End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Yeah on low to medium population servers before cross server.

So you got lucky with an unmotivated server that didnā€™t like PVPing as much as you did.

It is quite hard when they refuse to group with each other and practice the content until they master it.

It is quite hard when what they do is come the forums to complain about Gatekeeping and not being invited straight to Jailer farm.


I canā€™t decide which is worse. The people that use ā€œFomoā€ or ā€œgatekeepingā€ as they donā€™t use either one correctly :joy:

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Thatā€™s what my group is like to some degree.

If you join, and you show up/are around to do things you will be dragged along to things.

The thing is people have to actually, be logged in and hop in voice and say they want to do things. We get people who never show up, then leave.

Show up on a fresh 60? Cool, letā€™s run some 15s on a stacked group. Oh, come to heroic, weā€™ll carry you to gear we might ask you to bow out if weā€™re carrying too much but weā€™ll run normal after for the lulz for moar gear.

Weā€™re just goofing off and having a good time together.

But you know, group content is inferior and evil compared to the virtuous solo content.


It just reminded me of how guilds used to be back in the day with helping each other out and doing dailies and stuff together.

We were doing M artificer prog this week and to do seeds I swapped from arcane to fire (for the mobility) my damage wasnā€™t as good as it is as arcane because I am more comfortable as arcane.

No one got mad at that or the tank that BE silenced for runic power at 2% and purged the barrier causing us to whole at 0%

People at all levels make mistakes so itā€™s just ignorance to expect everyone to play perfect like Antimon and murdercarpet are suggesting.

Yeah kind of. And thereā€™s no reason such an experience should be inaccessible when it can be accessible. Lots of ways to mimic that. I can list several.

But the point is that blizzard should add more solo content for PVE and PVP. That is to say, you donā€™t need to make a party to be successful in it, and can obtain top gear.

The eSports dynamic can move over to raiding, etc. The gear you get doesnā€™t even matter, but you can have time competitions or something. Make it like current PVP is relegated to. You guys can enjoy that.

The ones I am talking about would be the ones that donā€™t want to either others or be held back by them.

You keep brining up Mad World, well, truth be told, the solo runs could be harder and easier for the same reasons;

Less people means less coverage for mistakes, but it also means less points for failure to happen.

Woah, woah, woah, I never expect people to play perfectly, sometimes the skill is not in avoiding mistakes, but in being able to recover from them.

Thatā€™s not true.

Again, not true.


Youā€™re projecting, mate.

I guess go watch some YouTube?

Maybe search a little? I hear online dating gets resultsā€¦

Why is that, exactly?

Iā€™m being victimized by this insipid post.

Nobody here is asking for cheats.

Maybe read your post?

No one is asking for a handout, mate.

Iā€™ve havenā€™t been called young for a really long time, soā€¦ thanks? I guess?


The anti-solist: deconstructed

I donā€™t have the metrics that Blizzard does, but based on my time on WoW, a minority of players only engage is solo content. Even most casual players do some form of dungeons or PvP. Even if I am wrong about the % of players, you cannot really expect to get gear that comes close to to the ilvl of group content, it would just destroy the risk/reward base of gear acquisition. To me, you either do the content to get the gear, or expect other people to have better gear :man_shrugging:t3:

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And all that some ask for is more content, or extensions of content already in game, for them. So ā€œdo the content to get the garā€ can become ā€œdo the content you asked for to get the gear you wantā€.

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I mean, to fully gear in ZM your looking at a pretty big time investment. I think to ask Blizzard to develop more options than that, thatā€™s a huge allocation of resources, when the vast majority of players use that as a stepping stone to move onto group content.

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Hence the extension of systems already in game, like how much would it take to make the torghast or vision successor able to drop gear to progress in it, when they are already making it in the first place.

The vast majority of players hate partying with each other. The only time they ever talk is to yell at somebody for doing something wrong. Other than that itā€™s completely silent. Itā€™s a burden, thatā€™s all. And then eventually they quit and wait for the next expansion. Those that subscribe year-round and love partying are only a fraction of wowā€™s demographic. It would be in Blizzard 's financial best interest to create more solo content.

Weā€™ll just have to agree to disagree, no sense entering a circular argument. I will say, I hope they do add more options for everyone to enjoy the game šŸ«”


Well thatā€™s all thatā€™s really being asked for, in the end.

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Truthfully, they could likely give solo content the PvP treatment and people would be happy.

I have a hard time finding this mystical solo player who wants to succeed, alone, without help, but yet canā€™t, in the game right now.

If there was such a player, he would have Mad World.

True, if they were around during that time, I just wish there were similar feats of strength for all expansions, just so we have more of a base to look for.