End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

The thing is, the kind if events they want are things that are done solo, be it mad world, mage tower, solo torghast, but under the current system, unless they are quite skilled, they can’t even participate and feel like they have a chance without gear, and the only place for them to get gear is in group content.

So please, tell me why, to do something that is supposed to be able to be done solo, one has to do group content in order to have a chance at even doing it.

More or less the argument can come across like:
Solo player: I want to do mage tower and Torghast, why do I have to do group content to get gear for these soloable activities?
Group player: if you want the gear/rewards, do the content
Solo Player: I want the rewards from solo content, not group content, why must I do group content to get my solo rewards?
and so on.


This is not the witcher, this is not mass effect, this is not any single player game… the game was built to be multiplayer and have continued to push that. If people want to do only solo stuff, fine… no one should knock em for it… but if you’re playing an MMO strictly to do solo only content, that is not on anyone else. It’s like playing Elden Ring and asking for a difficult slider, Path of Exile to make it’s tree smaller or more easily accessible… or playing a tell-tale game and skipping all the dialogue.

No one should reap rewards when they’ve done nothing to earn them. Everyone should play the game the way they want… but to complain because you aren’t getting the rewards others are EARNING, is embarrassing and they should never be seen as actual gamers.

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So you can’t answer a question that I already know an answer, and a fix to:

Mage tower could be questionable, but they could do a form that started lower difficulty and built up, with the best rewards being the goal but the climb up provided things like gear.

Mad world: visions provided gear and corruptions/currency for corruptions, no one had to set foot in group content if they did not want to, but they were able to get the rewards from solo play they were after.

I am not saying that solo players should get the rewards from group content for solo play, but they should be able to get rewards from solo play through solo play, and group players, if they so wish, can get the rewards from both group play and solo play.

Can’t answer the question? I did… you just didn’t wanna hear it.

I answered it, they don’t DESERVE the gear… they have to EARN it… you have to do the group content to get the gear you want to do certain solo content… if that’s too hard to grasp then I don’t know what to tell you. Again, this is not a single player game, it has never been pushed as a solo experience. You are meant to play to with others… if you don’t want to play with others, then guess what? NO GEAR FOR YOU. I hope they stand firm on that and don’t bend to a small minority of players who think there are of em than there actually are.

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It is not too hard to grasp, it just does not make sense.

Do you not see how this sounds? “you can’t earn the rewards from solo play unless you do group content”

Maybe all that some of these solo plyers are after is:
Get gear from group content to push into group content and earn the rewards from group content
Get gear from solo content to push into solo content and get rewards from solo content

Is that so hard to grasp? Sure there might be some that want to do nothing and get the gear/rewards, but the same can be said for those that do group content

People want to lock things behind group content, even if it does not make sense for it to be so, like solo content.

If one wants to argue that world content should not provide gear above a certain point, fine, but to put it bluntly: world content is solo content, but not all solo content is world content. In fact, I’d even add that it might be best if the solo content being asked for was put in instance, so it is easier to keep it on a path that empowers players who push it while in it, but has no effect elsewhere.

So, again, if say torghast has nice rewards, why shouldn’t people beable ot run that solo (or as a group if they so wish) and earn gear that allows them to progress in Torghast for those rewards?

Sorry, it just sounds like some group content runners want both the rewards from group and solo content for themselves and deny solo players their rewards, when solo players really just want the rewards from content that is touted as solo able. Does that seem fair at all, for group content players to get everything and solo players not even what they are told they can try for?

Are you simple?

I do… and most people would agree… the content isn’t for solo players. It was made for people who, you know… actually play their game? Crazy idea I know.

You know what, go install Path of Exile and complain to them why it’s not an FPS. Because you keep trying to push the concept that an MMO should be made for a single player experience. It’s crazy because most solo players get it, it’s the few whiny bunch that want more than what they’re working toward. A bunch of customer service reps thinking they should get upper management pay.

AGAIN, this is not a single player game, the game is not built for the solo experience, the game is an MMO. If people want a single player game, they should go find one… or get this… accept what they are and accept what they’ve earned.

SOLO PLAYER EXPERIENCE DOESNT MATTER. Seem 100% fair. Do the content if you want the gear, no if ands or buts.

So solo content is not made for solo players?

Nope, I am just trying to say that those who do solo content should be able to get rewards from what ever is marketed as solo content. A lot of this might not even be an issue if Blizzard had stated something along the lines of “for raiders seeking a solo challenge, we are introducing x”

And even group content players have conceded that things like Torghast should have provided gear. If Torghast provided gear, we likely would not even be having this discussion , as solo players would have their path, their rewards, everything.

See, solo content can provide gear and it doe not have to take away from group content

Let me just ask this, would you object to something like Torghast providing gear, for solo players, as long as that gear was not better then world content gear outside of Torghast.

Oh, and for the “play the game argument”, know what Mage Tower in legion required? people contributing to things on the Broken Shore, know what vision took? doing invasions and earning currency, both of these things could be done solo

Know what the attitude you are showing seems like? “thanks for the help in opening the Mage tower for me, now you get nothing while I get the rewards because I do group content” or “good job earning that currency to run the vision, too bad it is wasted as you don’t do group content so you don’t have the gear”.

