End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

What do you need the gear for?

to do content thatā€™s actually difficult. One of the many levels of m+.

What is that goal? What level is that?

Because gear rewards is based on difficulty. Current solo content is so trivial that normal raid is essential.

Currently, probably finishing the last 20 (lower kara) and just waiting for dragonflight.

So your goal is the portals? I stopped after the ksm after the gear. Because I just wanted the gear and had no interest in progressing further. Maybe 16/17s to make ksm easier and do less grouping.

My goal was just an easier time to do solo content. Last season the 15 gear was making doing flawless 12s much better. And it makes doing solo mythic Antorus much less annoying.

I did want them to do something with torgast for s4 but we didnā€™t get that sadly.

Self inflicted wound by Blizz! It was fine in Beta, until they removed gear and mogs literally right before launch. I played the heck out of it in beta, and it was really fun!

No, Iā€™m all for solo content.

Itā€™s just not going to reward you Heroic raid level gear unless itā€™s tuned like Horific Visions was.

No, because it had rep for Unity and unlimited augment rune.

Torghast should absolutely have gear.

Then they wouldnā€™t have had to nerf the heck out of it because all it was was a chore like Island Expeditions.

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Raiders grinding enlightened rep werenā€™t doing it for the gear as most were already at ZM rewards

Which is what some would be more than satisfied with, thing is Torghast might have been tuned like that in beta, but what we got on release was this watered down pos that no one liked or really did beyond what was needed.

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Except none of the solo players even did Mad World.

Torghast on release was brutal for most, hence why they had to nerf it several times.

But at least they could have, even if it was just by grinding out the gear and corruptions from visions. Do you have any proof that those who did get Mad world done did not do so just with gear from visions?

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They could, but they didnā€™t. Thus why would Blizzard reward them with more of the content they literally ignore every time ?

Guess who did the most Torghast : not solo players.

I did Mad World with only gear from Visions and WQ emissaries on 2 alts. But you know what Iā€™m not ? A solo player.

Keep telling yourself that LMAO!

I am talking about the content you like dropping gear upgrades for like all 18 ish slots of gear. At a nice lvl cap.

Torgast felt better to do with the gear from group content in comparison to the stuff you were stuck with in world content/solo gameplay. Itā€™s just true. Power progression made it feel better. What it didnā€™t feel good was having to pug groups to get the gear.

Yeah, but your definition of solo player is one that does only solo content, when topics like this often include, or are made by:

  1. those who at least do queued group content
  2. those who do premades to get what they want
  3. those who do content, like Torgahst, either solo or in a group

Guess why that was: the only gear that made Torghast feel good was from group content, maybe if, had gear rewards, like you say it should have, maybe solo player participation would have increased.

My definition is the OP of this now 4k post thread.

You remember the OP right ?

In S1 maybe. SL had 3 whole other seasons.

You mean the OP that has said things like:

Did you read more from the topic creator or did you just read their first post ans judge them based on that?

Because if all you did is the first, in a topic this long, what you did is more akin to reading just the first page, or maybe the first chapter, of a novel and judge it trash when it could get better later on.

I literally responded to him several times pointing out the fallacies and gaps in memory he has.

Just one of your quotes : the SL Mage Tower. Completely solo content, gearable for as a solo player.
