End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

@OP, have you tried other games?
This may sound funny, but if you like solo play I would suggest New World. It’s a fail game from a PvP perspective but IMO it’s a pretty amazing game for people who love solo play. Tons of questing in distinct zones, challenging mobs, multiple weapons/playstyles, profession and gold grinding… It’s all there and you can spend hours upon hours of playtime to max.
Again, talking PvE, not PvP which is a pile of dung.

Translation: “I’m Antiman and I lack the basic intelligence to have a conversation.”

Yes, I do love single-player RPGs, but always come back to WoW because I like the sense of permanency.

In WoW, cosmetic rewards are usually permanent and account wide, and it is nice that you can carry the same toons into each new expansion.

Thanks for the suggestion. I know a couple of people that played NW during the initial launch hype. I may give it a try if DF is a bust, and Wrath Classic never gets RDF.


Translation: “I 'm Gwennedi andanyone who disagrees with me is an idiot”

I have had decent conversations with those not of you and your ilk, know what the difference is? they don’t pull the “rules for thee but not for me” BS


Whoa. Antiman is clearly very intelligent (based on their writing/communication skills) and has a very sensible, balanced view on the solo player progression issue.

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If i have any issue communicating, I am on the spectrum so I might see things differently then others.

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Stop lying to yourself and everyone else… I just don’t like whiny 40-50 year old men who gimp themselves out of content. Then have the audacity to say there is no content and complain to others about it…

That’s coming from you, that means nothing.

I suggest you ignore the troll and focus on productive discussions. They only derail topics.

They made there point. Flinging insults derails the threads. And usually is a last resort when you have no good arguements.


Man, I really hurt your feelings without even trying to… stalking me.

Agian, anyone that goes agaisnt what you believe is either stupid or a liar, my post history is aoudn for all to see, feel free to look at it and everything, you might see I am normally quire calm and quire the conversationalist, even being on the spectrum, but I falter when people make arguments using my words that I did not make.


Not true at all.

You don’t speak for me and know nothing about me. Don’t act like you do. But, you’re entitled to that opinion, as wrong as it may be. I like having discussions with people, I guess I just expect people to be mature… I should.

Yeah one of NW’s biggest issues atm is lack of pop (mainly because of amazon’s generally bad earlier-on design decisions, and their slowness fixing bugs and exploits), so it’s by far not a perfect game. However your post made me think of it quickly in terms of a aesthetically-fascinating, pretty darn good gameplay experience for solo PvE. Another issue in that game is gold inflation - which I dunno how it can be fixed. So if you’re into having really good gear the gold grind would be extra-real (unless amazon somehow fixes that).

Anyway, food for thought from someone who tried it and made it to max but barely plays now, lol. Still it’s nice to pop in and mess around now and then since there’s no sub.

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How do you know anyone’s age or gender?

There literally is no season-appropriate solo progression in the live game right now, when we used to have great options, so I have every right to complain.

As Antiman said above, just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn’t mean that they are an idiot. (And I love how they pointed this out instead of flinging an insult back at you.)

Think about it. Is anyone really such a genius and so right about everything that anyone that disagrees with them is an idiot? Especially about something as subjective as MMO design?


You have not hurt my feelings. But if that fuels your sadism keep thinking that. I actually contributed a bunch of posts in this thread :roll_eyes:. I do catch up on reading through it from time to time.


I’m giving y’all 20-30 years, because I have a cousin who is 70 and have this same mindset… except he doesn’t go whining about it.

That is YOUR issue… the content is there for you to do. If you don’t want to do it, why is it anyone else’s issue.

That’s the thing, I DON’T CARE. This entire thread is a WHINY COMPLAINING post, of people who want more, but don’t want to do more… do the content and you’ll get the gear, crying about it online isn’t gonna magically change that. There are levels to all content… so as I’ve said probably a dozen times now, you either do the content and get the gear, or you don’t and you don’t get the gear.

:wink: I’m sure.

you and I both have done such, maybe if people actually read, maybe via a search, what others have said, they might not be so stubborn.

No, that is what you, and others like you, have made it out to be and when they try to correct that, you/your ilk insult them and bring it back around to what you think the argument is.

You are not arguing in good faith, which would likely mean thinking that the one posting does not want gear/the best gear for nothing. Sure some might want that and argue for such, but the group of solo players could be so vast they are a minority, or even if they are a majority, not every one that could be under that broad banner agrees with such.

If you can’t get rif of your preconcieved notions at least when communicating with others, don’t bother trying to argue or converse as you will just come across as a brick wall.

Note this was either when or after they called what I did a strawman. If insults mean they lost the argument, they did it first yet they don’t think they lost.

One thing some might need to realize is I don’t really care about my forum rep, if it means I can expose hypocrites for what they are, yeah that means I take a few lumps.


Yea, well I’m sorry but I cannot and will not show sympathy to people who gimp themselves out of content and expect to get other content’s gear… you can get to 271 with BGs, I’m not sure about Heroics or LFR’s ilvl… but I have zero sympathy for people like OP. Do the content or don’t… at the end of the day, I do not feel the current way should change. There is content to do and this isn’t a single player game like the Witcher.

That is fine, all ones like me ask for is, if not sympathy, at least questions about what they want and an open mind to think about and offer ideas without being insulting. I sometimes lack sympathy myself, but at the same time I feel like I can empathize with others (as in I understand where they are coming from, even if I don’t share such.

if you can’t or won’t sympathize with others, at least try to empathize or understand and hear them out, if you can’t do that, maybe you should not post or speak till you can do at least the latter.


That’s fine and this is just subject I could never support or sympathize with… I seen OP’s post and all I could imagine was me backhanding him.

I feel that solo players should accept what they are… the content that supplies the better gear, is in GROUP content. I understand not wanting to play with people, I love a good single player game… but this is an MMO.

But empathy, sympathy and understanding go out the window for me on this topic, because this plight is 100% self-inflicted.

Then maybe think of the ones like me, that do the group content but would like a way to progress gear from said content solo or when plans to raid, M+ or PvP fall through. One reason I want better solo content is so I can do it when guild is not raiding, I have done my M+ for the week, alts are done, etc.

In other words, for ones like me, our gear comes from the group content, but we are stuck with it as we get it instead of being able to progress it or try it out on or own time without needing a group to do so. Like I’d love to take my raid+M+ gear into something like the mage tower and see how far I could go, but I’d still want at least a currency to upgrade the gear with for my effort.