End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

(post moved by author to an undisclosed location)

No need to when it’s backed by achievements.

Considering you’re the one desperate to prove me wrong

Yeah, if one went back to older content and ground out old mats and gear,

The thing about the SL MT was that there did not seem to be a way to improve gear, or even practice it, for any length of time, so it felt like people only had that window it was around to do it. Maybe it is different now, if they made it always available.

No one is debating that. Group content is harder and takes more organization. That’s why it’s called group content.

This game is designed around group content and group content giving the best gear. That’s never going to change.

You’re like the guy that buys hockey tickets and when you get to the game you’re mad because it’s not football.

The topic creator is a troll

Even if you didn’t. All gear was scaled down to ilvl 50.

A problem that was solved by making it a permanent fixture. Meaning people had ample time to work on it, not just a limited window.

Wait, not 2 posts ago you said you wanted challenging solo content, now you want content you can Hulk Smash with gear ?

Ding ding ding.

Haven’t I been saying that all along :joy:

Guy can’t even keep his stories straight.

Except, maybe, gear from Legion content that was higher, like say a titanforged cloak BoE cloak from Nighthold, and even if that gear was staled down, it was at least gear that had the most benefits for the tower.

The best gear for the tower was non-Warforged Nethershard gear or Nighthold gear. ilvl 50, all enchants open, and free sockets (unlike MoP gear sockets that were on the item budget). Any warforges closed down enchant options and didn’t provide any benefit since it was also scaled down to ilvl 50.

All solo content to obtain. Even them you could just walk in with what you were wearing too.

All the gear was scaled down to 50 ilvl. The reason people were farming that gear was 100% because of the get slots.

Having mail set gear with 3 gem slots.

You couldn’t easily buy a blue gear set for pvp and have more than enough to complete the challenges.

Raiders and group content players had an easier advantage in mage tower. If you just played solo it was more accessible in later patches with world content gear giving relatable ilvls of old raids.

I have the spellbook.

I used exactly 0 raid and m+ gear doing all of them. In fact, I only did 1 scenario on my main raiding toon at the time, all the others were done on toons with 0 SL group content done.

SL Mage Tower was the ultimate form of solo content.

We are talking about og mage tower.

You are, not us.

Maybe what I want is challenging content I can eventually over come with gear, I.E, I don’t expect to be able to walk in day 1 and hulk smash it, but should I not expect a way to get better gear so I can do better at it each time?

I see challenging content as something to work on overcoming, but that means I need the ability to gear up and practice, something that far roo many seem to want to deny.

The original post from the op talked about how it became accessible with solo gear eventually. And how the difficulty was not replicated with the scaling in shadowlands. Many youtubers also confirmed it was harder then the original challenge.

That’s the opposite of challenging content.

Mage Tower in SL was the perfect form of this.

That’s the same model group content has. Easier to do the more you do it with gear upgrades…

We’re talking about this my dude. Don’t move goalposts.

That’s literally what I said in my post. She’s talking about how harder it is in shadowlands.