End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Or better yet, WoW devs could go back to an old flavor that they used to offer.

SL devs keep trying to go back to old systems like Valor or WoD PvP gear, but they keep putting an elitist spin on it requiring premade groups and ratings for upgrades.

Copy and paste the old systems like Valor or WoD PvP gear EXACTLY, and I would be happy.

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Because OP titled his thread “End the war on solo gameplay”.

He’s wasting time because obviously WoW is not the game for him. There’s tons of solo and queued content for him, and he refuses to do it, it’s never good enough. Other RPGs will probably satisfy him more.

Ending the war does not mean that all group content is instantly deleted and everyone has Mythic BiS mailed to them just for doing a Flappy Birds world quest.

It means that devs need to end their new policy of refusing to allow solo progression at a meaningful level.

It means that devs need to stop reverting the development progress that WoW made in Wrath/Cata/MoP and Legion/BfA towards providing endgame progression for a wider range of players.

At this point, yes, but if WoW got good again it would be the most satisfying RPG of all.


There is no war. There is more solo gameplay now than there has ever been.

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Valor doesn’t make sense when you have m+. The reason it existed was to give 5 mans some progression because they became irrelevant in weeks otherwise… Now they’re a full fledged pillar.

Yea, but they can’t do it solo!

If you include covenant minigames and things like that as “gameplay”, then maybe yes.

DF will apparently include outdoor activities like dragonriding and rockclimbing, and DF will also add a lot of depth to professions—all of which will be available to solo players, yes.

The timewalking Mage Tower is there for cosmetic rewards, yes.

The existence of these is fine, but the issue is that SL devs have taken a hardline stance that soloable activities can only award cosmetics, or cannot award power beyond a certain very low level.

It is like all soloable content, especially Torghast, is there as side content for hardcore players to enjoy for cosmetic rewards—whereas in the past, systems like Valor and content like world quests were added that provided actual gear progression for a wider audience.

I don’t think people would choose WoW if they just wanted to play minigames and collect pets. WoW needs to focus on its strengths and provide better actual gameplay (combat) experiences for the more solo and casual players. Power progression is a must for every type of player.


The last time we had “valor gear” it was locked behind a raid rep.

You needed to raid to get the gear (Shado-Pan Assault or wtv the Isle of Thunder rep was). And the gear ,while 522, was worse than 502s from LFR for the most part, as poorly itemized as it was.

DF will apparently include outdoor activities like dragonriding and rockclimbing, and DF will also add a lot of depth to professions—all of which will be available to solo players, yes.

dragonriding, rock climbing, professions will all go the way of the covenants. Oh, and profs suck, people will complain cause it makes them tedious. Remember BFA profs anyone or shadowland legendary crafting?

How high were the open world rewards when old valor was a thing? Had they reached the current levels?

There’s a problem.

If solo players were to be granted too big of a power progression system, guess what? They complain about it. You can’t necessarily play a game if you are able to one-shot most NPCs.

Think Metroid. You’re granted all these powerups (LOTS of energy tanks, missiles, power bombs, etc) if you collect them. You then become an unstoppable killing machine that takes away the gameplay aspect rather fast. No game to be played if an NPC is dead within seconds.

A cap is needed. If a player wants to be granted an adequate power progression system, then they need to dedicate to Mythics+ or Raids. They can’t cower behind their introvert shells and state they will never do them. I can’t begin to say how many people “hate” Mythics+.

“Hate” is a strong word. If someone were to hate something, normally they want to rid of it. In a chaotic manner.

While this plays a moderate factor, so does lore. Shadowlands storytelling has been gutted.

Making 5-man dungeons an endgame pillar was a great idea.

After the mass player exodus during WoD (when the only PvE progression available was raiding), Legion devs did their job well of reviving the game by adding open world and 5-man endgame progression options.

M+ has since overtaken raiding in popularity, and although devs will never admit it, the open world was a full-fledged pillar in Legion and BfA and also experienced high participation rates.

But M+ and the old Valor system can co-exist. Here is just an example of how it could work, stealing certain elements from MoP:

—1000 Valor cap per week
—50% Valor bonus on all toons on account once one toon is maxed for the week
—200 Valor for Mythic raid boss kill, 150 Valor for Heroic raid boss kill, 100 Valor for Normal raid boss kill, 50 Valor for LFR raid boss kill
—50 Valor for completing Mythic dungeon, +10 per key level if M+
—50 Valor for daily random Heroic dungeon (once per day, used to be more but we have M+ now)
—50 Valor for emissary/calling OR 10 Valor for each world quest or daily quest
—Valor vendor with Normal iLvl gear
—Valor upgrader for pre-existing PvE gear
—Great Vault removed

Raiders would cap out on Valor after clearing Normal or partially clearing Heroic or Mythic. They wouldn’t have to do world content at all, or M+ unless they wanted the base gear drops.

M+ players would cap out on Valor without having to raid.

Open world players and queued content players could reach cap if they were really persistent.


How would you define this? Dedicate to play the whole day?

There was not a true open world gearing system, but Daily Quests awarded 5 Valor each, and many reputations allowed you access to epic-quality gear in certain slots.

In my idea above, I suggested 10 Valor per world or daily quest, given that they are designed to be more time consuming these days. 100 quests per week sounds like a lot to me, even though I generally enjoy world content.

If you were doing queued content on the other hand, a daily random Heroic dungeon per day and a full clear of 10 LFR bosses would only net you 850 per week, so you would have to look for other sources to cap out.


And all this went away with the first tier of MoP. Starting with ToT, you required a raid rep to even buy the gear.

You already get 35 per calling.

You could earn a minor amount of Shado Pan Assault rep from open world activities on the island, but most casual and solo-minded PvE players were running LFR anyway for the gear and were getting hefty rep gains there.

But there is no Valor vendor and the gear that can be upgraded only comes from premade group dungeons. Open world players and toons just end up spending that Valor on overpriced mat caches.


You’d never get exalted during ToT that way.

There was during S2 and S3.

You have never been able to buy gear under the new Valor system.

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No, they didn’t-especially not anywhere nearly as good as SL has provided (which has been far too strong.)

What is like to live in a world where you want to be right so desperately that you just make stuff up?

If one quest is said to be more time consuming, imagine what 100 would be like. I wouldn’t think the next player would agree to dedicate that much time into this game. Lest they be a neckbeard in their mother’s basement with no rent fee.

Also, if one could obtain 50 Valor simply for completing five quests, it would deteriorate the purpose of running Mythic dungeons. We already have a tank shortage – we don’t need it to become bigger.

I want to believe this used to be a thing back in WotLK, but if there was, there would be a huge gap between the difficulties of the content. Complete heroic dungeons —> get raiding gear. That doesn’t too much sense.