The game is not made for solo play, but that does not mean solo play things can’t be sprinkled in,

Main thing is, if something is touted or marketed as something that can be done solo, I just expect it to provide a gearing path for solo players, more so if it has rewards for solo players

One of my friends said it best:

Yeah, no. Even in an MMO, there is no requirement that you have to participate in multiplayer content. If you want to play on your own, and enjoy things in your own way, you should be allowed to do so

A lot of people seem to want to make grouping a requirement, and there is the fact that even if you are solo in game, you are often still around other players.

Maybe all that is, indeed needed, is the content that is marketed as solo, not as solo if you do group content, to provide gear and rewards for those that do it.

We might never agree on everything, but even with how you have responded to me, I still consider you an ally in the battle to improve the game for as many people as possible. And, regardless of how I come across, I do respect you and your opinions, and while I hope you return that respect, I can understand if you don’t.

Not all of it. Just because it has solo content, doesn’t mean its for the people treat the game like a single player experience.

They may not have openly said anything, but have they ever stated the game is made for the single player experience?

What does multiplayer and MMO mean to you? This game is and was never built around the single player experience. It’s about community and playing together. Why is this difficult to grasp, you can’t pick up a multiplayer-only game and expect it to cater to a single player experience.

When has WOW EVER been marketed as a single player experience?

Again, solo content is subject to your gear and ability… if you don’t have the gear or ability, guess what? You can’t do it. The single player experience doesn’t matter. This is 100% a pure self-inflicted wound, play the game and do the content you like and able to do.

Lol, you are delusional. I personally don’t care about the mage tower, never will… if you think these so-called, “solo players” are the reason it’s open… you are on some drug, I wish I was on.

It is sprinkled in, just people who refuse to do more than just basic solo content won’t be able to do the more advanced solo content. :kissing_closed_eyes:

Are you really trying to achieve shame me? That has to be the funniest crud i have ever seen. LMAO!

Got most of mine when the group content was current. I am a solo player ding dong, since after WoD!

Try again, because i am not embarrassed in the least! BTW my achievs are not even updated since who knows when!

Multi player means being able to play with others in some fashion. MMO means there are a massive amount of players around that you CAN play with but don’t have to do more then see them and interact with them out in world content.

I did say legion, I.E. OG Mage tower. Current Mage tower is likely open more for those that do the content and play the game, as anyone can go in at any time and attempt it.

As a whole? possibly never, but individual parts, that is another story and by this I just mean things like visions, Torghast, Mage Tower, and world content like IoT/IoG, IQD, TImeless Isle, Broken Shore, Argus, invasions, etc.

So, in essence, a broken toll booth on the solo player lane. and the detour is to i shift lanes into group content? Maybe some solo players just want to stay in their lane, and be able to have the toll booth fixed so they can pay the toll and move on.

Well this is going no where, you aren’t going to make a valid point. You want handouts, I don’t. Maybe it’s just me… but I feel if I don’t want to do certain things, I shouldn’t receive rewards from those things. I have no raid level gear, because I’ve done NO raiding since AOTC Nathria, mostly PVP with a few M+ sprinkled in and I put in the time and effort to get the gear. If someone were to come in and get the same gear as more for peanuts… I’d be pissed off.

You keep it up though, our conversation has pretty much come to an end… there is no reason to continue this conversation, you aren’t going to change my mind and you want to continue pandering. Plenty of other conversations to be had.

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Less than an actual sentence of content in 4k posts. TL;DR of this whole thread : “Gib purples”.

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Sad to say, I think you are right, but I won’t deny that you have been fun to discuss things with, and offered insights about others to me.

I wish you luck in your other conversations, and hope that one day, we meet again, preferably on the same side (hint: I am one that has been called both an elitist and a whiney casual, so maybe in a topic where one really is complaining about things being too hard). Until then, agian, I wish you luck in your endeavors.

Accuracy is on point.

I just wanted one valid point as to why they should get gear they haven’t earned. It all ended up being, “well they should…” well they should put in the effort for the gear, instead of standing there with their hands out.

Poor you! If we have to spend a month or more to get a freaking piece of normal ilvl gear its no skin off your back!

Sit down!!

In these 4k posts i havent seen that. Step off the soapbox, you are losing huge amounts of blood!

Oh, another whiny solo player begging for handouts? Do you want the non-participation trophy mailed to you? Because I’ll get one made… get a PO box.

Whatever you say elitist! Keep saying the same ole line. Its not going to work. Go play your M+ and leave the solo players alone to discuss our needs and wants. We aint begging for Sh!t! Its you elites that keep pushing that false narrative!

And all I was after was one valid point on why content for them to earn the gear in the way they prefer should not be added.

What you and others think is people want hand outs, tell me, is it a hand out if we have to do Torgahst for it, is it a hand out if we have to do something like 5 mask visions, is it a hand out if the only way to get an item we want is to take down an elite mob out in the world solo, extra points if it is trollable by making it so the moment someone else tags it, the item we want does not drop?

Maybe some do want handouts, maybe others are just asking for ways to earn their gear doing content they enjoy.

I think players should earn the gear they need/want, I just think that sometimes the choices of paths to earn that gear are limited and, if nothing else, am arguing for paths similar to what we had in the past, to be added back in.


When y’all stop crying and screaming for handouts, I’ll leave y’all alone.

You have two choices, do the content and get the gear OR don’t do the content and guess what? Don’t get the gear!