End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

wait but if grass is green how is it not green lmao

u understand how insane this looks like ur telling me im a solo content player when u can like click twice and see im not lmao

Clearly reading is hard for you.

Goodbye :troll:

u ain’t even gotta click twice actually - i have 10k achieve points all i do is the content that’s infront of me which isn’t solo lmao

If only you felt this way about peoples’ personalities.

I’m usually a good judge of personalities, I blocked the person the comment you quoted was directed at, due to personality and ignorance… also if you’re talking about me, you haven’t seen my personality… but yea, I’m a hard person to like because I’m not perfectly pleasant and can be very abrasive…

And you don’t hold yourself to the same standard of improvement as you do others in a video game?

You are not a good judge of anything.

Again, you don’t know me personally, my personality and/or who I am is a mystery to you and everyone here. I don’t have the need or want to be widely loved… I have my reasoning for why I am the way I am and why I can be so abrasive. I wouldn’t mind having better and more meaningful conversations but people like anxxy and orctang don’t wanna do that… I also believe things are and should be a certain way, unless people can change my mind with logic, reasoning and facts.

I’m not reading all that crap, lmao, just wanted to say I usually ignore you people, but lately I’ve developed quite the taste for your tears. Keep them coming.

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You’re shooting people down with a red herring about not wanting to improve while simultaneously excusing yourself for having poor communication skills and refusing to improve them.

It’s kind of funny, that’s all. If you think I care about your personality in the slightest, you’re reading too much into my responses.

Another one that doesn’t have any clue what they’re talking about…

None of that makes any sense and if you got that… you are just another orctang. Also google ‘red herring fallacy’ before you use it…

I don’t care if you care… you aren’t relevant to me, you’re just another person online that will continue to prove my point without me having to do any work. I just thought we were having a conversation… didn’t expect another orctang.

“I don’t want to raid” isn’t synonymous with “I don’t want to improve”; they’re not innately related even if your belief is that they should be, so yeah by definition bringing up “refusing to get better” is a red-herring.

I bet you that many open world players would love to have features added that allow them to become better/improve/show off their skills within the domain of the open world. They’d have to not get lumped into the “whiny solo player” crowd though.

What even is your point?

If you wanted to have a conversation, why are you throwing insults at others?

Someone that showed you don’t know the meaning of the word solo.

We used to be able to get Heroic Raid equivalent gear for solo play from open world content in BfA, even without Titanforging. Normal is a compromise compared to that.

Threads like this won’t die until WoW devs realize that they can’t force solo players into becoming group players by pulling the rug out from under them, or until the game gets corporate overlords that care about making WoW more appealing to a wider gaming audience again.

Because bad players keep bumping it.

No one is forcing you to do anything.

The game caters to a lot of people. However you need to realize that solo players are the least important player type that Blizz needs to cater too.

Yet it’s used quite conveniently to dismiss only certain types of group content. M+ bad. LFR good. OP literally had no problems pushing Mists gear, even though the latest iteration of it in 5.2 required repeated LFR runs to even acquire through repping up.

This isn’t even true. Azerite gear was capped at normal ilvl, and non-Azerite Emissary rewards under Heroic ilvl.

Only way to get Heroic raid equivalents was Titanforging.

Cypher gear + Sandworm Tier was very much better than WQ Azerite and Emissary drops.

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Actually wanting to improve and get better gear comes from raiding or mplus. If you refuse to do those game modes then you are refusing to get better.

That’s a bet you would lose. Solo content is very easy because of all the complaining. Torghast was nerfed into the ground because solo players were complaining about it.

Mage tower is complained about.

Anything with any degree of difficulty is complained about.


but if something is complained about, should it still be added?

Depends on what it’s complained about.

I am of the opinion that bad/solo players should mostly be ignored.


I don’t really care what the OP did or didn’t do.