now the easiest way to get gear for someone who doesn’t want to commit to groups is pugging mythic plus. Which is nice sometimes but sucks when you can’t get in a group.

Needing 4 other people to get decent loot is not so fun for me. But it’s something I had to deal with.

I don’t like how players in this thread are saying that solo players want free loot. The systems we suggest aren’t much different from how mythic plus is with looting rewards. Having 4 more people to do content with suddenly makes that content worth dropping gear?

Leveling is one of the nicest things this game has for solo content. Which is why I was an altoholic (sort of still am). You feel nice power progression. But the endgame just dissapoints with solo content. Torgast would have been nice to drop gear like horrific visions and I will stick to that point. And I hope blizzard listens next time they try out a system like torgast or horrific visions. So far it seems nothing like that is planned for dragonflight sadly.

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Yes it is.

Yes it is.

Not at all.

You’re the one who made the absurd laugh. Now back up your claims so we can laugh at you not knowing what the word “gatekeeping” means.

That’s funny considering my wife is cooking dinner right now :joy:

Nice deflection because you can’t refute points.

Someone telling you the truth isn’t making you a victim.

None of my posts show me being entitled. Do you want me to educate you on what entitled means alongside gatekeeping?

I mean you’re acting like a 10 year old that didn’t get his way.

Source? Considering solo players are the smallest minority in the game and achievements disprove this I would love to see your evidence on this.

Would you take a similar argument? One provided by one that is also against solo play?

If “the vast majority” of players liked playing with each other, would they not be playing or themselves AND others, with gear being the result, not the goal?

You got the first mask for finish a full run.

You got the other masks for beating bosses with masks.

The system couldn’t be more intuitive.

The source is any random pug dungeon. The only time people communicate is to yell at somebody for doing something wrong. They’re not enjoying playing together, they simply have to.

You can deny this dynamic being the general frame of mind for wow, but you would just look silly.

You had to grind out multiple visions. To be able to do the full vision run. Building up your legendary cloak. Then you had to apply the mask. You would only find out about the increased loot from masks after doing one.

Getting all 5 masks wasn’t intuitive. (I had to find out through wowhead).

Again it’s not as intuitive as say keystone levels or torgast setting the difficulty.

Some people would not even know there is an achievement for doing the 5 mask runs on both org and stormwind unless they looked through the achievements. I have heard some players say they didn’t even know horrific visions gave out gear.

Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

Only 2 weeks.

Literally equip a mask and kill the bosses in the big areas. Happens normally just through putting on masks and playing through, full clearing. 1st mask was for full clearing no masks.

Yes if you knew that. The way the masks were worded it would increase difficulty. Not necessarily increase reward.

You didn’t have to know. You got first mask, got a quest to turn it in, Wrathion would say “careful using it”, you’d use it because obviously, full clear again and get 2 more masks. Rinse/repeat the next week and you got the 2 other masks.

Yea no. Not everyone is going to put the mask in. I know some players that didn’t even like using the corruption until they had the cleanse mechanic to have low corrruption levels.

Also doing the visions from world quest gear, it’s not like people wanted increased difficulty on there already low gear unless they got a reward. Just look at mythic plus. Challenge modes had almost no one doing them until they turned into mythic plus.

Yea people are saying solo content shouldn’t give gear when stuff like challenge modes proved people mostly don’t do content unless they get something out of it.

No. I want sources for all points made.

Considering the person I quoted is full of it I am not holding my breath for a source.

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Thats not a source. Even if it was its your anecdotal evidence.

I have seen multiple people say good job and everything, Just because random pugs you are in are awful doesnt mean all pugs are awful.

I literally only play this game for group content so that is 100% false.

The only one looking silly here is you claiming your experiences is the norm.


Then you’re not much of a gamer sorry to say.

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The first thing I heard about the mask system was that it was from like a shooter. Game. I had just heard it increased difficulty for an achievement.

Until I started getting interested in getting those associated achievements I find that masks give loot. WHich was nice. But no where in the base gameplay was I given that impression.

Alot of wow is like that which is why I have to check wowhead to collect stuff that would just fly over my head.

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