End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Arenas? Seriously, most people who do PvP want to do bgs. It isn’t their fault that Ion thinks arenas are easier to broadcast. Arenas are for people who like arenas.

Lots of people hated horrific visions. People who came back for 8.3 after taking a break were very disappointed that was all there was to do. Casuals got screwed by coercive measures intended to force them to put all their alts into horrific visions.

I guess devs figured that if there was nothing else to do, casuals would have no choice but to do them and git gud. Everybody would spend the entire rest of the expansion farming cloak upgrades on all their alts, which didn’t happen. Most players who planned on leveling up all ended up not even getting the cloak on every character. Lots of people got bored and left rather than grind horrific visions and IE’s to get gear upgrades that would be worthless in a few months. My former mythic raider housemate quit because of that in 8.3 and hasn’t played since.

Mythic+? I found it entertaining in Legion to spam low keys. Better players had incentives to help players with low keys complete them and were helpful. But I guess being helpful isn’t your thing. I have had no interest in the esports changes to mythic+ since BfA. Lots of people have no interest in doing them.

And you know what? Trying to force people to do content you know they don’t want to do doesn’t make it sound like you’re all that happy with your wow life choices.

Ah, you are so out of touch that you expect people to get carried by friends and consider that to be “playing with friends”. I guess your only “friends” are on the team you currently play with, who you will drop the instant they are no longer good enough to be used to reach your goals.

Hint: the original Korrak’s Revenge was designed to be played by players of every level 10+. That was truly playing with friends.


That just sounds like a solo player who is trying to not be a solo player.

If they want to do the raid and M+ content… progress to it. Solo content gear should be the lowest ilvl of all the content.

If you’re trying to dramatically decrease the number of paying customers, that’s an excellent way of doing it, but I can’t imagine many intelligent people would consider that a business success.

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Do you have proof of that? Or are you just making it up as you go? Do you speak for blizzard and/or solo players?

Proof of what? That catering to an increasingly small portion of your customer base will result in fewer customers?


Eh, my profile is public, so people can look at is as they will.

But should group content gear be locked with no way of complementing or supplementing it in all content, even solo? I am not talking about solo content dropping gear here I am refering more to like when we could use valor to upgrade raid gear and having world content provide valor even if the raids/dungeons/group content provided more.


yes, 4 items in 5 months of logging in every single day. If we had this tuning, and you were able to never miss a day, you would have gotten your 4th 252 item right as S4 launched.

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Who said anything about catering to a small minority? Are you okay dude? I simply stated solo players shouldn’t receive gear as good as group content… I don’t know what you are thinking there bud.

Yes it should be locked strictly to group content. I don’t feel it should be handed out to people who don’t do the content. If they wanna add a badge system to where they can do the daily heroic or whatever and EVENTUALLY get a piece fine… but it should take a while for it to happen.

You did. And no, you’re not okay, apparently.

It is the minority of players that never do any solo content. Only some raiders are satisfied with raid logging and having zero else to do in the game. Making solo content worthless means you are only catering to those who refuse to do anything but group content.


So you can’t comprehend what you read? Gotcha, have a good morning?

See, I was of the opinion that solo players should be able to get heroic raid ilvl max but have it take the whole patch to achieve it in all slots, and that is only if they logged on everyday and did everything that was there to do towards their goal, aside from maybe group content.

Those that did no group content would take the whole patch to earn the gear
those who did some (weekly/daily heroic) might shave a week or 2 off
Those who did the group content only would be able to supplement their gear with the currency they got in raid
Those who do both group and solo content could be theoretically fully geared within a moth or less, depending on how hard they push doing both.

The only issue is the content, be it solo or group, has to be engaging enough to keep people interested.


I read exactly what you wrote. You want solo gear to be worthless and un-upgradeable. Which means you want solo content to be worthless, and you also want players who do solo content to be unable to get gear to move up into more difficult content. To be stuck there. Meanwhile your secret elitist main’s guild will be recruiting through poaching. Good job re-envisioning the future of the game into being more toxic than ever.

