End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I mean, I just find it funny you’re using insults. I’m not personally insulted by it. Lob 'em all you want, it just proves ultimately your hypocrisy in all of this. And it proves my point for me : your experience is only as toxic as you make it yourself.

I won this debate 3 pages of posts ago.

Quote me on an insult. Find a quote that you can report. Because I can certainly report you for your comments breaking TOS.

Everything is completely in your head.

Also, what debate? When did you ever have an argument?

Yep I hope he knows even though he isn’t directly calling you names or creating insults but the main insult is compiling together a few sentences with weird wording that only equals one thing. An insult.

Raiimir needs to just stop insulting and upsetting people.

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I insulted no one.

I don’t upset people, people get upset on their own. I’m not responsible for your emotional control.

It is. The friends they made outside the game or early while playing are at all different levels. You wanting to imagine that they are all at the exact same level, just as though they recruited new disposable “friends” as esports people do, who will be dropped when they no longer fit the criteria of usefulness, doesn’t mean they can play the same content together.

“Carrying your friends through content they are not ready for or not interested in” isn’t the same as being able to play with people you like for real life reasons.

I’m not even sure where you’re trying to move the goalpost to here, but it’s a fact that casual players can participate in all three pillars. To say anything else is an absolute lie.

If you’re argument is that an individual or group of friends has issues with skill that’s not a game problem. I personally have a great time with friends doing low level stuff like early m+ and normal raids.

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More like ‘War on those who shun all contact’

This has to be a super boring game if you limit yourself to random dungeon que, Battlegrounds, and Open world questing. Fun starts when you start cordinating with others.


They did not need to do anything with the world bosses either, yet they did.

Some might need it to feel like they are at least considered as an audience, look, I did not say they had to boost it to fated LFR levels though I would have done it to at least that, but why could they have not at least increased it to say 260 for non-world boss world content.

Why do people make the argument about need? sometimes it is about want or to art least give the apperance of being fair

Yes, it is something that happened over time, even some classes can solo such without the higher lvl gear (most of these either tank or pet classes). However, this makes the anti-solo argument “if you want to ever solo elites and bosses as a non-tank or pet class, you have to do higher level group content for your solo game play”

The argument boils down to:
Solo=raiders get the ability to solo world content from raids, we want the ability to do the same from solo content
Anti-solo: sorry, you have to do GROUP content to get what you need to improve in your SOLO

Do you seriously not see the issue here? if so, let me put it bluntly: solo players are asking for little more then the ability to get the gear to do things, like solo elites and “bosses” from solo content yet you keep pushing the idea to get the gear that allows them to to do such, they have to do group content. Maybe, just maybe, they are looking for more parity inthe following:
One can do solo content to get gear for group content
One can stick to group content to get gear for group content
One can get gear for solo content from group content
No one can get gear for solo content above a certain point without doing group content

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Doesn’t even seem like it. Just full burn as usual on them. I’d be surprised if there’s people doing them every week that don’t realize it.

Well, some things that have been suggested were things like Torghast, harder solo content, maybe like an elite only zone or more MT like set ups, etc.

This is true for you and others, but maybe fun for some means they can do things they could not do before, like soloing elites and “bosses” or maybe even just the basic they are progressing towards a goal whenever they play.

There might be those that can handle being around other people or seeing other people in game, and maybe even the queue set up or auto invites for world bosses, but they freeze up with the thought of actually having to socialize and make friends, do these people deserve to be denied fun due to something they may not be able to control or may be working on but is going slow?

The only change they really made to them is when “empowered” they drop gear equal to I believe fated normal end bosses. It is still raid lvl gear for little, if any, work, I mean they could have just made the emissaries or weekly Korthia and ZM quests drop the higher lvl gear for “empowered” world content, even if they left the non-WB quests and rares/elites alone and that could have reduced the complaining about lack of progression for solo players.

Funny how this guy is neither upsetting or insulting me guess having them on ignore does work might want to try it yourself.

If only having a lot of people ignore you meant you were more apt to get forum vacations, maybe that would get the hint through some thicker heads.

Either that or make it so players listing their ignore forums list wasn’t a calling out where we list who on here we ignore then when those certain people keep seeing their name over and over maybe just maybe think they need to change.

Blizz did nothing with the bosses besides increased ilvl drops on fated weeks

Which is all I asked about them not doing for solo/world content, if they did nothing but raise the ilvl for world bosses, why could they not put higher ilvl in emissary chests and the chests from the weekly Korthia and ZM when the corrisponding raid was fated?

Like I said, they did not need to do anything with the world bosses, yet they did, so why are you giving that change a pass but are against a similar deal for other world content?

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Would it bother you if I said yes?

The game trys to hard to include everyone and everything.

If they concentrated on the most played and loved elements of the game, maybe they would have higher participation in all regions. Instead they spread out resources creating stuff that only a few will care to try, in diffrent area’s of the game.

Similar argument to ultra-hard mythic raid tuning, wasted time and development for a small fraction of the pool of players.

What world are you living in? Normal Raid equivalent gear for solo play? I think you should stop playing MMORPGs and stick to solo player campaigns where you can set the difficulty to story mode and get the best gear.


Peronsally, no but I would likely call you out for not being able to think outside your clique or thinking you are part of a big majority.

Inclusion is not a bad thing, but they could at least do better at balancing it out at times.

For me, if the only complaints are coming from the extreem ends, I.E. the ones that want gear mailed to them and those that think only they deserve content and gear, you likely found the perfect mix to hit the widest swath of players.

Also, there is one small fact:
Things like IQD, IoT, timeless isle, etc were well received, yet each iteration either just copied and pasted or removed some aspect so it sometimes felt like something was missing or they focused on the wrong parts of those things

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Im reading that posters comments and it blows my mind. Every single person that stepped into a raid did solo content in ZM. They wouldnt have gotten their second legendary without doing the storyline nor would they have been able to max it to 291 without farming the rep in ZM. So raiders more than earned their advantage over solo players.That poster has no idea what he is talking about.