End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Oh yes you have.

See, more proof you guys complain without even knowing what’s out there.

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I would argue that you’re actually not buying gear – you’re buying a mystery box WITH a piece of gear in it. Should it be useless, it will get tossed.

But such is the way of RNGsus for all of us. Solo players receive less mercy than Mythic players.

AKA, you’re using currency to acquire gear.

That’s called “buying gear”.

No, you wouldn’t argue, you’re just moving the goalposts again on something very simple.

No, you’re using currency to buy a box.

When I buy a box of legos at Toys R’Us, am I buying the box or the legos inside ?

Stop trolling.

Bro. Lol. You provided a link. It has the word “chest” in it.

A chest is similar to a box. A container.

Get real.

My thoughts exactly.

It was, but then at the start heroics were deceintly hard and we also had things like VoA and OS for raiding, VoA was especially famous for being pugged and being a path to tier gear.

It also was tempered by the idea that, yeah, you got a bit of valor for the heroic dungeon, but you needed hundreds of valor to buy anything.


Good days. When I was rolling a DK. It was agility that was the go-to stat rather than strength.

There is no requirement for solo content… you got random bgs, dungeons and heroics dungeons, world quests and world bosses but you gotta group up for that. If you don’t like the content that is in place, that’s on you, leveling an alt… you can get to 271 ilvl without much effort and if that’s too low for you… oh well, do content that gives better.


You used to be able to earn Normal iLvl gear from emissaries, even without Titanforging.
—REMOVED; Callings don’t do that.

You used to be able to earn 470 iLvl gear, 5 item levels below Mythic, from Horrific Visions.
—REMOVED; Torghast doesn’t do that.

You used to be able to earn a full set of Heroic gear from open world PvP, PvP events, and faction assaults in warmode.
—REMOVED; Open world SL quests and events don’t do that.

You used to be able to do earn Valor from Heroic dungeons and buy Normal raiding iLvl gear, only one notch below the current max of Heroic iLvl.
—REMOVED; SL Heroic dungeons don’t do that.

You might like the gear gatekeeping systems design of SL, but you can’t keep denying that things are much worse for solo players, and all these changes were intentional.

If you were actually paying attention to the details in the game itself, you would see the facts.

Fact check:
That cache required 1500 M+ rating to purchase.

So it only helped M+ players who were already engaged with the system, and had absolutely no benefit for open world, solo, or queued content players.


I am getting a little sick of elitists using this line because the moment they are “required” to do anything for their chosen end game that does not involve their chosen end game, they wine and moan about such, and some tell them the same thing, if you want the rewards, do the content

This creates a “you have to do our content for the rewards you want, but don’t you dare force us to do yours for the rewards we want”.

Most solo/world content players would be satisfied if they had content to call their own, that raiders and such could do if they wanted, but it was made for the solo and world content players. The arguement seems to be more, from where I stand, one side wants to force the other to do their content yet the side they are trying to force does not care if anyone but them does the content, preferring to leave it to the players to decide for themselves.


The fact of the matter is this, you should not receive the best gear for doing nothing. That’s the point of this whole post… read OP’s post. If you want the gear, do the content, don’t wanna do the content? Guess what? NO GEAR. You accept the minimum because you do the minimum… btw, I’ve been insanely casual during SL. I am probably like 275 ilvl… i don’t remember off hand.

Whoa! Blatant strawman!

Normal iLvl is in no way the best gear. And spending weeks or months doing world content (or whatever) is not “doing nothing”.

If I could have it my way, there would be Torghast or some other feature where solo players could earn gear through challenging gameplay. But any possibility for that got blown out of the water.

I agree with this completely. I would never want any hardcore group content player to be forced to engage with any casual or solo progression system.

However, asking a casual or solo player to abandon gameplay styles that they have enjoyed for over a decade and commit to doing hardcore content for hours every week seems like a bigger issue than allowing hardcore players to feel “forced” to do easy content for downgrades, or to feel that their Mythic iLvl gear is “invalidated” by world questers running around in Normal iLvl.


I have, I have also read more posts from the OP and other aside from the first one, maybe if you did the same you would realize there is at least some other undercurrents going on, just for instance, one of my posts:

and the OPs response to it:

So gear is an issue, but it is also about content for solo players.


Why is it always the same people who call strawman and don’t know what a strawman is… :roll_eyes:

I’m never going to sympathize with people who gimp themselves and then act like you do. Nothing should change, you either do the content or don’t… BGs get you to 271… if that ain’t good enough for you or don’t wanna do BGs, oh well… it’s 100% on you and only you.

Why is it always the same people that make a strawman based on an argument that was not made, yet they think it was, and then call others out when they point out the strawman. You are the one that thinks the argument is getting gear for doing nothing, that argument has NEVER been made by anyone arguing in good faith. Any argument based on what you think is the argument is likely going to be a strawman because it is not what the actual argument is about.


Google strawman and try again.

Not just gear for doing nothing, but the “best” gear, LOL.

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Translation: any argument against me is a strawman, but any argument I make is not one

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