End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Their achievements literally says otherwise.

Nothing says you have nothing to add like insulting people who are completely right.

Could be on an alt or an alt account for all we know, there are different ways that people can hide or keep their acievements secrit.

Nothing says you can’t comprehend what is being said like taking one word and thinking it applies to you or a certain group. News flash, the kind of player I called loudmouths here are the ones that do things like attempt the TW MT maybe after the tuning, and still cry “too hard” or those that cry “too long” if they don’t get things instantly.

To put it bluntly, I see 2 groups that need to shut up or at least be ignored:

  1. those that think solo/world content players deserve what they get and shoudl be happy with that
  2. the ones that hid behind terms like “solo”, “casual”. etc when the proper terms for them would be “bad” and “lazy”

Are the people who are “completely right” fall into either of these 2 groups? I think not.

Here is a little fact: I have gotten slammed by both sides, and I have also gooten agreement from both sides, that is aside from those on the extreme ends, maybe this makes what I say more right then anything else and people just don’t like the idea that I am not firmly on either side.


Dude with 19k achievement points isn’t on an alt with account wide achievements disabled, sorry.

tut tut tut.

You insulted people. Twice over too. You lose the argument instantly.

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Thank you for the compliment. No one has ever told me that before. You have given me the courage and inspiration I need to keep moving forward.

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The only people I have insulted are those that think they are in the group I am insulting, But that aside, I don’t argue to win, I argue to fuel discussion or getting people to think. Sometimes that does mean insulting others to give the the proverbial Gibbs slap, but too many don’t take the hint.


Dude, as soon as the ad hominems start, it’s over. You literally have nothing at this point that can counter my points. You didn’t even know Cypher gear was strong like it is.

Not bothering with you anymore.

Maybe I did not because I use raid and M+ gear, I.E> not my content/gear, not the most knowledgeable about it.

Good because to me, you have done nothing but belittle and insult those who were not on board with you, yet the moment someone does it back to you, even if they don’t mean to, you cry that they lose the fight, if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.

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And in this case, there simply is no solo or open world content in Season 4, and DF shows no signs of having a decent progression path like we had in 9.1 Korthia, any patch in Legion/BfA, or certain patches in Wrath, Cata, or MoP.

Undoubtedly. WoW’s subs seemed to start going up again finally in Legion, but started plummeting again in SL. The reason is not that the raiding minority was quitting over being forced to do “chores”, but that the silent majority of potential players did not feel that each expac’s endgame was worth engaging in.

Hardcore players hated being forced to do it for secondary power.

Many solo players enjoyed Torghast but had no reason to do it without gear drops.

Anecdotal, but my closest friends that still play WoW and my guildies don’t do any of the 3 pillars. We might do some M Zeros or M+2 during the dungeon event, but other than that it is all world content, unrated BGs, and queued LFR or Heroic dungeons for quests.

Solo players failed the original Layer 8s because the instances were tuned around having group content gear.

Wrath is not solo-friendly at all without RDF. I’m not going to play it.

I don’t know, either.

Is it some kind of elitism where their main goal is to lord over casuals with a 39+ iLvl gap, and only a 26 iLvl gap would cause indignation?

Or is it some kind of latent actual baby boomer mentality: Shut up you entitled brats and just happily accept whatever the authorities decide?

Soloing rares is a thing.

Solo-pulling a dozen mobs is a thing.

Soloing the higher layers of Torghast is a thing.

Soloing Legion or BfA raids is a thing.

Solo players used to have great progression options in each patch. Those options have been removed entirely. You don’t think this was done intentionally?

The writing is on the wall. Metrics for world content, Horrific Visions, and warfront were too high in BfA, while metrics for raiding were too low. Devs are desperately trying to manipulate the playerbase by nerfing or removing solo gear rewards.

It’s hard to appreciate Season 4 when we got literally nothing. And it’s hard to appreciate DF when it looks like we will be getting a copy-paste job of SL gearing systems.

MMOs can never be solo player games, and I never asked for that, by the way.

WoW has had a huge amount of soloable content since the very day it launched. All I am asking for is that it provide a full and meaningful route for solo progression again.

No, that’s the last thing I want, and I am not competitive in the least.

Having inferior solo progression options does not mean that group content is going to automatically disappear (unless on some level the entire WoW playerbase would rather progress solo, and everyone stops doing the group stuff).

Nice strawman.

I have earned every last achievement and cosmetic from Torghast, and got the Mad World feat of strength when it was available.

But sorry, you can’t stalk my retail armory to find something else to point out that I haven’t done.

I don’t have 19K achievement points. Whoever you are talking about is not my retail toon.


Go play Classic then :man_shrugging:

If they put RDF back in, I will.

tut tut tut, that’s group content.

But it’s the key to making a successful MMO: getting solo-minded players to do and enjoy group content. SL failed miserably because requiring premade groups is a huge barrier to entry and can easily result in toxic experiences.

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So play retail, it has automated queues for everything.

Just make up your mind though. Solo or group.

You’re choosing not to. There’s nothing actually stopping from doing any of the 3 and having a good time together.

The comment I replied to said that casuals could no do those things, which is flat out untrue.

Nope. The highest queued content progression currently available is LFR, which is a full 39+ item levels behind the hardcore players—a full season and a half’s worth of power.

Devs intentionally nuked power progression for solo, open world, queued, unrated, and untimed content starting in SL.


They should force everyone to group to quest for the entire leveling process or you get no experience to enhance the feeling of community.

I feel like your issue is you’re wasting time on the forums instead of just going to play something else.

It honestly feels more satisfying to use my sub time in the forums than to play SL Season 4.

If devs had put something in for me, I would be doing it right now on all my toons.


Why does it have to be one or the other, why can’t it be solo access to group, via queues, that they can be in while doing meaningful solo content?

and I feel they might be wasting time becuase people like you are trying to make it a black and white issue when there are many shades of gray.

To put it one way, you are wanting people to chose between mint and chocolate ice cream when they want say mint chocolate chip or chocolate with mint sprinkles. What is wrong with wanting a mix of the 2 choices?