End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I’ll continue subscribing if solo content is emphasized. I don’t play games on other people’s schedules.


Sounds like multiplayer games aren’t your cup of tea… Witcher 3 is a great single player game, Baldur’s gate series has 3 100+ hour games, Elden ring you can get like 200+ easy.


No I love massive multiplayer games. That doesn’t imply I must play on the schedule of other people. Sorry you think it does. I’m not suggesting to eliminate the content you like. I’m suggesting catering to content I like as well.


I guess assuming due to your attitude wasn’t appropriate.

How about this, play with people on your schedule… no one should be catered to. Content is there for people of all player types. If you aren’t willing to bend a little to play with people… you are the problem.

This is better, this is the kind of attitude you should approach solo players with. Just keep in mind that, depending on work and life issues, ones schedule might not match up with a lot of people or the best kind of people.

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I recommend FF14 as an alternative. It has good amount of content you can do solo. I don’t see a future where WoW ever caters to the solo experience.

Either do I, but it doesn’t hurt to ask for what I’d prefer. They likely won’t do it, but those that feel so threatened by alternate playstyles are funny to watch. Pathetic, really.


You either missed the sarcasm or answering sarcasm with sarcasm.

That’s just a given though… you play on terms of your own schedule. Find a guild that raids or rbgs or pvps or does mythics on your schedule and that’s it. If he isn’t willing to bend at all… he’s the issue and no one should feel sympathy for him.

Eh, if anything, more like missed it, I often have issues noticing such in text unless it proverbially slaps me in the face, not that I always miss it but it is more common for me to do so. That said, I’d rather deal with sarcasm then being dehumanized.

Also, it is not uncommon for me to play the dunce to get someone to say something was sarcasm just so those that might be worse then I am at catching it don’t respond in a worse way.


I don’t think it’s the a feeling of threatened, so much as annoyance. The problem can be solved just by grouping, people who put in the work, and got to the point where they can get that gear did so, so they can do harder content. If the reward doesn’t match the difficulty, again what’s the point? You don’t need anything above LFR tier to engage daily quests and such, and they always bump up the base ilvl of gear the next patch.

Many MMOs were built with grouping in mind. Not wanting to deal with a set schedule is fine, that’s why group finder exists, but avoiding them altogether while trying to make progress is almost impossible. Especially in WoW.


A soloist can put in just as much time and work. All arguments against it are a fallacy. You continue to enjoy the game the way you do, as the game expands into how people like I prefer it. I don’t think it possible to convey how this works to anyone unable to take themselves out of the box of raiding. There is more to MMOs, much more potential.


In all honestly, I don’t want anyone to feel “dehumanized” but I know I’m a ‘abrasive’ person… was actually talking to someone and told them straight, I’m a hard person to like and I know it better than anyone. I’m very low patience, empathy has always been a struggle for me outside of animals, children and the elderly.

I want people to enjoy themselves but it doesn’t come off that way I know. I want solo players to enjoy themselves as well, but this is where my lack of empathy and whatever other feeling it may be comes in because the issue is purely self-inflicted. I know it all sounds odd that I am this abrasive person but wants people to enjoy themselves… but it’s genuine.


Is it any odder then one with ASD yet often feels like they can empathize with people on both sides of an issue, even if I lean more to one side or the other?

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I have no argument

I accept your concession. Next?

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No one has said otherwise, but there will always be a celling if you refuse to group.

A fallacy itself.

I will and you should enjoy it the way you do, but you have to understand the limits instead of kicking up dust and saying "it isn’t fair!'.

I don’t raid, but Blizzard has offered alternative ways to get gear beyond raiding, i.e. mythic plus.

Then I’d recommend one of them. FF14 is a good alternative and they just released a patch for the soloists like yourself.


It wasn’t supposed to be an argument. It was an unproven claim. I’d be happy to illustrate it with further discussion. Also, I didn’t say this isn’t fair; I’m merely suggesting how I’d like to see the game developed further. Final Fantasy is awful, so no thank you. This discussion is about how WoW fans would like to see the continued development of the game.


Not really sure how ASD works in this type of issue… I am curious though. I do love to learn new things.

You are :troll: but at least you got the FF14 dislike down pact. 5/10.

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No need.

That’s fair. Maybe they’ll do something in a future, personally I enjoyed torghast.

Different strokes. It’s ok if you ever get bored, but I can see why people dislike it.

Agree to disagree. That’s a whole another thread worth of discussion. :sweat_smile:


That’s what it ultimately comes down to. However, your disagreement disallows me and others from playing how we like the game. My disagreement with you doesn’t do the same back to you. I’m all for keeping raiding.