End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

those are some really dumb rhetorical questions that really showcase your… limits.

Are you arguing that you don’t want challenge in open world content?
ZM cypher gear provides enough effects that it shouldn’t be an issue.

Also Elites and “Bosses” were never meant to be fought alone … That is just something that happened over time.

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Ad hominems. Proof you struck a nerve.

I am not. I’m arguing that group players get an unfair advantage in solo content. And solo players get no benefits for group play.

Exactly, but raiders can do it… solo players cannot.

That’s cute. You should add it to your list of fallacies, including, but not limited to: faulty generalizations, strawman argument, appeal to the stone, etc…

Also, you were supposed to say “I stroke a nerve.” You can’t even use basic pronouns. Seriously… limited. Your argument will be addressed when you make one.

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Yes of course Raiders can do it. because they did the content for their gear.
What are you even arguing about?

you get the same advantage then every other group player …

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Look dude, you’re free to think Groups are massively toxic hovels of scum and rogues. But the truth is, you were the first one here to resort to insults, not the actual people who play in groups.

Make of that what you will.


But raiders DIDN’T do the solo content. That’s the point. Why do raiders get the advantage in content they don’t like? Should solo players get an advantage for content they don’t like as well?

Look dude, I did not insult you. You read that as you wanted. It’s all in your head.

You don’t get to walk it back. Use it as a moment to reflect what brought you there.

Of course they did. Raiders have been around ZM since day 1.

Unity alone means they wanted to farm the rep.


Let me solo raids kthx.

I’m not walking anything back, but YOU are. Telling people their experiences are lies and don’t matter IS an insult. You don’t tell an abuse victim that abuse isn’t real.

And, I’ll reiterate, WHY do you gatekeep other people’s fun? What do you gain out of it?

If the experience in their head is a lie, there’s nothing wrong with telling them it is.

Just because you think the air outside is toxic doesn’t mean I have to pretend it is to appease you.

I have absolutely 0 power to gatekeep anything from anyone. Another fantasy borne in your head only.


right… keep gaslighting instead of answering the question.

The only fantasy here is your self-perception.

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In the End … If you don’t have fun don’t play.
If DF has a similar system in place as Cypher gear now, Solo players will manage.

Dude, you think I can gatekeep anyone from doing anything. Like I can stand there like Gandalf and say “You shall not pass!” to poor players who just want to play.

It’s quite evident who’s fantasizing.

DF’s system is this :

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yeah I know aboiut the invasion gear.
I hope they change up the pricing again or at least clearify the droprate of the Storm sigils

Following your trend, I’ll point out your fallacy: Strawman.

That’s not what I’m thinking. That’s what I’m SEEING. Your comments are gatekeeping here. It’s not about whether you have power as a developer; it’s about YOU having an agenda against others having fun their own way.

If you don’t care about solo players having fun, then why are you commenting against it?

I raid… I have heroic gear… but that doesn’t mean I don’t want other people to have other avenues to gearing. I also don’t care if people like M+ and want to do that all day. Their game, their choice…

But, why do you care what others do for fun? What makes you think other gamers are less deserving than you? Inflated self-esteem?

Do you even know what Gatekeeping means ?

What “Gate” exactly am I “keeping” ?

Your fallacy is :

yes, I understand your… limits…

It’s all in your head! And not in the metaphorical sense.

Oh look, more ad hominems. How cute, you can’t even find any actual points and arguments, you just go straight to insults.

Who is insulting you? It’s all in your head