End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

you mean how specs are redesigned every expac and might play completely differently?

In this case, should be a love of WoW.

Am I, or am I arguing for the individual members of the community to be able to have their own wishes and desires.

Just like the sports community is made up of athletes, managers, fans, etc. The WoW community should be able to be made up of:
M+ runnners
auction house players

And each of these can form their own, smaller, communities among themselves,

Thing is, people can form a community based on one aspect, or similar like, but aside from that can be as different as night from day.

Apparently solo players don’t actually love WoW since they feel there’s a “war on solo players”.

That’s the very opposite of community. That’s pretty narcissistic.

That’s actually nice about wow. Alot of content updates.

If I say play one of my favorite final fantasies and grind like 200 hours into that. There are only a finite amount of stuff to do.

Meanwhile this game you can play for more then a decade and still get content.

Like me waiting for a kingdom hearts game. Kingdom hearts 2 to kingdom hearts 3. Took like a decade
 Played it as a kid, then played kh3 as an adult lol

That’s not skilled based solo content. That’s content good players do on release and other people farm gear to cheese through it.

there’s lot to do, but you might not be interested in doing all of it, so you’re on forums lobbying for more. It’s like complaining on KH forums to get KH3 out already.

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Take a city for instance, lots of people, lots of different walks of life, but some areas of the city are ignored, the people there feel like the city abandoned them, but they still love the city and all in it. This might be where solo players are and why they feel there is a “war” against them. It might not be there is a war against them, just that they feel abandoned by the rulers (devs) and the more affluent members of the community (raiders and M+ runners). Enhanced by the idea that whenever the city council gets together, the representative for that area/group is either ignored or flat out MIA so the only ones that really get anything are the more affluent members.

I don’t consider myself an open world/solo player, but it’s silly to think this is true when the mage tower exists. I wanted the Spelltome mount, I learned 4 specs, and multiple fights just to get it. Nothing to do with M+ or raid, nothing to do with other players in general.

That’s true, or rather it’s probably more accurate to say that for any given form of content, there are players who will complain about that content. Otherwise, we’d have to infer that raiders and M+ players don’t actually want to improve based on your argument. After all, there are players who complain about them.

Kh3 already came out. Kh4 is coming out soon. I think they were going to make a movie or something.

But I am not lobbying for anything then just adding gearing to solo modes like torgast. Idk if we will even get a solo mode in the next expansion so far it seems only world content focused.

That will be alot to grind during the first patch. Also torgast was supposed to be like visions but they removed the gear from it sadly.

Blizz designs the high end content for people who do group content. So only those that do group content and enjoy solo play get to do it most of the time.

If you see the leveling experience that is mostly a solo experience. In endgame that falls flat. Visions was a step in a nice directions with the 5 mask system. Torgast too was nice with the increasing difficulty. The problem it had was it not dropping gear and the gear you get being completely dependent on other game modes.

Final fantasy connections to the new kh4 is hype. FF13 versus was remade into ff14. And it looks like the old dev worked versus into kh4 and that is so much hype!

It doesn’t matter what you consider yourself. If you refuse to do group content like mplus and raiding you’re a solo player.

Players complain at all content. Doesn’t mean it’s valid.

I think you’re missing my point. I’m saying that from the perspective of someone who does do m+ and raid, there was a form of solo content that actually offered a sense of progression and forced me to get better to earn a reward that I cared about.

It isn’t about validation. You asserted that solo players don’t want to improve because there are people that exist that complain about torghast/mage tower/etc, despite the fact that people complain about raids and dungeons too.

A city is not a community.

Oh yes it is, or at least it can be considered such;

A city can also be considered a community because all people within the city are united in their shared interest in improving or maintaining their city’s culture and livability.

By saying a city is not a community, you LOSE any arguments you make based on definitions. A lot of definitions, like a city as a community, fall into the a city is a community, but not all communities are cities. oh, and to top it off, here is are the definitions of cummunity:

1.a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common:“the scientific community”

a group of people living together in one place, especially one practicing common ownership:“a community of nuns”

a particular area or place considered together with its inhabitants:“a rural community”

Note that, for this one, words with a similar meaning include: district, zone, region, area,

a body of nations or states unified by common interests:“the European Community”

the people of a district or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities; society:“preparing prisoners for life back in the community”

Note, that this one has similar meanings in: state, country, nation, realm, etc.

City might not fit YOUR definition of a community, but it can be considered one by other definitions of the word.

You, and your ilk, tend to latch on to one definition and any that argue, using another definition, to try and paint a picture some might see, you call out as idiots or not correct for some reason.

If you are using one ot the other definitions, fine, just realize that some might be using a different one for the same word or term. If you are going to claim things like “a city is not a community” at least have the presence of mind to say “according to my definition, or the definition I am using, a city is not a community” Otherwise you are opening the door for others to counter with a simple look in a dictionary.

Man, you sure make me want to do group content!! lol

You’re so welcoming, warm and a good communicator.

It’s crazy but there are players better than you who do not do keys or raids anymore.

Yes because people act the same way on a forum and ingame

See above.

Never claimed there wasnt. Good thing you made a completely irrelevant point

No you see, the guy was really a top end player. Top of the pile kinda guy. Like he had Realm First Ragnaros back in Vanilla and he had a Black Qiraji mount. He’s really a top end player like you’ll never be. Wait, what do you mean he hasn’t raided since TBC launched ? What does that change ? Is still top dog best player World #1 !

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That’s advocating for handouts
 why should the people who have the skill and apply the effort to get that gold medal, should be laid on the same level as someone who clearly doesn’t have that skill level, they have to improve. You wouldn’t say Jordan is on the same level as Matthew Bonner would you? There are levels to everything.


Ok, using the medal argument? in the case I presented, would the ones with the skill to get things done on release, be the gold, while those who need that slight edge from gear, be silver, those that need massive gear improvements be bronze?
After all, depending on the event, the gold goes to the ones who do it fastest, and in games like WoW, that means first.

To put it in WoW terms:
I expect the mythic raiders/Hall of famers to do things like Mage tower in whatever gear they have when such comes out.
I expect the heroic to early mythic raiders to do it once they have the gear the set up is balanced around
I expect the normal to heroic raiders to do it once the next tier is unlocked and the catch up gear is added
I expect LFR level players to do it once they are fully decked out in gear from the tier after the content is introduced
I expect those that get by in even world content by the skin of their teeth to never complete it, no matter what gear they have

By definition thats not skill based solo gameplay. Skilled based gameplay would be either you complete it or you dont.

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I like you, but this is a terrible argument.

Getting a medal, means they’re skilled and doing whatever event
 none of these players want to even participate in the event
 but they want some of the events rewards. They want a medal or gear
 you gotta participate
 sticking to non group events and going to the park and sinking 15 shots in a row doesn’t make you worthy of partaking in that event’s rewards. These solo players are the people who dream of the event and watch it from a distance.

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