End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Yall been begging for free gear for years lol

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The Ilvl that yall want for the difficulty of content you want it from IS asking for a handout.

The solo players are the minority.



Yep, no Mad World yet again.

Then maybe the ones arguing are more solo yet core to hardcore players or the overall casual community has these smaller communities in it:

The ones that want hand outs
The ones that want content to advance their toons at their own pace or in their own style
The ones that are happy with things as they are

There is no way of telling which one of these truly makes up the majority of solo/casual players, but these slap fights tend to be between group 2 (the ones that want content) and the ones that conflate them with group 1

I just looked up the definition of MMO: An online game that can be played by a very large number of people simultaneously.

Hmm, no mention of grouping, no mention of what content has to be included, just the fact it is a game that a lot of people can play, and be seen in the game world at once.

Maybe the way the game is meant to be played varies from one person to the next, different strokes for different folks, or to put it another way: the way the game is meant to be played for you is the way you find it fun.

Using that, maybe the issue is some people are not finding the game as fun as they otherwise can (they still like the setting for instance) because there is a lack of content they find fun.


There is no “war” against “solo gameplay.” Quit being dramatic.


Why not just give solo players what they want?

Make all solo content award mythic raid level gear? Just make everything hit extremely hard and have a ton of really hard mechanics that have to be executed just right.

Want to complete a world quest solo? Expect to have to flask, eat food, gem, enchant, and spend hundreds of hours progressing on a kill 8 mogu quest.

That way only the most skilled solo players will get rewarded the level of rewards that only the most skilled players get. Everyone is happy.

Too much for world quests :stuck_out_tongue: , but expecting to have to do at least the flask, food, gem, enchant to do say like a layer 16 torghast run could easily be done. I mean gem and enchant my gear as soon as I get it (for tank and healer spec) or as soon as I sim (for DPS) and even in M+ I am flasking, eating, using an armor kit and weapon oil, and popping a rune if I feel like, for my gear/skill level I need that edge or that the key level is made to include such enhancements in factoring.

World quests are solo content. Therefore world quests should be as hard as and require as much time as progging a mythic raid end boss if it gives mythic raid end boss loot.

It’s equality.

Why are you talking about M+? M+ is group play. I thought you were a solo player? Solo players don’t do group play.

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Definition or not. THIS game is designed around grouping for end game

You are delusional if you think a solo level of Torghast is equal to mythic raid level difficulty


World quests are solo content, but solo content is not just world quests.

World content should likely be left alone, unless there is a requirement, like the lego cloak in MoP for Ordon Sanctuary to access it. I’d rather see more instanced solo content, where Blizzard can more easily tune it to where they think it should be for the ones they are targeting.

Lol, I am a player that does solo content, in addition to group content. I.E. more solo content=more content for me to do but at the same time more group content=more content for me to do.

So for me, the argument could easily be someone id denying me one form of content I do, but may not want to do all the time, in favor of another form of content I enjoy, but again don’t want to do all the time.

And this is why I brought up M+, as solo Torghast might be closer to M+ in difficulty, but M+ is also NOT as hard as mythic raid, for the keys that provide gear rewards.

So you are an idiot if you can’t see attempts at brining different things to a more accurate comparison.

Blizzard has been experimenting with soloable content for a bit now. We’ve had Mage Tower, Visions, and Torghast being pretty decent sized solo content. I think they could expand on it with puzzles, solo branching storylines and perhaps minidungeons with interesting rewards, and exploration rewards perhaps as well.

I’m definitely not a huge fan of the grind this out for ages to get mediocre rewards concept. By the time you grind it out you probably have something better when it comes to ilevel.

As for crafting perhaps heroic dungeons, world quests, and more could drop shards of whatever you need to craft heroic raid gear in the least. That way as you do what you want to do you get those shards passively and can then chose to make something for yourself or sell it.

Torghast isnt close to mplus difficulty either.

The only idiot here is thinking Torghast is equal in difficulty to Mplus or mythic raiding.

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All antisocial content should be harder than mythic raids and give mythic raid level loot like you solo players are asking for.

This way the ultra skilled pick me solo heroes can prove how good they are.

The casual solo player will just have to settle for leveling greens, group content, or unsubscribing.

I get it. You want mythic raid gear from dailies.

Ok, I am calling it now, anyone else that used these arguments has to quotes where such is asked for, other wise all thei arguments are based on logical fallacies.

I have never asked for mythic gear from daily, at most I have asked for heroic gear from WEEKLIES. For me, the gear would complement or supplement the gear I get from M+ and heroic raiding, and at a rate similar to the great vault.

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Any why do you think that you deserve the same rewards as I do for doing a couple of daily quests and tagging rares?

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Would tank engagement metrics, but what if great vault rewards stacked to 3 or 4?

Inc entitlement reasoning for gear masked as wanting difficult content while comparing difficult content to non difficult content.


I don’t understand this question?

Instead of weekly vault, you can store 4 charges so you don’t have to play every week.