End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

It’s also massively more solo play, since you know, it involves 0 group activities.

Look, the “solo” players just want free gear. The minute content has any bite, they curl up in the fetal position and cry. They want big ilvl with no effort.

Yes it is. But it was tuned more difficult. I remember you made a post about wanting to outgear it as well when the mage tower came out.

Group content literally has gear that they overpower the content in. Saying solo content should be exempt from that type of power progression is hypocritical.

Yeah, because it was silly to have a limited time frame to get it done when it required quite a bit of practice to do. I also said barring that they should just remove the time limit.

Guess what they did ?

Now, it’s perfect.

Yes you and me made that point. And it’s nice that it’s always an option now.
But don’t tell me it’s not hypocritical that group content gets easier the more you do it but solo content can’t be made similar?

Literally me spamming group content got me good gear and made it easier to do it next week, then the week after. That’s a nice thing to have.

Only if you think skill alone is what should make challenging content compleatable.

Maybe, just maybe, there are those that are decently skilled to do challenign content, but we fall short due to gear, is it too much to ask for gear to make up that difference?

I completed the tank MT in legion, and a few others, the thing about the tank one is, even with gear, it is still a challenge due to RNG, so tell me how gear alone can make the difference in overcoming challenign content before the gear hits the point where you are one shotting everything so things like RNG necer come into play.

Horific Visions was it.

Solo players rejected that also.

I did it, got Mad World, did Mad World again on 3 other toons.

Let’s put it this way : as soon as content as any bite, it’s the same players tackling the challenging group content that also clear the challenging solo content.

I can give you all the gear in the world, you probably won’t time a +25 or kill Mythic Jailer unless you’re ready to dump the double digit hours of practice into it.

Gear helps, Gear doesn’t overcome all.

I did it too. Let people complain. Group players complain about dungeons and raids and they get nerfed. Why the special anger when solo players do it?

I liked visions just didn’t like the abundance of random ccs. People complained about lower kara and it got fixed. If people complain about torgast. Oh you don’t deserve gear.

It’s hypocritical logic.

That’s not the content that will award heroic let alone mythic level raid gear.

I mean it could be, but solo players gonna rage as soon as they turn on more than 2 masks :rofl:

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And when I say “over come with gear” I am refering more to the idea that I need that help, as in I can do the mechanics, but am more likely to slip up if it takes too long, or RNG turns aganst me.

See, the thing is, you essentially made the argument “you want easy content you can smahs throgh” or “you want challening content so hard, gear dies not matter” when maybe, just maybe, what I am after is that “content can never be smashed though, but also gear can help make up for discrepancies in skill or luck”

You and others, at least in cases like this, seem to argue for the extreme ends, there is that middle ground. Like I was attempting legion mage tower from release through Antorus, and it took Antorus heroic gear (or less, depending on what toon I was on and scenario I was doing) to complete it, and I think I only did the tank one by the skin of my teeth, as I had died and the NPCs finished the job.

Then you clearly don’t want skill based content for solo content :joy:

I said solo players do.

You are obviously not a solo player.

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I want the purely skilled players to be able to do things on release, I want the lesser skilled players to be able to get gear, in the content of their choice, to do the content, I would be fine with the zero skilled players to never complete the content.

there’s plenty of games that cater to the solo player. go play one of those. mmos are about community, or at least they used to be.

Wow should make a solo game we can transfer our characters to lol.
Move me to a diablo game with wow gameplay and let me keep my mounts and I’ll move lol.

The bad thing about solo games is they don’t necessarily update their game like wow does.

Group content can be fun but it’s not why I like wow or stuck with it. If all I cared about was group content I would have left a while ago.

why not just play diablo 3?

Does diablo have enhancement shamans, or shadow priests, or demo warlocks, or windwalker monks, or survival hunters (with pet collecting), or frost dks?

Final fantasy doesn’t have those either.

Alright, then lets make the argument about community:

Communities can be made of people of one kind, I.E. rich, poor, athletes, etc or made up of a mix of people. Communities can have their “village idiots” their beggars, their affluent members, and everything in between. Are any of them less of a member of the community just because they are not a certain kind?

It takes all kinds to make the best communities, I mean the best smith in DF might just very well be a solo player, would you want to lose that smith because they can’t get gear to make the job of collecting mats easier? More so if the mats are in elite areas or guarded by mobs that most players could not solo without gear?

But they usually all rally around a common interest or goal.

Now you’re arguing for a diverse community without a shared interest or goal.

it also takes more than 1 solo person to make a community, by definition… so… ya… go play single player games if you want a solo experience.

hell, go play the division, its a single player game in a multi-player world. you’ll like it.