End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Everything I say is based on facts with substance. You just deny it.


I do love your comedy!


I haven’t shot down any ideas. I am saying heroic raiders level gear should definitely not be awarded from current solo content.

Why not though?

Thing is, if it is indeed current solo content, I can somewhat agree, but my issue is when ideas, for torghast or mage tower like set ups are added in a way they are “current content for solo players” he, or someone, trotts out the “solo players just want gear handed to them, they would not want this” argument.

Kinda like he might get farther if he at least conceded “ok, harder solo contnet for those that want it, but it has to remain hard, no fixes aside from tuning issues”.

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Running something like the mage tower once a week for heroic ilvl gear: fine
asking pocopoc to open a puzzle chest for you for heroic ilvl gear daily: not fine.


eh, I’d put the heroic illv gear in the weekly cache/chest reward, which is still random enough you could get the same slot for 3 or more weeks.

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Why thought ?

For killing a few rares and an easy mode world boss ?

You already get Heroic ilvl gear every few weeks for 4 M0s. That’s already pretty generous.

You get heroic raid gear just by doing 1 10 a week. Those aren’t really that hard either. Why solo players can’t have a challenging way to get gear who knows.

But the new crafting system allows for some max lvl crafting with may more time investment so we will see how that play out.

Much harder than leeching off other people’s rare kills.

They could, it was called Visions. Look at all the “solo” players in this thread, see any Mad World feats of strength ?

No ?

Well there you go, solo players aren’t interested in challenge.

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Um me?
Yes I used do visions. I did torgast. Enjoyed both.

Torgast got screwed over this expansion because group players didn’t want to feel compelled to run it. But that just mean I felt compelled to do group content

Bunch of hypocrites sometimes.

Raids and dungeons get nerfed all the time, that’s the arguement you hear that says solo players don’t deserve there own gearing path.

And who says, with orders, that a solo player can’t provide the mats that don’t come from raid, and a payment that takes the raid ones into account?

By that logic, just buy Mythic raid BoEs. They’re on the AH right now. You can do that as a solo player.

You’re not a solo player my dude.

Idk how that’s going to work. My judggement ain’t final. But I am betting we are just going to have to grind gold and buy it off people doing raid content.

Gold being a way for solo players to get stuff. Just puts solo players more into crafting.

I do wish we had a solo diablo style of gearing. Gearing through group content feels annoying at times especially when pugging.

I am very much a solo player. I was told in this thread to go do group content a while ago so I started.

Guess what? Group content has the best solo gear so I did it. It’s not really my preferred way to get solo gear but it’s like the only way.

I raided expansions ago and I just want a good solo gearing path because I still like this game. Raiding had become unappealing a long time ago to me.

I’m impressed you solo’ed 15 and 16 keys this season.

That’s group content I had to grind for my mount and gear to start doing solo content which is what I mostly like playing this game for.


Funny, I did the solo content first.

More and more, it is seeming like the war is not against solo players, as very few might be 100% solo players, but it is against those that:

  1. want more solo content added for them to do between raids and M+
  2. those who dabble is group content, but their prefered form is solo content

Yes because you got gear progression. Literally the whole point of this thread.

? What do you need gear for solo?