End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

hehe this argument about what u deserve as a player is so funny LMAO yall are wild.

As is the argument about effort, jsut as an example:

I got Mad world by putting effort into it
I got all mounts from ZM by putting effort into it
I was able to solo Torghast layers by putting effort into it
I got KSM the last 3 seasons by putting effort into M+
I often get AotC by putting effort in to raiding

If Torghast provided rewards I wanted I’d likely put effort into it, if that meant I needed to farm a set of gear from Torghast, then I might need to think a little on it, but if I could do it without that gear, you can bet I’d be in there working on it in whatever gear I have at the time.

People can put in effort in different areas to earn different rewards, why is the only effort that counts the effort put forth in group content, aside from the fact there is a lack of solo content to put effort into?

Fact of the matter is, there can be those solo players asking for content of their style, that they can put effort into, yet because people hiding under the solo player label, complain about things being too hard, the good solo players get lumped in with the bad.

I mean for crying out loud, Torghast and visions are/were technically group content that can also be done solo, why can’t things along those lines be a path for solo players to get gear, as group players would also benefit from such.

There you go again, telling untruths! No one has asked for handouts here. Just you elites want a Wildstar game instead of something for everyone.


You’ve told us many times in the past that everyone in the game can and should be doing competitive content at a high level. Somehow you are imagining that all friends should be, owe it to you and others of your ilk to be at the exact same level and have every interest in pushing themselves to the liming.

That’s not actually how real friendship works. But if you’ve always chosen your friends based on them being at the exact same level of skill as you in this videogame, or people you can carry or who will carry you, yeah. That’s how you view friendship. Normal people do not restrict their friendships to others who play videogames at the exact same level and the exact same content. They actually have real interests in life that trigger friendships, and they want to play with these people in game. Not struggle to git gud enough so someone like you would consider them worthy of recruiting as “friends”.

Not everyone considers being carried by much higher level friends to be “playing with friends”, when content could actually exist (and has in the past) that all players can contribute to.

What lie did I tell? I mean it is obvious the handouts are wanted by this single player crowd. WOW is for everyone, plenty of content for all… you just think you’re above working towards something.

The approach to how players treat the game is meant to be open. That’s the RPG aspect of an mmoRPG.

They’ve never stated the game was made exclusively for any category of player.

When you read the title “World of Warcraft”, and then learn that the latest patch only brought about updates to instanced content, it’s not difficult to grasp why players might be a tad upset.


People just padding their post counts at this point. “We deserve gear!”. Yeah, gear is a basic human right or something.

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I know you said you were done with our conversation, but you do keep adding things that I have to question.

It might be obvious to you that this single player crowd wants handouts, but not so to me. Maybe because I am not biased against solo players asking for more content.

I am not saying you are wrong here, just trying to point out how 2 different people can read/see/hear the same thing and come to different conclusions.


No, because you literally just need to farm rares and WQ for that. You can get it done in an hour and get a BiS item while other people either raid, push high keys, or farm RBG’s. All considerable more difficult and more time consuming content.


The Zereth mortis gear system was great for solo play. They just needed to have this system in 9.0. Korthia gear was also good but they made it take way to long. I spent so much time grinding relics on my main that I never had time to level my solo alts or to do a bunch of other stuff that was out there.

Because you clearly aren’t very smart. No I wasn’t achievement shaming you. There are websites that track achievements

I donot care about your achievements. See above.

You clearly aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

I’ve realized long ago that elitist fear casuals getting rewards for investing time in the activities casual players enjoy.

They want to gatekeep rewards behind M+/Raiding/Arena.

They’ll whine and complain that they don’t want to do World Quests and yet espouse that World Quests shouldn’t offer rewards.

Shoot, Blizzard ought to remove rewards from M+/Raiding/Arena and say that participation in those activities is its own reward and see how that goes over.

Maybe the elitists might learn a little empathy for other people’s preferred playstyles.


And you’re wrong.

Elites don’t care about casuals because casuals still do the content. It’s solo players that pretend to be casual players. Stop using casuals to imply casuals are bad like solo players.

There is no gatekeeping in this game. It’s a buzzword by lazy/bad players

Why would blizzard kill their own game?

Has nothing to do with empathy. If you want mythic raiding gear go do the activity that rewards mythic raiding gear.

Don’t become an entitled child because you think you deserve the same gear just because you play the game your way.

Stop being the girl in purple from Willy Wonka


No I’m not. You’re wrong.

I like this format of arguing. It’s really productive.

Casuals aren’t bad, what are you talking about? Why would you imply that? Solo players aren’t bad either. Why would you insult that sector of the playerbase?

Yes there is.

Ask Blizzard. They’ve been doing it since Cataclysm.

Sure it does.

I’ll stop behaving like you, then?



You can get all the way up to normal raid gear doing solo pve in SL.

He provided reasoning though… you’re just :troll:ing

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No one cares if people get gear. We just want them to do the same content the way the games designed. You want free handouts and that removes the fun from the game.

You clearly can’t read.

No there isn’t. I’m up for a god laugh so please give me an example.

I have yet to find someone who claims there is gatekeeping even know what the word means.

Solo play isn’t a pillar of end game. The sooner you realize that the better.

No it doesn’t. You’re not a victim of anything or having some bad luck in life. You’re playing a multiplayer game and wanting to use cheat codes to skip the grind.

How am I being entitled? I’m the one playing the game as designed not asking for handouts.

How young are you that you don’t get that reference?

Quote it then.

More lies from you. You don’t have to push yourself to the limit to do premade content, I certainly don’t.

You’re making up stuff again. Seek help.

I’ve never said anything like that. Stop lying.

It exists right now.

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I feel the need to interject. I’m a solo, casual player. More than that, I’m a lazy player. (also, this is my posting alt and not my main for what it’s worth)

This entire argument does not represent me.

I have all the tools I need to go about my open world, solo content. I don’t need raid tier gear. I get by with my ilvl241 just fine.

These slap fights do not represent most of us solo/casuals. The vast majority of us are just fine. We don’t feel the the need to raise our voices to say, “Hey! This is is pretty good!” but maybe we should.

edit: I’m not defending the devs at Blizzard at all, just trying to throw some perspective up in this slap fight

I am part of the single player/solo/casual crowd and you are dead wrong I as well as many others who like me play solo DO NOT WANT HANDOUTS we rather work for and earn our gear.

Are there those in here asking sure happens in every thread but those are the minority while the majority of solo/single players wants more challenging stuff to do and be rewarded.

Might want to learn your facts before saying such nonsense.