End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

ugh dude this idea. i love it man. i know this is just my opinion but i love torghasts current situation. MT was kinda like it but u dont rly get upgrades from it, like torghast. just cosmetics

i want to be able to get some gear too from the outside world, but idk what i rly want about it

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I liked torgast. I just didn’t like having to do group content for decent gear to do it well. ZM gear was nice. But mythic 15 gear was so much better.

Soloing old raids is also better with the mythic 15 gear. Sadly I had to pug for the good stuff. Which is annoying sometimes. Especially on alts. You do the 15s enough, but as soon as you go on an alt people don’t want you in there groups.

So yea I just want a diablo style single player mode like torgast I can just gear up in at this point. Diablo seems nice to play. But I already got a bunch of stuff here. And wow has nice builds with there classes that aren’t really seen in group content.

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What gear? They can upgrade PVP gear to 271, just queing randoms… try again.

Solo is a hard word for you. It is cool!

Clear you don’t know what “solo players” do… obviously you are nothing more than a :troll:

Here are the facts, there is plenty of content to do be done, shadowlands sucked for everyone… if players don’t want to do the content, that’s their right, but you aren’t entitled to extra or a change in content that caters directly to you. You want more gear, do more content… this is a self-inflicted wound, there is no war… you just suck at the game and can’t do the content. If that isn’t it, elaborate why… or is that stick stuck too far up there?

Content for all is available if you don’t wanna do it, it’s on YOU and NO ONE ELSE. Maybe find another game and be an adult.

It is clear you are a troll.

Wrong, not for solo players.

Comical. You are also a part of the reason for the huge decline in this game.

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Obviously trash human being thinking others are the reason when in reality you are the type of player that wanted to put difficulty scaling on Elden Ring… you suck at the game and refuse to get better, blame everyone else. THOSE ARE FACTS. Period. Not every game is made for everyone… WOW isn’t made for you. Grow up. Find another game.

Your opinion means nothing, not even to yourself.

Cringe to see a 40-50 year old man use, “i know you are but what am I”

You must be wrong all the time. Only thing you have is insults.

Yes, you should.

Just like yours!

Sorry to hear you are 40-50 year old man!


Typical troll.

No wonder no has ever shown you respect.

Bye, enjoy your L.

but look people who play the game solo or in open world want to feel progression the same i feel pushing a +25 like the gear level doesn’t matter they just wanna feel their character getting stronger


Yeah, you are!

You are used to not getting any respect huh?

Have to run away huh?

No, I’m done showing even the mildest respect for anyone in the “whiny solo player” camp. You progressed to a 25, good for you. You want your character to progress… you do the content that gives you that gear. If you don’t want to do that content, sit down, shut up and accept what you are… a solo player that refuses to do any content that could give them that gear that they want. Zero sympathy for any of these self-inflicted wounds…

nah. solo or not ppl wanna feel their characters getting stronger. or look cooler w/ transmog.


Closet whiny solo player… got it.

i don’t do open world content - i just can understand why someone who does would want to feel their character get stronger.


Yawn… don’t care.

They deserve what they work for… do the content or don’t get the gear, that simple. They deserve nothing more than what they work towards.

I mean you’re just saying I’m a “whiny solo player” for the sake of your argument. Like you can clearly see I do not engage in solo content lmao

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Your head.

Now with that being said, ask me if I care… you are in here defending whiny solo players, you are one of them… guilty by association.

I’m not one of them though. I haven’t ever been. I never will be. You can see that clearly by my character armory.

Your character armory means… nothing. I don’t care what you think you’ve accomplished.

You are one of them by association.