Too bad you are unable to write intelligently enough to hide your true feelings about the majority of players, who actually do solo content.


It’s also a minority of players who only do solo content.


I am also talking about BASE RAID GEAR… not heroic, mythic or mythic+ gear. They should NEVER have access to heroic, mythic and mythic+ gear without doing group content. It should also take AT LEAST the entire patch to farm them through badges.

quote where I said these words… not just how you interpreted them or want them to mean.

What are you on about?
There was always a way to get gear in open world which allowed you to enter more difficult content.

That is not even the discussion. Also solo content and solo gear are not the same…
Because content scales and gear does not.
Solo content can have the lowest I’ll and can still be valid in the open world.

If Blizzard keeps the cypher system with open world effects i believe people will be happy.

Ever hear of the catch 22 of need the content to get the gear but need the gear to get into the content? This is where attitudes like what you said tend to lead unless one has friends they can do the content with.

Maybe one reason why solo content provides normal to heroic raid ilvl gear is to help those get into normal or heroic raiding, Ilvl may not be king, but it is what most people tend to look at for PuGs for group content so do you want people to beable to progress and maybe get to try group content or do you want to lock them at a low ilvl and put them at the mercy of those who think you need higher then normal gear to do normal. Keeping in mind that few want to hard carry others or want to be hard carried unless it is friends/guildmates doing it.

Maybe they could lock the upgrades for solo players behind at least hitting a certain M+ rating or clearing a raid on x difficulty if they really want to push the “have to do the content to get the gear ilvl” narative, I am talking like to get the ability to upgrade to normal, they have to clear LFR, to unlock the ability to unlock heroic upgrades, they have to clear normal, and of course a corresponding M+ rating for those who go that route.


That’s just not true when you can progress through easily, most people fresh 60 are usually close to ilvl to que for heroic dungeons… hell, you can literally just BG grind to 271 and do mythic+ and probably raid no issue at all, but I know solo players are against even that. But this is all easily accessible… I don’t think the gear should go beyond base raid gear for solo content. That’s not gonna change, I firmly believe people should earn what they have. The badge idea, while being time consuming is basically nothing more than a handout.

Gonna have to disagree with that, there should be no access to heroic/mythic or mythic+ gear without doing that content. Base level gear, hand it out.

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Two things: I never said they couldn’t lock the normal upgrades behind clearing normal or the heroic upgrades behind doing heroic and I did lock the M+ path behind rating, you can’t get rating if you don’t do M+.

There is also the idea that some solo players might find they like the group content once they try it, or they might not, but I can’t help but feel more then a lion’s share of solo players are the ones that are intimidated or have had bad luck in groups.

Getting away from the gear argument though, the other part is engaging content, like for some the gear would be minor if the content was something they enjoyed, kinda like:
“we want better gear for the content we enoy”
“ok, if you don’t want to give us the gear, at least give us content of a style we enjoy”
“ok, if you are not going to give us content we enjoy, give us the gear from the content we do wind up doing so we can get into the content you seem to be pushing everyone into”.


I’m sorry but I’m not even gonna entertain this one outside of this… plenty of content to choose from. If the content isn’t enjoyable, don’t play… if they wanna give content for everyone, sure go for it… but this is also the end of SL, it’s unlikely to change.

Well I’m just stating it should be strictly locked to normal raid gear and mythic+ gear should require M+ keystones being done. So I agree at least with M+

That’s something they gotta get over on their own. There is bad in everything…

That’s a them problem then. At some point they either need to step out of their comfort zone, or join a guild, or run their own keys. We’ve all been there at one point or another.
That’s honestly the majority of the problems I see people complaining about as either “I can’t find a group!” or “Why are there a lack of tanks and healers!?”

Edit: As far as gearing for solo players it should be LFR tier maximum imo. You get out what you put in, and if doing dailies and open world bosses is their lane, good on them, but better gear should only be for harder content, otherwise what’s the point?